Straight to the Point
December 14, 2021
Rev. Olivier This Sunday

Rev. Del Olivier will join us Sunday December 19th to deliver the Message.
New Choir Director

 We are delighted to welcome Noah Towns as our church's new Choir Director! Noah will begin working with the choir on Sunday, December 19, 2021! We are excited to have Noah as his music skills are fantastic- his experience as a vocalist, musician and choir director will be invaluable in building up our Choir and music offerings. Please join us in welcoming Noah to 1st Cong/UCC!!
  Fellowship Time Returns

 The nurture committee will provide the wrapped treats. We need people to sign up to host the Fellowship time starting December 5. Please sign up for a Sunday that works for you. There is a sign up sheet on the table by the front door or give Michael a call and he can fill in your time for the week you can do.
Admiration Series

Will not be meeting this Sunday as Todd is out of town.

Staff Christmas Gifts 

We would like to honor our Church Staff this holiday season. If you would like to donate towards a gift to our staff, please send your donation to the church and note “Staff Appreciation”. The funds received will be prorated and distributed accordingly to staff member’s schedule hours and length of employment. Please make sure to send your donations in by December 17th so that they can be distributed before Christmas. For questions, please contact Pam Ridgway, Council President.

The church will be purchasing 10-12 poinsettias to display at the front of the church behind the pulpit for the Christmas Season. If you would like to purchase one for a family member or to enjoy after the Christmas Season, please send $20 to the church office and indicate it is for a poinsettia and we will let you know when they are available to pick up.
Advent Activity
Mission's commitee is hoping everyone will join in and contribute to the boxes under the Christmas trees at church or start your own at home. The Advent boxes will be delivered by the Book Club on December 20th so we need your contributions at church by the 19th. Wrapped boxes are available at church if you need one. Help make Christmas happier for those less fortunate.
HYVEE Receipts
Submitted by Ginger France
HYVEE receipts marked August 1 and later may be saved and turned in at church. They may be put into the balloon wrapped box on the table by the church office.
Moving-On Box Ministry
Submitted by Ginger France
In supporting the 'gift' of moving on, we fill lives with hope and household essentials for those leaving transitional housing at , Crossroads, Welcome Home, and Women Aware.

MOB Needs:
Small plastic glasses
Cookie sheets
Cake Pans
Toilet paper
Laundry Soap
Dish soap
Doug Siefker
Sharleen Sorum (Michelle Schwerin's mother)
Thank You, Volunteers!

A big "thank you" goes out to our volunteers who helped with Sunday Services this week.

Fill-in Minister - Todd Siefker
Worship Leader - Eileen Helvig
Cantor- Steve Lundberg
Live Stream - Pam Ridgway/Jerrod Kiernan
Sound/Lighting - Dave Van Berkum/John Kiernan
Screen - Jerrod Kiernan
Managed by the Office
We are using Instant Church Directory. Printed versions of our directory are available in the narthex or by request. Please inform the office of any directory updates that you would like to include for yourself or your family. You can also pick up one of the directory update forms on the table outside the church office or find it on our website.

To access the directory online visit and you should be able to create a login using the email listed in the church directory. If you need any help accessing the directory or would like a copy emailed to you, contact the church office for assistance.
Join Us

We invite you to engage and strengthen your faith with these practices:
THE PRACTICE OF WORSHIP: Live Streamed on Facebook and Youtube, and recorded
We Live Stream our Sunday morning worship service via the church’s page on Facebook and Youtube at 10:30am on Sunday mornings. Every service is recorded and available to play at any time on those platforms. If you have trouble, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the church for help. 
THE PRACTICE OF LEARNING: Zoom learning sessions each week 9:30 a.m. each Sunday.
Engage your mind in learning through theological reflection, asking hard questions about God and life, and test your embedded theology to see if that where you want to be.

With Todd Siefker taking over the responsibility of the Sunday sermon and 9:30 a.m. book study, we have temporarily suspended our Wednesday night Admiration Series meetings.

A Closing note about ZOOM:
If you don’t have the ability or the equipment to use Zoom or Facebook to participate in these practices, please call the office. We will be happy to help you find a solution to fully participate in the life of the church.

Link to our Youtube where you can watch our services live and recordings of past services:
Click HERE
FCUCC Finances for November 2021
Updates from Church Treasurer
Giving last month amounted to $7,984, from mail-in, online giving, and Sunday offerings.

You can help us stay on track by mailing in your check or setting up an automatic payment from your bank. You can also contribute through a simple app called is our online, app and web-based giving system. It's convenient because it:
  • Accepts debit, credit or bank account info
  • Can be set up for a one-time payment, or automatic regular payments
  • Can be changed at any time (there are no contracts or commitments)
Go to to sign up online, or download the app on any iPhone/Apple or Android device.
Remember to Support FCUCC Financially During this Time!
Church Office Hours

11:30am.-3:30pm. Sunday
9am.-1pm. Monday-Thursday

Church Staff:

Michael Danner, Church Office/Organist

Todd Siefker, Intergenerational Coordinator

Jim McCrory, Custodian

Jessica Orr, Nursery Coordinator
Church Contact Information

(712) 239-3385
4600 Hamilton Boulevard
Sioux City, IA 51104
(712) 239-3385