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Dear BioNJ Member,


New Jersey’s biopharmaceutical ecosystem has for generations proudly served as one of the true hotbeds of discovery and innovation. But that tradition is at risk. 


Our State Legislature is actively considering S-1066/A-2418, legislation that would create a government Prescription Drug Affordability Board with authority to conduct “cost reviews” and enact price controls via upper payment limits. 


We believe this is the wrong way to address the costs Patients pay for necessary prescriptions. Price controls inevitably harm investment, innovation and Patient access. Click here to learn more.


Please click here for a template letter to send to your legislator on this important issue. We hope you will join us in voicing your concerns with this proposal to your legislator. For additional information, please contact John Slotman, Vice President of Government Affairs, at JSlotman@BioNJ.org. Thank you.



Debbie Hart

President and CEO

Visit www.BioNJ.org for information.