Dear Friends,

That mythical Maine time of year is upon us– the short-lived season we swoon over, yearn for, share memories about. Summer in Maine is like a beloved short story we get to read again each year, and hold close to our hearts, hoping its verse will warm us on the deepest winter days. The days are lighter, the energy brighter.  

The work our member groups do makes our communities brighter all year long. They continue to work tirelessly for gender justice, environmental justice, affordable housing, support of new Mainers, LGBTQ+ advocacy, and much more. MaineShare is pleased that this month, we are distributing $108,569.18 to our member groups. Our total support of these groups in 2022 is $239,158.50 Since its beginnings, thanks to supporters like you, MaineShare has raised over $6,500,000 for our Member Organizations! We will continue to work on their behalf, and are so proud of the impact they make in Maine. Keep reading below to hear more from these groups.

MaineShare is also thinking about its Fall 2022 Workplace Giving Campaign, and invites you all to consider hosting a campaign at your workplace. No workplace is too big or too small for workplace giving, and it is easy to host a campaign– we guide you every step of the way. Your employees will appreciate your support of local giving, the ability for them to choose who they support, and the ease of a “set it and forget method” that enables them to make a difference. Please contact for more information.

With appreciation,

Amanda Langley (she/her/hers), Director of the MaineShare Program
Exciting Member Updates and Events!
Maine Veterans for Peace working to bring Truth Tellers documentary to local high schools
Maine Veterans for Peace (MVP) has been working hard to support the showing and curriculum around viewing Truth Tellers, a documentary about the artist Robert Shetterly, who paints portraits of justice activists. MVP will be providing financial and logistical support to at least 10 Maine high schools, particularly those serving Black and Indigenous youth, to show this documentary. To support MVP and learn more about their ongoing work, visit here.
Disability Rights Maine provides Learning about Visual Gestural Communication
Disability Rights Maine (DRM) Deaf Services has been providing community education on Visual Gestural Communication (VGC). VGC is not a language, but rather a communication mode that uses gestures, facial expressions, and body language. It is a way to communicate with individuals who experience barriers to languages, such as English or American Sign Language (ASL). VGC can be used as a tool to get and exchange information and opens doors for people who are unable to speak or sign. VGC is essential training for any individual that works or lives with individuals who experience communication barriers. DRM Deaf Services offers free VGC training throughout the state, for individuals, groups and organizations. To learn more about Visual Gestural Communication or schedule a training, please contact Michelle Ames at DRM at
The Genesis Fund: Helping Shalom House Provide Supportive Housing at an Historic Portland Property
Genesis Fund’s nonprofit partner Shalom House, Inc. offers support services and affordable housing to over 2,000 clients with serious mental illness. When a Portland sober living home closed at the historic property 30 Mellen Street, Shalom House saw an opportunity to acquire this property that could offer much-needed housing and support services to impacted individuals and their families.
Shalom House turned to the Genesis Fund to help with project assessment, acquisition, renovation and permanent financing of 30 Mellen St., to ultimately offer an updated property with 22 units of housing with supportive mental health services for single adults and families with adult heads of household who have a diagnosis of a chronic and/or persistent mental illness. Many of the individuals served will come from homelessness or transitional housing; 30 Mellen Street will provide these residents a much more sustainable, permanent home and an overall improvement in the quality of their lives. Read more here!
Maine Peace Fund supporting attendance at World Beyond War’s virtual conference
From July 8-10, World Beyond War will hold their virtual global conference. Maine Peace Fund is pleased to be able to financially support a limited number of tickets to attend. If you are interested, please contact using “#NoWar2022” in the subject line.
Learn about the Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence Liberation Fund
For a survivor of domestic abuse, just one expense – no matter the amount – can be a
barrier when trying to move toward safety and freedom. Founded in July 2020, the Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence (MCEDV) Liberation Fund helps survivors work toward freedom from violence and abuse by providing economic security, safety, and stability. Whether it’s a tank of gas, an unexpected house repair, or home security camera, the Liberation Fund gives Maine’s Domestic Violence Resource Centers the ability to cover expenses that other funding sources cannot. To support the Liberation Fund or to learn more about this and all that MCEDV does, please visit here.
Resources or Organizing and Social Change contest deadline extended!
Resources for Organizing and Social Change (ROSC) is still accepting submissions from local artists to create the new SNAHP logo– the new deadline is Monday, July 11th! The chosen artist will win $200 and credit on the ROSC and SNAHP website! Also, a random entry for the contest will win $50! For more information on logo requirements or details, please contact
Maine People’s Resource Center celebrates legislative victory with Good Samaritan Law
Last legislative session, Maine People’s Alliance (MPA) and Maine People’s Resource Center (MPRC) were proud to support a coalition campaign to pass a bill strengthening Maine’s Good Samaritan Law, LD1862. During the session, MPA’s volunteer lobbyists spoke to many legislators about the bill and MPA member-leader Mikki Rice and many others shared powerful stories of losing loved ones to the enforcement of outdated and punitive drug laws. LD 1862 was signed into law in May, giving our state one of the strongest Good Samaritan laws in the nation. Read more about this victory here.

