What's New at PBA?
Thursday, August 12, 2021
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PBA Class of 2022 Senior Naho Umitani and Her Deep Dive into the National Speech and Debate Championship Tournament
Dear readers of the What’s New,

A big piece of news we’ve sat on since this summer – that got lost in the shuffle of readying for the new year, then the start of school, then the din of the Delta-variant that has necessarily occupied our researches and preparations – is the phenomenal showing Class of 2022 senior Naho Umitani achieved in the National Speech and Debate Tournament this past June.

We had previously reported that Naho won the state championship of the Hawaii Speech League (HSL) in mid-March for the Informative Speaking event for her disquisition on “The Perils of Fast Fashion.” The NSDA nationals pitted Naho against 330 other state champions and runners-up from around the country.

Because of COVID-19, the tournament was virtual, which meant that Naho had to begin her days a little earlier than the other competitors. “Due to the time difference,” she said, “I needed to wake up at 4 a.m. to compete in my first round at 5 a.m.”

Naho made it deep into the competition. “There were three or four rounds every day,” she said, “and I made it till the middle of the third day! Each round, I competed with eight competitors, and I was able to watch and learn from their amazing performances.”

Naho narrowly missed qualifying for the top 30 round. “At the beginning of the tournament, I thought I would be eliminated after the first round. The fact that I made it to the top 60 of 330 surprised me, and I have learned to have a little more confidence in myself.”

Following Naho’s superb showing, the returning debaters and I met virtually this summer to plan our 21-22 Speech and Debate tournament season with high hopes of achieving even more this year. “I plan on competing in Informative Speaking again this coming season,” Naho said. “I have some excellent ideas on topics and techniques after watching the other amazing competitors.”

As PBA’s Speech and Debate coach, I am very enthusiastic about our squad’s future. Four new students joined the squad, and a few others are threatening to give the club a shot. We look forward to good performances, good fun, and good argumentation and persuasion! Many congratulations to Naho for her achievement.


The other piece of community news to report is the stepping down of the Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin Executive Director Stacy Bradshaw. As all of you are aware, PBA’s school campus is located on the temple campus of the Betsuin. Stacy has served as the Betsuin ED for the past seven years, and, as Betsuin President Dexter Mar stated, “She has been instrumental in sustaining [the Betsuin’s] resilience as an organization and community, overseeing temple facilities, ensuring strong fiscal management, supporting temple members, and guiding us through the challenges of the pandemic.”

I have known Stacy since she began working for the Betsuin 15 years ago, well before I became the Head of School at PBA. She has always been a friend and supporter of the PBA Sangha. When she worked the front desk of the main office at the Betsuin and I was a humanities teacher, PBA administrator of various stripes and/or PBA dance chaperone, I often relied on Stacy’s generous assistance to access various spaces we hoped to use for school activities. 

And Stacy was instrumental in supporting PBA as we worked to accomplish the construction of the PBA Weinberg Building. Stacy helped to explain to the Betsuin community the importance of our project for the PBA sangha.

I am very grateful to Stacy for her work, wish her and her family well, and look forward to seeing her as she continues her involvement with the Betsuin community.

I look forward to continued good work this school year, and thank all of you for your support of our school. Please be healthy and mind the guidance of the public health officers who are working to keep our community safe.


Josh Hernandez Morse
Head of School
PBA Alumna and Recent College Graduate Pursues Gymnastics and Teaching
Paige Yasui-Durlacher (PBA class of 2017) attended California State University, Sacramento, where she graduated cum laude this past spring. She majored in child and adolescent development and minored in counseling. 

During her freshman and sophomore year in college, Paige was involved in athletics as a member of the Sac State Gymnastics team. Though she retired from the sport early due to a torn ACL, her involvement with gymanstics is hardly over. "I plan to coach gymnastics on Oahu," Paige said. "I want to make contributions to my community the way my coaches benefited me."

Paige plans to substitute teach this year while on Oahu and, eventually, to relocate to California to become a full-time elementary teacher. “My long-term career goal is to teach abroad at some point. Once I receive enough teaching experience in the U.S. I foresee myself teaching in another country. Within my teaching career, I hope to continuously learn. Whether that be through professional development, returning to school to get a higher degree, or learning on my own, lifelong learning is key." 
Reflecting on her time at PBA, Paige said, “One person who helped me out immensely before going to college was Mr. Josh. He helped me get cleared by the NCAA so that I was able to be on the Sac State Gymnastics team. Though my time on the team was cut short, I am so grateful for his help during that process."

"Paige was a great student at PBA and a great friend to her classmates," said Mr. Josh. "Once I was fortunate enough to go and see her compete with her club at a tournament held over on the Windward side of the island. I get inside the gym to see Paige finishing a tumbling set during her floor exercise. I was astounded. The gentle, always-smiling Paige Yasui-Durlacher able to leap small buildings in a single bound?!"

Mr. Josh reflected, "It's incredible what PBA students get up to in their 'spare time.' I wish Paige all the best, she will be a great teacher."
School Activity Highlights
Students enjoying being back on campus.
Students picking up their school lunch catered by Bangkok Chef .
Important Dates
September 6 - Office Closed
September 10 - Teacher In-Service Day