August 2024| Center for Human Health and the Environment | |
A Note from the Director
Hello everyone,
I hope you have enjoyed one of my favorite months of the year! For me, 4th of July is a special time to get together with our family and friends, swim, eat home-grown veggies, and honor our family members who served this country. For others it may mean a long-awaited family vacation or some quiet time away from the lab or office. If it weren't for the crazy ups and down(pour)s of the weather, July might be #1 for more of us... especially if you enjoyed Prime days! Soon we will welcome a new group of students to campus and our labs, as well as new leadership in COS, GGA, GSL, and ORI (see below).
I hope you and your trainees will join us at the CHHE retreat at Talley to hear a little more about changes proposed in the grant renewal, research updates from Pilot Project recipients, and engage with our Stakeholder Advisory Board. Our grant will be reviewed in the coming weeks, so I cannot say how important it is to fill out the CHHEK survey (This is updated for every member as you submit your survey, and we will use everyone's ORCID ID to track and highlight your publications. By 2025, all work funded by NSF and NIH will be required to use this ID and it is now linked to SciENcv. The Environmental Health Sciences Core Center (EHSCC) national meeting is coming up in September - congratulations to Natalia Duque-Wilckens and Jen Runkle for having their abstracts chosen for the Early Stage Investigator poster session, and David Aylor for his panelist role in the Career Development Program Successes session. The rest of the agenda is not yet finalized. More on that soon.
Enjoy the Olympics and the last few days before school (and traffic) starts back up!
Sue Fenton
Toxicology Bldg. rm 1104E
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Aug 15: CMI Ideation Event 8:00am-5:00pm McKimmon Conference Training Center Register
Faculty and trainees will bring their brightest ideas together at the CMI Ideation Event at the McKimmon Center. CHHE has joined forces with CMI to promote the very best collaborative environmental health science. Find out more about the reimagined CMI research focus areas and the current membership.
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Aug 28: CHHE Summer Retreat 2:00pm-6:00pm Talley Student Union, Piedmont Ballroom Register | |
Yogeshi Saini New Pilot Project Program Co-lead
Yogesh Saini (CVM) has joined Hong Wang (COS) on the CHHE leadership team as the Pilot Project Program (PPP) co-leads. They will be leading the upcoming PPP efforts. Welcome aboard, Yogesh!
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Carolyn Mattingly New Career Development Program Director
As you likely know, Carolyn Mattingly has been the esteemed Biological Sciences Department Head since February 2018. On August 1, she turned over the reins of the largest department on NC State campus to Dr. Bruce Schulte. CHHE is fortunate to have Carolyn join our leadership team in the role of Career Development Program Director! You can now find Carolyn in her office in the Toxicology Building.
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Jeff Yoder New Genetics and Genomics Academy Director
On August 1, Dr. Jeff Yoder will replace Dr. Fred Gould as the Executive Director of NC State's Genetics and Genomics Academy. Jeff has served as the CHHE Career Development Program Director and is stepping down to take on this new and exciting leadership role. He will continue to help in the career development program as a mentor and will be moving his lab to main campus!
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Farewell to Andy Baltzegar
CHHE bids a fond farewell to Andy Baltzegar as he and his wife begin new jobs in Georgia. Andy has had a critical role as our Systems Technology Core (STC) Director in CHHE and will be dearly missed. Kelly Sides, his long-time GSL colleague, will begin her STC and Interim GSL Director roles in late August. All the best to you and your family, Andy!
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Anne Spuches Receives Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching
Dr. Spuches, professor in the Department of Chemistry and Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Advancement Council’s Distinguished Professor in the Natural Sciences and Mathematics, received the Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching. The award recognizes a sustained record of distinguished teaching by a tenured faculty member and is one of the highest teaching awards presented at ECU. Article
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Lacey Brown Completed Her Master's Degree
Big congratulations to CEC community engagement specialist, Lacey Brown, for completing her Master’s Degree in Climate Change and Society! Lacey’s research used data from the CEC’s most recent statewide survey of North Carolinians to explore public perceptions of climate change and their implications for environmental communication efforts. Congratulations, Lacey!
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Pilot Project Program
NC State/NIEHS Center for Human Health and the Environment is soliciting applications for pilot project proposals for this fall. Applicants must submit a brief letter of intent along with a pre-proposal abstract or concept paragraph to by September 1, 2024, to ensure that the topic is relevant to the mission of CHHE. Full applications are due by September 15, 2024 at 5:00 pm. EDT.
