May 22, 2021
Message from the Executive Director
Dear Families,

As I prepare this update, I am heartened to see how quickly things are changing in our region. Over the past several weeks, there has been a great deal of encouraging news, including a remarkable increase in the availability of vaccines to prevent further infections, a significant decrease in the number of new COVID cases, and a return to more normal operations for many businesses. While we can’t yet say that this pandemic is entirely behind us, it seems that we have turned a corner and many of us have an optimistic view of what lies ahead. I truly thank you for your caution, patience, and cooperation throughout these past 15 months.

I want to update you today on the plans for the last 5 weeks of this school year. I will send you a separate update next week with additional information about our current plans for the 2021-2022 School Year.
Finishing Strong - End of School Year on June 24
In these final weeks, we are focused on:
  • Providing increased access to on-campus learning opportunities for students in grades that have not had full-time, full-week campus access for much of the school year, specifically 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th grades. (See grade specific info below.)

  • Supporting students who receive specialized learning supports (SLS) to make progress towards their individualized learning goals. 

  • Ensuring students are well-prepared to advance to the next grade and have completed all required course topics.

  • Managing overall capacity at each campus consistent with our agreements with local neighborhoods, traffic movement plans, and our protocols related to the health situation.

  • Maintaining health and safety protocols as guided by the Montgomery County Health Department, the State of Maryland, and the CDC.
All grades will finish the year at the Bradley Campus and continue their program 5 days per week with half-day on-campus learning and afternoon distance learning activities. There are no changes at these levels.
At the Rollingwood Campus:

  • 1st and 2nd grade classes as well as Immersion students will continue with their daily programs 5 days per week. There are no changes at these levels.
At the Forest Road Campus:

  • 3rd grade will continue in its current weekly program: 4 days/week on-campus and 1 day/week (Thursdays) distance learning. Note: The last day of school, Thursday, June 24, will be an on-campus day. 

  • 4th and 5th grade students will have increased time on campus starting on June 7th. During these final 3 weeks of school, the classes will no longer be divided into A/B/C groups and all in-person students will attend their classes on campus each week, still maintaining their 4 day/week on-campus schedule with Thursdays continuing as distance learning days. Note: The last day of school, Thursday, June 24, will be an on-campus day. 
Middle School
  • 6th grade will continue their full-time on-campus learning schedule 5 days per week. There are no changes at this level.

  • 7th and 8th grade will have increased time on campus starting June 1st. For these last 4 weeks of school, the classes will no longer be divided into A/B groups and all in-person students will attend their classes on campus each week.

  • 9th grade will continue its full-time on-campus learning schedule 5 days per week. There are no changes at this level.
High School
  • 10th graders will continue their current full-time on-campus learning schedule until June 4th. The students then participate in their internship / orientation week program for 2 weeks (June 7 - 18) and will complete the final 4 days of the school year (June 21 - 24) will be online classes only.

  • 11th graders will continue their current full-time on-campus learning schedule through the end of May. Starting June 1st students will come to campus only for their baccalaureate exams and will complete their other coursework in online classes only. There are no changes from the information communicated on April 16.

  • 12th graders will continue to come to campus only for their baccalaureate exams according to the schedule on their convocation documents. There are no scheduled classes after their last exam. 

  • All graduating students (12th graders and other students going on to attend a college or university next school year) are invited to a Graduation Ceremony on campus on June 17th (rain date June 18th). Families will receive a formal invitation shortly.
Health and Safety Protocols - all grade levels
Throughout the past 15 months we have developed policies that are guided by county, State and national health agencies. We will maintain all the risk mitigation strategies that we have had in place throughout the year for these remaining 5 weeks. This includes:

  • Daily health questionnaire for all students (
  • Mask wearing for all persons on campus
  • Physical distancing in all on-campus activities
  • Student groups (cohorts) will be maintained
  • Ventilation in all rooms - open windows and doors, air purifiers, etc.
  • Cleaning and sanitizing measures in all instructional rooms and school buses
  • Hand hygiene for all persons on campus
You may observe other local businesses relaxing some of their protocols (mask wearing, distance requirements, etc.). As a school, we fall in a different category of operations and therefore our approach may look different than what you see at other businesses. 
While the end of the school year may seem around the corner, I hope you can see from the information above that our faculty and staff are fully dedicated to making the most out of these next 5 weeks while also planning for the school year ahead. I am so grateful for the hard work of our teachers and staff and also for the partnership of all of our families, particularly in this school year. 

Kind regards,
Hélène Fabre, Executive Director