St. Bernard's Academy Newsletter

September 30, 2022

Parent Input is Requested

If you haven't already completed the survey, please help us improve our systems and our communications by taking the time to complete the Parent Survey below.

Parent Survey

End of the Quarter: October 14th

We have two weeks until the end of the quarter. Please take a moment and check your student's grades in TeacherEase. 


Grub Hub Menu!

Click below to see what the Grub Hub will be serving. Menu plans are subject to change based on availability. 

Grub Hub Menu

Grub Hub Needs Help! 

If you have some time during the day and would like to help feed the students while making money to remodel the kitchen, please click the link below and sign up. Thank you! 

Sign-up to Help!

Middle School Sports Update

Monday, October 3rd

4:00 pm Soccer at SB vs Zane

Tuesday, October 4th

5:00 pm 6/7 Volleyball at Fieldbrook

5:00 pm 8th Volleyball at Zane

Wednesday, October 5th 

4:00 pm 8th Volleyball at Scotia

4:00 pm Soccer at Fortuna

Thursday, October 6th

4:00 pm Volleyball at SB vs Pacific Union

Friday, October 7th

4:00 pm Volleyball at Pacific Union

High School Sports Update

Friday, September 30th   

5:30/9:30 pm JV/V Football at Oakland Tech 

Saturday, October 1st  

10 am Tennis at Crusader Courts 

1 pm Girls Soccer at Del Norte

Monday, October 3rd 

11 am Girls Golf at Baywood

Tuesday, October 4th    

3:30 Tennis as Crusader Courts 

6pm Boys Soccer at EHS

5:30/7:30 JV/V Volleyball Crusader Gym

Wednesday, October 5th

4:00 pm Cross Country at Fortuna

6:00 pm Girls Soccer Crusader Field

Thursday, October 6th

5:30/6:30 pm JV/V Volleyball Crusader Gym

6 pm Boys Soccer at Arcata

Saturday, October 8th

10 am Tennis at Fortuna

11:30 am JV Football at Ferndale

1 pm Girls Soccer Crusader Field 

7pm V Football Guymon Oklahoma

Entry prices for all athletic events are set by the HDNL: SB students - free at home games, Visiting students - $3.00, Senior Citizens - $3.00 and Adults - $6.00.

Family passes are now available for purchase at the front office or at the gate for $200.00.

Upcoming Events

Every Thursday - Mr. Coss Math Help, 3 pm to 4 pm

Friday, October 7 - 8th Grade Retreat

Monday, October 10 - Indigenous Peoples' Day Celebration

                                               Parents Guild Meeting, 6 pm

Thursday, October 13 - Prayer Service - Mass Dress

Friday, October 14 - End of the first quarter

Monday, October 17 - No School - Teacher Work Day

Click for school calendar
Students in Action

Allison and Natalie enjoying Science.

Miles gets ready for PE.

Patti working hard in English.

Mateo can't wait for the marshmallow experiment.

Brittyn and Sam getting ready for Science.

Alyssa and Bailey working in the Lab. 

Ways to Support our Students
Box Tops for Education (SB school ID is 195539)
Amazon Smile (St. Bernards Catholic Schools)
For more school activities; follow us on Social Media. Click below
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