Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"... Often, in the US, upon a caseworker's finding of a "family dysfunction" or a complaint from the custodial spouse and false allegations of abuse, fathers lose their rights to their children without any hearing. ..."
By Jared Goffinet - 14 News
March 20, 2019

"... A judge has ordered two children, who were in the middle of a long-standing dispute between ex-spouses, to be turned over to their father. ..."
"...In 1984, Ronald Reagan proclaimed that 21 March would become National Single Parent Day. ..."
By Olivia Schmidt - The Bulletin
March 18, 2019
"... This bill means that in a court that deems a temporary parenting plan, both parents can be presumably authorized for equal care and legal custody of the child. ..."
"... Experts who examined the lives of 60 vulnerable teenagers in South London found that nearly three quarters were not living with their fathers. ..."
"... Senator Mike Bell (R-Riceville) and Representative Johnny Shaw (D-Bolivar) have proposed a legislature that would establish a preference or presumption for joint custody or shared parenting in case of a divorce or annulment. ..."
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