Puzzling Out and Treasuring Life's Gifts
This was my view the last morning of my silent retreat in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. The late June greenery, the fog rising over the Potomac River, the quiet... ah. "It's like I'm in a Monet landscape," I thought. Then my second thought was, "What a great jigsaw puzzle this would make!"

Since the pandemic started, my sister and I have put together nearly two dozen jigsaw puzzles of varying difficulty. A favorite for both of us was The New York Times Page One from her birthdate, a gift from two of her dearest friends.

So my third thought that morning was, "What would a jigsaw puzzle of my life look like?" Definitely, the faces of people I've loved and who have taught me truths, even truths that were hard at the time. Memories and scenes like a crazy night at a fado joint in Lisbon and a Missouri River sunrise and Christmas Day Mass in 2005, when I was back with the Catholic Church after 33 years. Maybe a few "things," like a favorite dress and those black Candies heels I wore in the late 1980s.

What would the jigsaw puzzle of your life be?
On the Nightstand: Back to Evagrius
I have a confession.

I've been packing for an in-building move, and ran across this book. It had a bookmark about a third of the way through. That's when I realized I had planned to read this book three years ago, and that's as far as I got. Life, you know.

But instead of going in a box for the move or giveaway, it's back on my nightstand. I'll start at the beginning again. By way of background, Evagrius was a fourth-century monk and mystic. Britannica says his "development of a theology of contemplative prayer and asceticism laid the groundwork for a tradition of spiritual life in both Eastern and Western churches."
Hot Flashes, Big Numbers, and Good Friends
Writing the book is often the easiest part of publishing today--promotion is the hard part, even for an extrovert like me. With apologies to the Beatles, I get by with a little help from my friends.

Chocolate and wine expert MEG Gilroy, One More Page Books owner Eileen McGervey and I had a blast talking about Menopause Moments: A Journal for Nourishing Your Mind, Body and Spirit in Midlife... maybe because we've all been there. Check out our conversation about big numbers, generational demands, sleepless nights... and a few thoughts on navigating them.

My friend, gifted author, and writing sherpa Pat Gohn interviewed me for her wonderful Among Women podcast. I hope you'll check out all the episodes, not just the ones where I'm a guest.

Another podcaster I hope you know--or will become acquainted with--is Allison Gingras (A Seeking Heart)llison Gingras (Reconciled to You). I'll be a guest later this month. Allison is one of the busiest--and most thoughtful--Catholic women writers I know.

Speaking of Allison, it was through her that I met Deanna Bartalini! I'll be on Deanna's Not Lukewarm podcast later this month as well.

And, an opportunity to make new friends! I'll be joining Chris Magruder and Julie Nelson on Catholic Women Now on Iowa Catholic Radio July 8.

As B.J. Thomas, may he rest in peace, sang, "Friends are like good wine, and I've had the best." Now that we're able to get out and about again, I hope you share a glass and conversation in person with yours this month. Maybe we're all pieces in each other's puzzles.

Blessings. --Melanie