SB 743 Implementation
NCST Calculator - Truck Adjustment
The NCST Calculator, a tool for estimating induced VMT on transportation projects, does not exclude heavy-duty trucks from its elasticity estimates. Since SB 743 guidance generally focuses on passenger and light-duty vehicles, adjusting results used in VMT analyses for transportation projects is appropriate. After reviewing the associated research, we are now using a procedure that excludes heavy-duty trucks from the calculator output.
Housing & VMT Mitigation
One of the more effective strategies that may be used to mitigate induced travel for transportation projects on the State Highway System is the facilitation of VMT-efficient housing projects.
This new guidance clarifies that a transportation project can take the full mitigation credit of a housing development if it demonstrates that “but for” the contribution, the project would not have developed the housing project.
Reconnecting Communities Handbook
The draft is available for public comment until COB Monday, March 27.
Sr. Transportation Planner
Tina has a BS in Policy, Planning, and Development and an MA in Planning. She joined Caltrans five years ago and has worked on a variety of initiatives in Districts 7 and 8. Most recently, she was a member of District 7’s Active Transportation and Complete Streets branch. 
Sr. Transportation Planner
Fran has BS in Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning. She has spent most of her professional career in environmental consulting, conducting analysis pursuant to CEQA and NEPA. Fran currently serves on the Sacramento Women’s Transportation Seminar board.