25185 Chafee Circle, Aldie, VA 20105
Many types of fireworks (including firecrackers, roman candles, bottle rockets, skyrockets, torpedoes and other fireworks that explode, travel laterally, rise into the air, or fire projectiles into the air) are illegal in Virginia and may not be used on private property, public property, including streets and roads. You can also find a list of permissible fireworks and approved vendors on the Fire Marshal page.

Fireworks are STRICTLY PROHIBITED in or around common areas to include Clubhouse parking lots.

Please be reminded that if you are planning to use any of these fireworks, you will be subject to fines. Although it is fairly easy to obtain these items by going across state lines, possession and use of these devices is a Class 1 Misdemeanor in Virginia, punishable by up to 1 year in jail and/or a $2500 fine. Depending on the classification of the device, federal explosives charges could also be imposed for interstate transport.

To report any illegal fireworks activity, please contact the non-emergency Loudoun County Police number at 703-777-1021.
Community Meeting Reminders and Updates
Covenants Committee Meeting
The Covenants Committee will be meeting at the Westridge Clubhouse on Thursday, July 7th at 6:00 PM.   If you have an application which will be reviewed at this meeting and cannot attend in person, please CLICK HERE for log in instructions to attend virtually.
Dulles Farms Social Committee
Bingo - Friday July 1st
Join us for Bingo in the Virginia Manor Clubhouse on Friday 01 July 2022 at 7pm.  Please register each member of your family in an individual slot because we can only accommodate 40 people (kids and adults) inside the clubhouse.  If there are not enough available slots to accommodate your entire family please do not sign up.  We will assign tables by family. If you plan to order a family pack ($20 cash only), please indicate if you want cheese or pepperoni in the "family pack" section of the sign up. A family pack includes a large pizza, 4 drinks and 5 bingo cards for $20.  If you need to cancel, please let us know as soon as possible so we can open your slots to others.  
Food Truck Friday
Management Office Closed
Monday, July 4th
The Management Office at the Westridge Clubhouse will be closed on Monday, July 4th in observance of Independence Day. The office will re-open on Tuesday, July 5th at 9 am. If you require after-hours emergency assistance, please call 1-855-477-2267.
Patriot Trash schedule
In observance of Independence Day, Patriot Disposal's offices will be closed on Monday, July 4th and there will be NO TRASH SERVICE. Trash and yard waste collection will resume on Thursday, July 7th.
Please remind all family members to not use foul language at our Pools, Basketball Courts, Tennis Courts, Playgrounds or any other Common Areas where others are present. Please be respectful when enjoying our Facilities and Common areas.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Pool Emergency Gate

Please do not use this as an exit or entry. Per County regulations, pool-goers must enter through the locker rooms / showers prior to entering the pool area. This gate is only to be used in case of emergency.
Thank you for your cooperation. 
LetSwim Session 2 Group Swim Lessons start next week July 5th Space is limited. Use our waitlist feature if the class is full. We may be able to accommodate you!
Check out the Session 2 Dulles Farms Group Class Schedules
Virginia Manor Morning Group Class Schedule HERE 
Westridge Evening Group Class Schedule HERE
Feel Free to contact us if you have any questions at 703-717-3411.
Come Splash Around with Us!
Only Swim Diapers in the Pool Please!
Persons not toilet trained must wear either a swim diaper or a cloth diaper, rubber pants and a swimsuit to comply with health department requirements and to inhibit drain clogging from any materials. Disposable diapers are prohibited.
Loudoun County Sheriffs Office
Security Survey Services
Crime Prevention Security Survey
A Crime Prevention Security Survey is a visual and physical inspection conducted by a deputy sheriff to evaluate your property from a crime prevention and security viewpoint. Based on the inspection, the deputy will make recommendations on how you can reduce your chances of becoming a victim of crime by using proven crime prevention techniques.

A member of the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office Adult Crime Prevention Unit will set up a date and time to conduct the inspection of your residence or business. The deputies are specially trained Crime Prevention Specialists and will evaluate the risk factors for your location.
Services provided:
Some of the items the deputy may focus on include:
  • Alarm systems
  • Bushes and trees that should be trimmed to enhance visibility
  • Door locks
  • Exterior lighting
  • Security of yard items, bicycles, and other items kept in sheds or carports
  • Smoke alarms
  • Window locks
How to schedule this service:
This is a free service. To schedule a security survey of your home or business please email the Crime Prevention Unit at
For a calendar view of all Committee meetings and events, please visit our calendar located on the Resident Portal. On Resident Portal, you can also view your account information, pay your assessments, access important Association documents and so much more! If you are selling your home, don't forget to cancel ACH auto payments through this portal. For a full listing of assessment payment options please CLICK HERE.

If you have not yet signed up for Resident Portal, please contact us at or 703-542-7555 for info on how to sign up!   

Association Office and Clubhouse Information
Association Office
and Clubhouse Information

Westridge Clubhouse
(Management Office Location)
25185 Chafee Circle
Aldie, VA 20105

Hours of Operation:
Mon - Wed | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thurs | 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Fri | 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Virginia Manor Clubhouse
25930 Lennox Hale Drive
Aldie, VA 20105

Hours of Operation:
Tues | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Fri | 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Management Company

Community Association Management Professionals
Customer Service Dept. 855-477-CAMP
On-Site Manager:
Rachel Mancinelli, CMCA AMS

On-Site Administrative Assistant:
Denise Sisak

On-Site Covenants Administrator:
Tyler Graham

On-Site Maintenance Technician:
Joe Curcio