Week of May 1, 2022, With St. Martin's
Facebook Live Link: http://www.facebook.com/SaintMartinsEpiscopalChurchBridgewaterNJ
The Leaflet for this week's service can be found by going to
Newcomer's Brunch
Thanks to all who attended our Newcomer's Brunch! We had a fantastic turn-out. Welcome to Mike, Maureen, Mary Ann, Genevieve, Ed, Richard, and Nancy!
Theological Musings
Living the Resurrection
During the forty days of Lent, we spent time in prayer and self-reflection, considering the ways we turn away from the way of love that Jesus has asked us to walk in and asking for God’s grace to turn back to God. We discerned which habits we need to eliminate from our life because they distract us from Love, and which practices we need to incorporate into our lives because they empower us to Love.
The fifty days of our Easter celebration offer us an opportunity to incorporate those changes into our daily lives- to practice walking in Love, and to imagine what the world will be like when God’s Reign of Love holds sway. It is an opportunity to cooperate with God’s grace, through prayer and good works, so that the fruit of our Lenten repentance can begin to bear fruit in our lives.
We are about halfway through our Easter journey. What places in your life or in the world remain imprisoned by death and sin? What practices can you incorporate into your daily living to expose those places to the liberating Love and new life that the Resurrected Christ offers?
May the grace of this holy season center us all in the lifegiving heart of God, and empower us to live the Resurrection, trusting that through our surrender to the Holy Spirit, God is transforming us more and more into the likeness of Jesus Christ.
Save the Date: Confirmation and Reception- November 13, 2022
Bishop Stokes will be visiting us on Sunday, November 13 (St. Martin's Sunday). On this Sunday youth and adults will be Confirmed by the laying on of hands by the Bishop, and newcomers who were confirmed in the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, or Lutheran Churches may be received by the laying on of the hands by the Bishop, thereby becoming a full member of the Episcopal Church.
If you wish to be confirmed (youth and adults), or if you are already confirmed and wish to be received as a full member of St. Martin's, or if you are confirmed and wish to reaffirm your faith in a public way, please contact Father Rob. Confirmation classes for youth and adults, (and for those wishing to be confirmed or received) will be conducted in September and October (with an overnight retreat on September 23-24). More information will be forthcoming.
We are planning a "Night of Mystery" that will be held in the undercroft with a potluck dinner. Please follow this link
to find out more about this new fellowship opportunity. I look forward to your input as to which Night of Mystery we should try.
Upcoming Dates
May 8: First Communion Celebration
May 15: Parish Work Day (see below)
June 4: Night of Mystery (see below)
Parish Work Day
We need all hands on deck to beautify our grounds and clean some areas of the church. More information will be shared in next week's newsletter.
Food Bank Volunteers Needed
May is the month St. Martins helps the Somerset County Food Bank distribute food in Somerville. As of now, volunteers are needed for each Saturday at Shiloh Pentecostal Church on Davenport Street from 8:30 to 10:45. They no longer need us to provide a driver. There is a signup sheet on the Bulletin Board in the Narthex. You may also call Marlene at 908-507-7406 or email her at mficzko@optonline.net if you wish to volunteer. Based on our experience last summer, we believe we will need about 4 volunteers each Saturday.
The Food Bank is reassessing where the food bank needs to be held in Somerville and there is a slight chance it will be moved to another church. However, at this point, I think we will still be on Davenport Street in May.
Also, do not forget that we are having a shoe collection until June. Shoes can be dressy or casual, flip-flops, tennis shoes, etc. If shoes have laces, please tie the pair together with the laces. If there are buckles, please buckle the two shoes together. All other pairs can be placed in bags (1, 2, or 3 pairs per bag). There is a bin at the back of the narthex. All shoes will be donated to the Global Outreach Ministry of Liberia.
In Memoriam
With heavy hearts, but with hearts full of hope in the promise of eternal life in Jesus Christ, we announce the passing of David Persson's father, the Rev. Deacon Robert C, Persson, Sr. May he rest in peace and may light perpetual shine upon him.
Please keep David, Jennifer, Nick, and all of the Persson Family in your love and prayers.
Prayer Requests
- Dwight, a childhood friend of Fr. Rob's, having brain surgery
- Audrey, Bill Valiant's wife, was just diagnosed with breast cancer.
- For the Butrico and Garb families, on the passing of Laura's and Lisa's father, Skip Rawson.
- Fr. Rob's mother, Evelyn.
- Kathy Picazio asks for prayers for Doug Newton, his wife, Zhenya, and her adult daughter.
- Bonnie Whalen requested prayers for her 28 yr old grandson.
- Linda Virtue
- Chris Semanchik
- Jane Linn's, granddaughter-in-law, Rachael.
- Mary Irwin
- Philip and Nancy
Please send your prayer intentions to Philip at philip.muniz@gmail.com.
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road,
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Call Us: 908-526-1350
Contact information for Fr. Rob
rectorstmartinsnj@gmail.com or fatherroblaws@yahoo.com