You are invited to worship with us!

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

July 28, 2024

Worship in person and on Facebook Live at 11:00am on Sunday!

This week we will be collecting donations to support the Community Food Pantry! We invite you to bring peanut butter, jelly, or kid-friendly cereal and place them on the Lord's Table as you enter worship!

We will also be welcoming NEW MEMBERS following worship! Talk to Neeley if you are interested in membership!

Summer Sunday School starts at 10:00am for the last week.

Childcare is provided for Worship and Sunday School.

Facebook Link for Worship
Talk to Neeley to learn about membership!
Upcoming Ministry Opportunities


Email questions to Erin!
Email Mark about Music Ministry!

Current Book Study!


All are invited to join us as we read and discuss

Accidental Saints: Finding God in All the Wrong People

by Nadia Boltz-Weber on Tuesdays this July and August!


We are meeting in the Parlor at 5:30pm to discuss Accidental Saints with discussion led by Erin and Neeley!

Childcare is provided!

RSVP to by August 6th

A Congregational Meeting will be held on August 18th immediately following worship to hear the nominating committee's selections for our Class of 2027 Officers.

Our Worship team is creating NEW Advent Paraments for our worship space! We want you to be a part of the creation! 

We invite you to bring in a piece of fabric - purples and rust browns - to add to our organ banner and pulpit banner. You may bring in a small piece of fabric from a favorite old shirt, a blanket, or a piece that represents your family. We only need shades of purple or brown. We ask that your fabric piece is no larger than hand length. Please bring your pieces to Neeley by July 30. Questions contact Pat Harper, Beverly Kratz, or Debi Selin! 

Friends of FPC

Click to Register
General Ministry Information

May Finance Report:

May was a good month! However, we are now into the summer slump. We all want and need time away from our regular routine, however, we do want to remind you that even though it is summer the church still has “bills to pay.” It would be very helpful if you would keep making your donations, both pledged and non-pledge during your time away from church services. 

Finance Reports are updated following approval in monthly Finance Team meetings.

Click HERE to Give Online
Click HERE for the May Finance Report

Space Update:

Great news! We are updating our building with a new security system. Please be aware of work areas throughout the church building. We will be sure to communicate all space changes if needed. Questions: contact Catherine or Neeley

Our finance team has finalized our 2024 Operating Budget but it’s not too late to make your commitment by offering your Time, Talent, and Treasures! Submit your Pledge Card today to be included in our 2024 Operating Budget!

Visit the Stewardship page of our Website!

People to Think About this Week

Our Choir Kick-off last night was so much fun! All are welcome to join our Handbell and Chancel Choirs this fall! Weekly Wednesday night rehearsals start back on August 7th!

July Birthdays
August Birthdays

Please keep the following people and their families in your prayers this week:

Most recent prayer requests

Requests will be moved to “ongoing” after three weeks unless the office is notified

  • Liz Bowen, friend of Curtis & Carolyn Watson - recovering from brain surgery
  • Alicia Taylor, friend of congregation
  • Doug Bolton - recovering from surgery

Ongoing prayer requests

Requests will be removed from “ongoing” after six weeks unless the office is notified.

  • Bernice Bailey
  • Alexandria Craddock, sister-in-law of Beverly Kratz - broken femur
  • Carol McGiboney - heart issues
  • David & Lauren Wang, family of Beth Lamb
  • Teresa Mosely, friend of Luke Usry - breast cancer
  • Wesley Berg, friend of Tom Crews - pancreatic cancer
  • Armondo Castro, friend of Mark Fogarty
  • Bob Darby, friend of Jeff MacKenzie - leg amputated, kidney problems
  • Charlie Kennon, brother of Larry Kennon
  • Vonzella Lee, friend of Barbara Martin
  • Nancy, friend of Mark & Jennifer Fogarty - stage IV pancreatic cancer
  • Donald Vining, brother of Danny Vining - knee replacement recovery & ongoing vision loss
  • Martha Young, grandmother of Cotton Young - cancer


  • We are excited to announce that Jiyeong Seo will continue her role as seminary youth intern with us for the fall semester!

Military Service

  • Koen Ardis - Navy
  • Billy Scarborough - Marines
  • Clint Williams - Army
  • Daryl Williams - Army

Independent and Assisted Living

  • Penny Blakeney - Prema at Ashton Hills
  • Homer Borders - Presbyterian Village
  • Jean Elder - Florida with her daughter
  • Dot Fincher - Madison, GA
  • Louly Hay - Presbyterian Village Athens
  • Jon Paschal - Annandale Village, Suwanee
  • Louise White - Prema at Ashton Hills - 10050 Eagle Drive, Covington, GA 30014

Prayer requests and updates may be given to either of our pastors, put in the offering plate, or emailed to