August 2020
This newsletter contains news and information of interest about
Montana Rural Teacher Project. Thanks for staying informed.
Montana Rural Teacher Project spans the state
The map above shows the many schools eligible to host a Montana Rural Teacher Project (MRTP) Candidate. (If you wish to see the map in greater detail, click here and scroll to bottom of the page. You can use the icon in the top left corner of the map to sort by type of school, etc.)

Schools and communities realize many benefits as a result of hosting and hiring a MRTP Candidate. These include:

  • A highly qualified master’s-level teacher candidate working alongside your staff and students;
  • Licensed teacher who is ready on Day 1 to fill an opening in your school after completing their one-year Master of Arts in Teaching degree;
  • 2 years of support provided for your new teacher through mentoring and professional development following degree completion;
  • School leader support through the School Administrators of Montana's Leaders Professional Learning Program; and
  • Board support through Montana School Board Association workshops and training.

Would you like a MRTP Candidate in your community?
Help our team recruit next year's cohort.

We encourage you to identify and talk with prospective MRTP candidates in your region. Please keep these requirements in mind.

The MRTP is a competitive grant-funded program that pays a monthly living wage stipend to students who have been admitted to the Master of Arts in Teaching program at MSU Bozeman. You can learn more about the MAT program here.

MRTP funding is available for up to
15 elementary candidates and 15 secondary candidates.

  1. Because the MRTP pays a living wage stipend, MRTP candidates must not be employed by the school.
  2. Tuition is not paid by the grant; rather, candidates may choose to use their living wage stipend to pay tuition.
  3. Finally, candidates who are accepted into the MRTP must agree to teach in an eligible school for three years post degree completion. More information can be found here.

Please email Jamie O'Callaghan if you have questions.
The first cohort of MRTP Students are heading 'Back to School'

We are excited to announce the first MRTP cohort of 18 teachers. They are from the following communities: Belgrade, Billings, Bozeman, Columbia Falls, Darby, Gardiner, Hamilton, Helena, Hingham, Kalispell, Livingston, Missoula, Scobey, Superior, Thompson Falls, and Whitefish.

Please help us recruit applicants for the next cohort that begins in 2021 (January 2021 for those in Elementary stream; May 2021 for those in Secondary stream). We will prioritize candidates who can be placed in eligible schools. Check the map or click here to see if your community is on the list, and help us recruit candidates from your area

We have a rolling deadline but strongly encourage applicants to submit all materials by October 1, 2020.

Are you hosting a meeting where the MRTP Team could recruit?
If so, please contact Tricia Seifert.
"Camp in a Box" is a SMASHING Success!
As you may recall, we planned for an amazing Inclusive Community Camp, where students with more support needs (those who typically have some form of accommodation in their classroom learning space) attend a summer camp focused on health enhancement and arts education alongside students without these support needs. With COVID-19, our plans changed. Although students did not come to the MSU campus for an immersive and interactive camp experience, our team was committed that camp must go on and 'camp in a box' was born.

The unbelievable MSU team oversaw, not 1, but 18 Inclusive Community Camps across the state and beyond. Campers were paired with camp guides (MAT students, MRTP Candidates, and undergraduate MSU pre-service teachers) in their home town. Together, they created works of art, jumped rope, played with squishy balls, and had a great time.

Students developed their educational technology skills, sharing and reflecting on their unique camp experience with their classmates and instructors. The feedback has been out of this world. Camp guides shared the following highlights:

"Getting to build such positive relationships with kiddos in such a short period of time." 

"Working directly with my campers for 2 to 2.5 hours each day, the challenge of building rapport and joy of gaining and understanding of what does or doesn't work for them. Our most successful day was Day 5 when I had an opportunity to tailor content to the campers. This was a welcome and necessary challenge."

"Working closely with other "teachers" to collaborate on ideas, provide feedback, and give support."

Along with highlights, they showed a true spirit of gratitude. One of the students wrote:

"I just wanted to reach out and thank you both for all your hard work you put into ICC. None of this would have been possible without you two! Thank you for continuing to make it happen even with the pandemic happening, I know that couldn’t have been easy. My camper and I loved being part of the first ever ICC, it was truly an honor, and can’t wait to see the camp continue in the future!"

Kudos to this team! They were given lemons and made the finest lemonade.
Thank You to our MRTP Partners
  • MSU Academic Technology & Outreach and Nicole Soll who ensured all materials were properly packed along with awesome Bobcat gear
  • Swivl who provided a discount on the video cameras and stands
  • Terrell's Office Solutions who offset the cost of shipping

We are so grateful for your support of the Inclusive Community Camp.
Do you know an aspiring teacher? Please share this newsletter so they can apply for the Master of Arts in Teaching Program!