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“So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.”
Romans 8:1-2, NIV

Over the course of our lives, all of us have many decisions we make and go on to regret. If you’re like me, there can be decisions like this from just the last week! So often, I’m awake at night knowing I could have handled a situation with more grace, more gentleness or greater wisdom.

If your inner critic is at all like mine, it is a powerful voice–and sometimes this is helpful as there’s a selection of flaws to consider and keep from escalating. Mostly, however, it’s a voice that stops me living in the freedom God has promised. It’s a voice that would have me look back and re-live every misstep, every unkind word and every moment where I lacked integrity.

So, this is the verse to which I come back repeatedly. I have it committed to memory and often recite it aloud in the silence, in the car, walking the dog and during morning prayers.

I have seen the effect of looking back rather than looking forward–the fear I am not worthy of the things God has entrusted into my hands, the fear of failure, the fear I haven’t grown as much as I hoped–all things that hinder taking steps into the places where God might call me next, or from devoting myself fully to the things I already have around me.

These are changing words: You belong to God, body and soul, and the Spirit has brought life and freedom. You ARE changed, changing and beloved.

You are free from those past poor judgements in the eyes of God and free to hold new things, to take on new challenges and to have changed beyond recognition.

If your inner critic is out of control, my prayer today is you could take these words to heart, you could pray and thank God earnestly for the things He has entrusted to you, and, piece by piece, you would find restoration and quietness for your spirit and confidence in God’s promises: “There is no condemnation, you belong to Him, and He has filled you with His life-giving Spirit.”
The Rev. Jane P. Ferguson
Associate for Liturgy, Student Ministries and Outreach
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