May 24, 2024

This week in The Good Life series, we're taking a look at Good Marriage. Marriage is a sacred institution designed by God for mutual love, support and growth between a man and woman. This week, we lean into the biblical blueprint for a thriving marriage, emphasizing the importance of selflessness, communication and Christ-centeredness in cultivating intimacy and unity. This is only accomplished by clothing ourselves in the attitudes of Christ.

Trevor Miller, Family Pastor, will be preaching in the Auditorium for the Contemporary Worship services; Bill Bouknight, Retired GMC Guest Pastor, will be preaching in the Sanctuary for the Traditional Worship services.

For those worshiping remotely, you're invited to watch our services online, on Facebook and YouTube.

2023 Annual Report

God worked in amazing ways here at Mt. Horeb in 2023. We are excited to share with you some of those things through our annual report. Hard copies will be available on Sunday morning at tables where you enter and exit. There is also a digital version available on our website, click here. Be sure to check out how God continues His work here at Mt. Horeb each year!

Vacation Bible School

We are so excited about our theme this year, Scuba - Diving into Friendship with God! We have 1520 kids registered for VBS! We need 155 more adult crew guides to walk alongside our children for the morning and afternoon sessions Monday June 10 - Thursday, June 13.

Being a crew guide might be the most rewarding experience of all the VBS opportunities. You get to hang out with preschoolers or elementary kids and lead them to fun craft stations, games, and worship. No planning, prepping, or teaching required. Just great conversation with our next Kingdom builders. 

Would you prayerfully consider serving as a crew guide that will lead them through the different stations that they will take part in throughout their time with us? Register to volunteer at

Camp Apex for Students

Mt. Horeb Students invite you to join us for Camp Apex, where our faith can reach new heights! Nestled in a beautiful outdoor setting only 45 minutes away from Lexington, our camp offers worship, teaching, outdoor activities (kayaking, fishing, archery, swimming, hiking) and friendly competition.

Students will stay in beautiful brand-new cabins overlooking the breathtaking 50-acre Mission Lake. Make plans to have your child join us for an unforgettable week. Our mission? To guide students on a journey toward the apex of their faith. 

Middle School Camp: July 7-10 (FULL)

High School Camp: July 10-13

Click here for more information and to register.

Mens Summer Fitness Group

Our spiritual and physical health go hand in hand. This summer join Scott Farrar and a group of men from the church for morning workouts to get the blood pumping and muscles building. We will pray together and sweat together. The summer workouts will culminate with an Adventure course at Mission Lake. There is a limit of 20 men (18 and up). The cost is $25 and includes all the summer workouts as well as the Mission Lake Adventure Course. The adventure course will be on Saturday, August 3 at 9:00 AM. You will receive a commemorative medal for completing the course and a meal.

The dates are: 6/4 and 6/6, 6/18 and 6/20, 6/25 and 6/27, 7/2 and 7/4, 7/16 and 7/18, 7/23 and 7/25. Register here.

Online Bulletin

If you can't be here on Sunday morning, stay connected through our online bulletin. You can see our weekly financial report as well as a list of needs to pray over. Click here to view our weekly bulletin.