Friday Newsletter

August 9, 2024

This Sunday

10 am: Worship Service in Boulder Hall with guest speaker Tommy Van Cleave, assistant dean for civic engagement @ Willamette University

11:15 am: Coffee Hour

11:30 am: All-Family Meeting

Nursery care available.

Don't forget to check your garden to add to the Plethora of Produce this week. Leave a veggie, take a veggie at Sunday service!


Parents – Please attend an in-person session on Aug 11 or Aug 18 @ 11:30am to let your voice be heard as Westminster discerns a way forward for our youth, children, and infant programming. Read more from Pastor Kelly about possible changes here and view the accompanying informational slides here.

Questions? Contact Rachelle Hughes (, Susan Tanabe (, or Luanne Barnes ( 

Looking Ahead

June 25-August 20: Tuesday Bible Study (10:30 am)

July 7-August 25: Sunday Morning Worship in Boulder Hall 

July 27-August 9: Youth Puerto Rico Mission Trip

August 10: Weekend event with Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow POSTPONED

August 11 & 18 @ 11:30 am: All Family Gatherings

August 14 @ 6:30 pm: Leadership Lab (for all elders, deacons, chairs, & staff) via Zoom

August 18 @ 1:00 pm: Vacation Bible Camp Volunteer Training

August 26-August 30: Vacation Bible Camp

September 8 @ 11:30: Church Picnic & Fall Festival for teams and committees to share what they are working on and invite new volunteers

Access the full church calendar here. To add or correct something, please email


Women's Night Out is Monday, August 12, at 6 pm at McMenamins Thompson. Please RSVP to Linda Miller at 503-363-8939 or

Tuesday morning Bible studies continue (10:30 at the church) this summer. Anyone is welcome to join!


If you made a pledge or donated in 2024, you should be receiving a giving statement covering January through July within the next few days. Please look over your statement and contact Terri Crall ( if you have questions or see any problems. Thank you for your generosity!

A couple name changes--Our Mission/Peace/Eco-Justice Committee (MPEJ) will now be known as Outreach for Social Justice (OSJ). Our Outreach Committee will now be known as Congregational Vitality Committee (CV).

Deadline to include information in the Fall 2024 Special Edition newsletter is Aug 23 to be published the following week (


From our Buildings & Grounds committee: Salem for Refugees Donation request! Due to several large families arriving, we need more Infant/Toddler Restart Kits. Check out this flyer for instructions on what to include in these kits. We have plenty of tubs - come pick one up and fill it with fun baby stuff! This is an amazing way to support new families and we are grateful for your support. Donations can be dropped off Mondays through Thursdays between 9:00 and 5:00, and Fridays between 9:00 and 12:00.

We are still needing help to fill our Table of Plenty bins which are located by the drinking fountain. Needed? canned vegetables and fruits, canned beans--black, navy, garbanzo, kidney, and baked--cooking supplies, soups, tomato sauces, chili, canned spaghetti, ravioli, cereals, pastas, peanut butter, and canned meats and fish. No perishables, only canned or packaged foods, and not opened. Let's fill those bins!

The School Supply Drive is on! During the months of July and August, we are collecting basic school supplies for several schools in our area. Collection boxes have been set up in the Narthex. Any donations are appreciated – paper, pens, pencils, crayons, markers, binders, folders, etc. Thank you in advance for helping make this school supply drive a success.

Vacation Bible Camp is approaching! August 26th-30 is almost upon us. We still need volunteers for crew leaders, station helpers, snack helpers, Monday and Tuesday registration, Sunday setup, and Friday cleanup. If you can't be there all week but can give time one or more days, Terri can fit you in! There will be a Volunteer Meeting Sunday, August 18, at 1:00pm in Boulder Hall. All VBC volunteers should plan to attend to learn about plans and procedures for fun and safety! Contact Terri Crall ( with questions or to sign up.

As our new childcare center, Blue Bells Academy, continues to grow and thrive here at Westminster, we are looking for a few people to step in and serve as a liaison team between the childcare and the congregation. This would mean being a point of contact for Blue Bells leadership to communicate with us if a need arises or there is a way we can help them out! We are experiencing a really exciting time at Westminster as we become a leader in transforming church education wings into hybrid childcare/Sunday school spaces. Currently Blue Bells is providing care for 30 children and expects to continue to enroll families through the summer into the fall. If this sounds like something you have some energy to contribute to, please contact Vik Schaaf ( or Jill Whitney ( Thank you so much for prayerfully considering this way to help Westminster as we move into the future! 


for the Gardner family at the unexpected loss of Brenda. Especially pray for Braden (Brenda's son) as he finishes up his time in Puerto Rico with our youth mission trip.

In the Community

Salem for Refugees also asked us to ask you for leads on available rental properties, spare rooms, etc., to help support their mission of helping several new neighbor families find stable housing. You can contact them directly at or talk to the church office.

Friday Nights for the Future: a Summer Heatwave Film Festival

Everyone is invited - 7 pm on Fridays

1st Congregational UC 

700 Marion St. NE

Parking lot and entrance are south of the church.

Refreshments and discussion follows the film viewing.

No registration required.

Sponsored by Salem Environmental Faith Network, for which WPC is on the steering committee.

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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