July 5, 2021
What's so special about chairs? Are there any miracles associated with the chair Our Lady sat on when she visited St. Catherine Labouré in 1830? How can that chair be a model for our lives? Watch our video and find out.

God Has a Pattern

How is St. Paul's visit from the angel (Luke 12:3 - 19) similar to the angel's visit to St. Catherine Labouré? Read this wonderfully unique article from the 1949 Miraculous Medal Magazine.
Summer Novena of Hope: Heart of St. Joseph
Nine Mondays from June 7 to August 2

Check our Mass schedule
Livestream 12:05 p.m. (watch via our website livestream or Facebook)

Although he’s considered a silent saint, St. Joseph’s virtue is loud and clear. Join us every Monday through August 2 at 12:05 p.m. ET (in person or virtually) to discover the heart of St. Joseph

Throughout this year dedicated to him, we’ve given St. JosephMary’s beloved spousea special place of honor in her Shrine. Come to his sanctuary to pray to him and light a candle.
You can still send us your intentions, and they will be placed at Mary’s Altar in her Shrine and prayed for throughout these nine weeks of heartfelt prayer. Join us in person, through our website’s livestream, or via our Facebook livestream.
Thursday, July 15 at 7:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)

Like the repentant thief on the cross, we come to our Lord asking Him to remember us as we continue our life journeys. During this Holy Hour, we’ll reflect on the Sorrowful Mysteries as we pray the Holy Rosary and adore Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament. All are welcome to attend virtually on The Miraculous Medal Shrine Facebook page. If you have any particular prayer intentions you would like for us to place at the foot of the altar, contact Carolina Nemo
Mark your calendars now for an event you don't want to miss.

Blessed is She is an international sisterhood of women who want to grow together in their Catholic faith. At least 50% of the women are millennials, and 35% fall between the ages of 36 and 65, so there's something for everyone.

Mark your calendar today for this Blessed is She brunch at The Miraculous Medal Shrine on Saturday, August 21 from 12:30 – 3:30 p.m.

We closely adhere to the COVID guidelines provided by the state of Pennsylvania and the CDC. Your safety is our top priority, and we are doing everything we can to ensure that this brunch is safe for all who attend.
by Fr. Al Pehrsson, CM, a resident of St. Catherine’s Infirmary, Philadelphia

Do you have a prayer chair or prayer space? Share your photo of your prayer space or #prayerchair, and we’ll share it on Instagram and Facebook during July as we celebrate the anniversary of Mary's first apparition to St. Catherine Labouré.

Receive Vincentian Voices, an online, monthly newsletter, featuring reflections, news, profiles, video, social posts, and trivia about the Vincentians of the Eastern Province family—both religious and laity.
Did you know that your Miraculous Medal Family membership not only helps you and your loved ones, it also helps the poor and homeless?
As a Member, 2,500 Masses are celebrated for you by the Vincentian priests of the Eastern Province, Eight Novenas are said for your intentions every Monday, and you receive a subscription to our Miraculous Medal magazine,The Message
And through your Membership, you also support the Vincentians’ charitable programs for the underprivileged, the homeless, and at-risk youth.
Join today and receive all the spiritual benefits of being a Member while helping people in great need. Thank you!
The feast day of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel is Friday, July 16. Dive deeper into the silence, prayer, and meditation of our Blessed Mother and her Divine Son through these sacramentals. Gift packet includes: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel candle, Brown Scapular book, Brown Scapular, and Mt. Carmel holy card with medal.

Don't forget to light a vigil candle to thank our Blessed Mother for her July 18 apparition, when she gave us the message to come to the foot of the altar and asked for graces with confidence and fervor.
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