Image: longtime Maine People's Alliance members Jim Lysen and Ed Fallon
Maine Equal Justice forms housing leadership team to help address the housing crisis
Everyone in Maine should have the safety, opportunity, and peace of mind that comes from being able to afford a decent place to live. But a shortage of housing, out-of-control rents, frequent evictions, insufficient housing vouchers, and exclusionary zoning laws contribute to housing insecurity, debt and homelessness for too many people. We have seen what we can accomplish when we come together - as tenants, as people on the frontlines of the housing crisis, and as advocates. That’s why Maine Equal Justice (MEJ) is convening a Housing Leadership Team to address our state’s biggest housing problems head on.

The Housing Leadership Team is recruiting 8-10 committed people who know from personal experience what low income communities are facing and want to work with MEJ staff to organize for change at the state level. Share your interest and your housing story. Go to to apply to be part of our Housing Leadership team! 
Consumers for Affordable Healthcare educates about changes in MaineCare
Recent changes in MaineCare offer more services and coverage to our community members. These changes include: 
  • Adult dental services- Starting 7/1/22, MaineCare will now cover comprehensive, preventive, diagnostic and restorative dental services for members aged 21 and over. In addition, some noncitizens can access coverage regardless of their immigration status. Call MaineCare Member Services at 1–800-977-6740 to find a participating dentist near you. 
  • Change in “five year bar” - As of 7/1/2022, the “five year bar” for non-citizen children and pregnant persons who reside in Maine will no longer apply if they are income eligible for MaineCare services. Learn more here
For help understanding these changes, MaineCare eligibility, and applying for coverage, reach out to Consumers for Affordable Health Care’s HelpLine at 1-800-965-7476.
New Maine Center for Economic Policy report explores the role of corporate power in high costs
Prices are rising and Mainers are feeling the pinch. At the same time, some of the world’s largest corporations are reporting record profits. This mismatch is the result of choices made by policymakers over time, particularly at the federal level, that have given corporations greater power over people to set prices and control the flow of goods and services. Now, corporations are using this power to extract even larger profits under the cover of current global supply chain disruptions.

The Maine Center for Economic Policy (MECEP) has a new report that explores the role of corporate power in high costs, and what policymakers can do to reduce corporate consolidation while also protecting Mainers against ongoing price increases. Click here to read the new report, Feeling the Pinch: Inflation and corporate consolidation.
Volunteer registration for the 2022 Common Ground Country Fair is open!
Maine Organic Farmers and Growers Association welcomes volunteers for their 2022 Common Ground Fair. Volunteer shifts before, during and after the Fair help support this great event. Individuals, families and groups are all welcome. Every volunteer receives free admission the day of their shift, a meal at the Common Kitchen, camping privileges and a 2022 volunteer t-shirt! Whether you have a favorite shift you like to return to each year or are excited to try something new, now is a great time to choose your shifts. Interested in volunteering as part of a group? Read more and sign up here!
Maine Access Immigrant Network recognized for their work reducing racial health disparities
Maine Access Immigrant Network (MAIN) was the recent focus of an article in the Bangor Daily News. The article focuses on MAIN’s weekly vaccine clinics, and explains how community-focused grassroots work in public health can yield staggering positive results. Because of public health organizations like MAIN, which utilize a Community Health Worker (CHW) program, Maine was able turn the tide on the disproportionately low vaccination rates of refugee and immigrant communities. Now, these same communities are of the most vaccinated in the entire state! Read the entire article here!

Image: Mohamud Barre, Executive Director of the Maine Access Immigrant Network
Natural Resources Council of Maine hosts Brookie Awards for young changemakers
Across Maine, young people are taking bold action for our climate and our environment. That leadership deserves to be celebrated, rewarded, and fostered into lifelong advocacy. Every two years, the Brookie Awards honor six young changemakers who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, creativity, and collaboration, and who have made a significant positive impact in Maine’s environmental movement. NRCM Rising and the Natural Resources Council of Maine are pleased to present the 2022 Brookie Awards to the six outstanding young leaders at our reception and ceremony on July 14 in Portland. Learn more at
Hardy G*rls Healthy Wom*n free summer camp in July
Hardy Girls is offering a FREE summer camp for girls and nonbinary youth, Camp Brilliance, in the Waterville Area, July 18-22. It is focused on arts, activism, and fun! Learn more and register here! 
Holocaust and Human Rights Center offers Free Summer Seminars
The Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine is pleased to offer free Summer Seminars for continuing education credits. Several guests and experts will join both seminars to present and guide discussion. The seminars are designed for teachers, school administrators, and anyone interested in learning more.
Image: Alexandra Magnaud teaching in the Michael Klahr Center rotunda

