Please help keep your community beautiful by keeping your properties properly maintained. This includes keeping your lawns properly mowed, weeded and edged, removing any trash, dirt and debris from your property, removing dead trees, shrubs, and plants.

Section 3.13 Grass and Shrubbery. The Owner of each Lot shall install or cause to be installed solid sod grass in the area between the front of his residence and the curb line of the abutting Street and the side yard of such Lot out to the curb on all corner Lots and landscape his Lot in accordance with the Design Review Guidelines... Grass and weeds shall be kept mowed to prevent unsightly appearance, and all curbs, drives and 11 walkways shall be kept edged. Dead or damaged trees shall be promptly removed or replaced, and if not removed by the Owner upon request, then the Association may remove or cause to be removed such trees at the Owner's expense and shall not be liable for damage caused by such removal…

Section 3.24 Owner's Maintenance. Each Owner and Occupant of a Lot shall at all times be obligated to maintain his property and all improvements thereupon (including the area between the boundary lines of his Lot and curb or edge of adjacent Streets), so as to keep same in a clean, sightly and safe condition and to conform with the Design Review Guidelines and any specific standards which the Board of Directors may adopt by resolution for the Properties…
Unless expressly assumed by the Association, an Owner's maintenance obligation shall include, but not be limited to: the maintenance of all visible exterior surfaces of all buildings and other improvements; the prompt removal of all paper, debris, and refuse; the removal and replacement of dead and diseased trees and plantings; the repair, replacement, cleaning and revamping of all signs and lighting fixtures; the mowing, watering, fertilizing, weeding, replanting and replacing of all approved landscaping; and, during construction, the cleaning of dirt, construction debris and other construction-related refuse from Streets and storm drains and inlets…


If you have questions, please contact Leslie Ramos at the Association Office at 210-740-4976
or via email at lramos@ccmcnet.com