Individual awards will range upwards to $25,000 (direct costs) for one year and CHHE expects to fund up to seven proposals. CHHE will also award up to two $50,000 (direct costs) proposals for dual-investigator, multi-disciplinary collaborative research which requires additional funding and separate budgets.
The CHHE Pilot Project Program (PPP) fosters collaborations, increases interdisciplinary research and aids in the career development of early career investigators to advance environmental health research. The overarching goal of CHHE’s PPP is to provide support for research aimed at understanding the adverse impacts of environmental factors on human health and disease. The CHHE PPP encourages multidisciplinary/collaborative approaches and the use of CHHE’s cores and resources, as well as community engaged projects.
Pilot Project Guidelines
Click here to learn more about the CHHE Pilot Project Program.
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Community Grant Program
The CEC is now accepting applications for its 8th annual Community Grant program, which helps nonprofits and educators across the state address environmental health issues in their communities. Funding must address the intersection of environmental and human health, and may be used for one year of research, data analysis, community engagement, community science, education and outreach, or evaluation. Please share this announcement with any organizations and/or educators who may be interested in this opportunity. Flyer
Letter of intent due: September 1, 2024
Applications due: September 30, 2024
For questions, contact Katy May:
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FREE Single Cell RNAseq Project
The NC State Genetics and Genomics Academy and the Center for Human Health and the Environment (CHHE) have partnered with the GSL and the Bioinformatic Research Center to offer a mini-proposal contest promoting HIVE single cell RNAseq technology at NC State. Winning participants will get free NGS library prep and sequencing, as well as first pass analytics completed courtesy of the NC State Bioinformatics Consulting & Service Core.
Interested parties must submit a proposal (as an attached Word document) to, no later than September 15th. Please put “HIVE Mini-proposal” in the Subject Line of the email. The deadline for proposal submissions is Sunday, September 15th, 2024. Flyer
This is a fantastic opportunity for students or investigators to test out an RNAseq project, gain familiarity with the approach, and perhaps get some initial preliminary data without cost.
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Recent Publications
Craspase: A Novel CRISPR/Cas Dual Gene Editor George Huo, Jennings Shepherd & Xiaoping Pan
Stable Isotope Tracing Analysis in Cancer Research: Advancements and Challenges in Identifying Dysregulated Cancer Metabolism and Treatment Strategies Hilovsky D, Hartsell J, Young JD, Liu X
Effects of maternal exercise on infant mesenchymal stem cell mitochondrial function, insulin action, and body composition in infancy Jevtovic F, Zheng D, Claiborne A, Biagioni EM, Wisseman BL, Krassovskaia PM, Collier DN, Isler C, DeVente JE, Neufer PD, Houmard JA, May LE.
Maternal exercise increases infant resting energy expenditure: preliminary results Jevtovic F, Collier DN, DeVente J, Mouro S, Claiborne A, Wisseman B, Steen D, Kern K, Broskey N, May LE.
Exercise during pregnancy Dose: Influence on preterm birth outcomes Claiborne A, Wisseman B, Kern K, Steen D, Jevtovic F, Mcdonald S, Strom C, Newton E, Isler C, Devente J, Mouro S, Collier D, Kuehn D, Kelley GA, May LE.
Assessment of PM2.5 Concentration at University Transit Bus Stops Using Low-Cost Aerosol Monitors by Student Commuters Murray W, Wu Q, Balanay JAG, Sousan S.
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Cite the Center
Cite and acknowledge NIH award support and the CHHE’s P30 grant in future publications and presentations by including this –
“Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P30ES025128. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.”
Click here for instructions on how to add the CHHE grant to your Publications in MyNCBI
Publications citing the Center grant in the acknowledgements of a manuscript and in the deposit of the manuscript in the NIH Manuscript Submission (NIHMS) system are the currency for the P30 renewal!
PINS: Select "Center for Human Health and the Environment" as the center when submitting your proposals
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CHHE Branding Materials
The CHHE letterhead, logos, and powerpoint slides are all available on the website.
Download these materials for your presentations and communications.
Order Your CHHE Business Cards Today!
We're excited to offer personalized CHHE business cards for all members, complete this form.
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