  • Teaching the Holocaust (August 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19 • 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.) Given the dramatic rise in antisemitism in the United States and elsewhere, it is more important than ever to bring the lessons of the Holocaust into the classroom. This seminar will include sessions on antisemitism, the rise of the Nazis, and the Holocaust itself with an emphasis on useful teaching techniques and resources. Register Here.
  • Anti-Bias Teacher Training (August 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 • 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.) The anti-bias teacher training course will explore hate speech in schools, strategies for confronting prejudice and bias, and building supportive communities. It explores bias-based behavior and harassment and ways to make classrooms and schools safer and more respectful for all students. Register Here.
Maine Farmland Trust Awards Six Maine Farms with Grants to Expand Businesses
Maine Farmland Trust (MFT) announces the award of grants totaling $300,000 to six farms across the state upon the completion of MFT’s Farming for Wholesale program, a two-year program that offers up to 100 hours of individualized business planning and technical assistance to farmers seeking to grow their operations. This is the sixth year that MFT has offered implementation grants to farmers participating in the Farming for Wholesale program, to help build a network of thriving local farms that can supply fresh local food to Maine consumers. To date, the Farming for Wholesale program has provided a total of $1,125,359 in grants to farmers, resulting in more Maine food on supermarket shelves, at farmers markets, and in restaurants.

The 2022 grantees are: Apple Creek Farm in Bowdoinham; Bahner Farm in Belmont; Bumbleroot Organic Farm in Windham; Farmer Kev’s Organics in West Gardiner; Ironwood Farm in Albion; and Pumpkin Vine Family Farm in Somerville. Read more about these farms and this news here!
Defend Our Health elevates food chemical concerns ahead of White House conference
Defend our Health is part of the Toxic Free Food FDA Coalition and seeks help advising the White House on food chemical concerns in advance of their conference in September on hunger, nutrition, and health. The White House is seeking public comments from individuals and organizations throughout the summer, prior to the conference, and this is an opportunity to elevate priority food chemical issues and bring more public attention to them! To add your comments and concerns to this important issue, see these quick and easy steps here.
Upcoming events with Sierra Club Maine!
  • Weekly Wednesday Walks Around Portland- held Wednesdays in July at 5:30, these walks are typically 2-4 miles (about 1.5 hours) on established trails or walkways. Check out Sierra Club Maine's Hiking Meetup Group for more information.
  • Little River Trail Walk in Belfast - July 15 at 3pm. Join this leisurely-paced walk, meet some Sierra Club Maine active volunteers, and learn about what Sierra Club does and how to get involved!
  • Outdoors for All Webinar with Enock Glidden -July 20 at 12pm. As a lifelong resident of Maine and a disabled adventurer, Enock Glidden has made it his life's mission to explore the world. From downhill skiing to scaling the face of El Capitan, he has gleaned firsthand the benefits of outdoor recreation for the disability community. Attendees will hear stories and insights into the life of Enock, including what outdoor recreation has meant for his mental and physical well-being, and see a short film of his ascent of El Capitan.
New Ventures helps Bring Your Business Idea to Life!
New Ventures Maine has an open call for Venturing Forth: Business Planning for Entrepreneurs, a tuition-free online course. For new entrepreneurs or existing business owners, Venturing Forth helps business people create a written business plan from start to finish. The 14-week comprehensive course includes in-class activities, guest speakers, and homework assignments that lead to the completed business plan and road map for success.

The class will meet via Zoom on Tuesdays from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. from August 23 through November 22, 2022. To participate, individuals must complete an online application and attend an orientation and individual interview. Applications are due by noon on Monday, August 15th. Anyone with a business idea or current business is welcome to apply! Read more here!
Maine Hospice Council announces Inaugural Statewide Palliative Care Conference
The Maine Hospice Council and Palliative Care and Quality of Life Interdisciplinary Advisory Council are co-hosting the Inaugural Statewide Palliative Care Conference at the Hutchinson Center in Belfast, October 6-7, 2022. The intensive two-day event is an opportunity for attendees to interact with, and glean valuable information from, local and internationally known clinically experienced palliative care speakers. As one health care worker recently stated, “Palliative Care adds a humane element to the patient/doctor relationship. Palliative care improves quality of life and mitigates suffering.”

For more information about this ambitious conference, please contact the Maine Hospice Council at (207) 626-0651
This is just a small sampling of the critical work MaineShare members do to build a better Maine. Please join us in supporting and learning from the great work of ALL our member groups.
MaineShare | 207-622-0105| |