Eco-Friendly Tips of the Month
Chuck Golden
Each month, as part of this newsletter, I am going to share with you my ideas that may work for you as you strive to be more environmentally sustainable.
The Best Live Plants
to Display in a Showroom
Adding showroom plants can, much like plants in your home, enhance the ambiance, create a welcoming atmosphere, and even improve air quality. Here are some low-maintenance indoor plants that would thrive in a showroom environment:

1. Jade Plant (Crassula ovata):
  • Features gleaming dark green leaves. Also known as the “money plant,” it symbolizes wealth and prosperity.
  • Requires six hours of direct sunlight per day and minimal watering.
  • Mature size: 3 to 6 inches tall
2. Gasteria (Gasteria spp.):
  • Is nicknamed “ox tongue” due to its spindly appearance.
  • Needs full sun and minimal water, like most succulents.
  • Mature size: 4 to 24 inches tall
3. African Milk Tree (Euphorbia trigona):
  • Looks like a cactus but is actually a succulent.
  • Features teardrop-shaped green leaves covered in thorns.
  • Thrives in a range of sunlight conditions.
  • Caution: Toxic to pets and humans if ingested.
  • Mature size: 6 to 9 feet tall
4. Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller):
  • Requires little water and is great for beginners.
  • Has beautiful blooms in shades of yellow, red, or orange.
  • Caution: Toxic when eaten, so keep away from pets and young children.
  • Mature size: 2 to 36 inches tall
5. Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata):
  • Is known for its long, slender leaves resembling a snake.
  • Thrives in low light and requires minimal care.
  • Is a great choice for air purification.
  • Mature size: varies depending on the variety
6. Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera deliciosa):
  • Has large waxy leaves with distinctive holes.
  • Tolerates low light and doesn’t need high humidity.
  • Adds a tropical touch to the showroom.
  • Mature size: varies, but can grow quite tall

Remember to choose plants that complement your showroom’s aesthetics and fit the available space. Some tall indoor plants can also be placed in hanging baskets, thereby creating an instant talking point for visitors.
We hope that you have found this checklist useful. We want to learn what your facility is doing to become more environmentally sustainable. Be sure to include pictures whenever possible. Please reply to this e-mail with your information.
Planet Subaru -- Hanover, MA
Planet Subaru, in Hanover, MA, "walks the talk" when it comes to setting an example of commitment to the environment and to the community. Service Manager Christa Collins and Managing Partner Dale Lathrop (pictured below) are understandably proud of the recently installed cloud-based car wash. This innovative system revolutionizes the standard car wash. Advanced technology provides an efficient and eco-friendly way to maintain a clean vehicle. Take a look at these impressive numbers:

  • 23,698: square feet of rain catchment area on the roof of Planet Subaru. That's a little more than half an acre.
  • 1,600: gallons of total system storage capacity
  • 267: vehicle washes, at six gallons per wash, provided by full tanks
  • 10: days the tanks last without additional rain, at an average of 26 washes per day
  • 48,672: estimated gallons of town ground water saved annually

The rainwater collected in the tank is noticeably clear, due to the filtering processes (on the roof, in the downspout, and before the tanks) that take place. The water is filtered one more time, in the pressure washer, before it actually reaches the vehicle to be washed.

A Subaru receives an eco-friendly car wash from the rainwater collected in the tanks. You'll notice that the vehicle is being washed by hand and not by a mechanical car wash.
The cloud-based car wash is one "drop in the bucket" among all the other initiatives taking place at Planet Subaru. In our April, 2023, newsletter we featured an article about Planet Subaru and the 374 solar roof panels they installed in 2011. You can follow the installation process by watching this video. What a great investment that has paid for itself with the reduced costs in utility bills!

In that same newsletter we featured another way in which Planet Subaru reduces expenses -- using goats to help maintain the landscaping! Congratulations to Planet Subaru and their innovative approaches to maintaining a cleaner and greener environment! We appreciate your commitment!
Value of ENERGY STAR Certification Webinar
Tuesday, June 4, 3-4pm Eastern
"Join ENERGY STAR and a dealer panel from dealerships who have earned ENERGY STAR certification as they highlight their energy management actions. Review lessons learned, discuss why they decided to pursue certification and what certification has meant for their business. Discover how tracking and measuring energy use can lead to significant cost savings through energy reduction." This informative webinar takes place on Tuesday, June 4, from 3-4pm Eastern Time. You can register by clicking here.

Energy Star building certification is a crucial factor in ensuring energy efficiency and sustainability in buildings. By obtaining this certification, buildings can significantly reduce energy consumption, lower utility costs, and minimize carbon footprint. It also demonstrates a commitment to environmental responsibility, sustainability and energy efficiency. Additionally, Energy Star buildings contribute to a healthier indoor environment for occupants.
Earth Day 2024 is in the rear-view mirror. It's never too soon to start thinking about Earth Day 2025, coming up on Tuesday, April 22, 2025. How green will you be in 2025? Let us know what actions you took in 2024 by replying to this e-mail. We look forward to hearing about your endeavors.

"Planet vs. Plastics" was the theme of 2024 Earth Day. Plastics pollution is a huge issue in environmental responsibility. As the world grapples with the environmental crisis of plastics pollution, it has become imperative for businesses and individuals to take proactive measures towards sustainable practices. From reducing single-use plastics to promoting recycling initiatives, every effort counts towards preserving our planet for future generations. Recent innovative research is in the process of developing a replacement, made from seaweed, to be used instead of plastic film coverings. Just think about how many times a day you need to tear off a plastic wrapper, from a ream of paper in the office to shrink wrap on ordered parts. Right now this is targeted toward fast food packaging, but the ramifications can be huge if it can be rolled out on a larger scale to encompass additional products that we all use daily! You can watch the video here.

Many of you posted your Earth Day activities on social media. We peruse social media regularly to try to keep up with your "green" endeavors, and we are regularly impressed with what we see. Congratulations and keep up the good work! You just might find your retail facility featured in one of our upcoming newsletters since we plan to highlight Earth Day activities during the next several months. If there is an activity of which you are especially proud, please give us a "heads up" by replying to this e-mail and include the appropriate links to your social media postings or to your web site.
Green Dealer Support neither endorses nor promotes any particular product or company. We are merely offering an example of what is available, should you decide to move forward with any information you read about in this newsletter.
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Chuck Golden
Green Dealer Support