"Three basic spiritual
principles are honesty,
open-mindedness, and wil-
lingness. These are the HOW
of our program. The initial hon-
esty that we express is the de-
sire to stop using. Next we
honestly admit our power-
lessness and the un-
manageability of our
lives." (The Basic
Text, p. 96)
"The point is, that
we are willing to grow
along spiritual lines. The
principles we have set down
are guides to progress. We
claim spiritual progress
rather than spiritual
perfection." (12
& 12, p. 52)
"I am careful not
to confuse excellence
with perfection. Excellence,
I can reach for; perfect-
ion is God's busi-
- Michael J. Fox (1961 - ) U.S. actor
*HP - Higher Power - is any power greater than oneself, like Nature, the Cosmos, or even the legal system.