Regarding Impact of 2020 Census Date on District's Trustee Area Map
The District’s Governing Board utilizes a by-trustee area election system in compliance with the California Voting Rights Act (“CVRA”). However, following each federal census, the Board must approve adjustments of trustee area boundaries, if necessary, to make sure the population in each trustee area is as nearly as equal as practicable, amongst other considerations. (Education Code section 5019.5(a).) In late September 2021, following a delay due to COVID-19, the 2020 Census data was approved and released by the California Department of Finance.
School districts with trustee area systems are required to review and, if necessary, adjust their trustee area map by March 1, 2022 to ensure population balance. If the population is no longer balanced, and the Board fails to adjust the boundaries after the Census data is released but before March 1, 2022, the County Committee on School District Organization is required to do so by April 30, 2022. In such cases where the County Committee must conduct this review and make changes on the District’s behalf, the District is required to “reimburse all reasonable costs incurred by a county committee in adjusting the boundaries.” (Education Code section 5019.5(b).)