Summer 2022

Breaking the power of poverty in Ethiopia

and setting children free to live abundant lives

Best Practices...

What does that mean?

Street life. Food insecurity. Begging. Abuse. Extreme poverty. Human trafficking.

When dealing with children who have experienced trauma, it is important to make sure care and ministry - from start to finish - is done properly and thoughtfully, using "best practices." These are ethical and care guidelines and safeguards that have been developed by professional social workers and those who study and understand the layers of trauma and potential pitfalls for children who have experienced these incredible challenges. Care done with best practices in mind protects a child's dignity, and safety and fosters growth and healing that, prayerfully, will be able to sustain itself over time.

 TFC is committed to seek and support

best practices in all areas of

ministry for the children we serve. 

The team at Make Your Mark recently made long and arduous journeys to visit the families of the boys who months ago lived on the streets and were about to graduate the rescue program. The team came alongside the families to educate, encourage and share what the boys have experienced, and what they have learned in their extensive program. The team also conducted extensive interviews to make sure the boys were coming back to a safe place. Strong, safe families and home situations will help these children continue to heal from street life and experience success in their next season of life. 

This is a practical example of "best practices" in action. 

pictures from recent pre-reunification home visits

When you support TFC - YOU are ensuring that children not only get front-line care but are also ministered to in a way that purposely protects and promotes dignity, growth, safety and healing through best practices.  

Thank you for being a part of this powerful story!

Something to celebrate!

So far this year TFC's supporters have

 made a HUGE difference! 

The lives of girls who were formerly held captive

by the sex trade have been made NEW!

faces obscured to respect the privacy and dignity of these brave and precious girls

  • 138 young women have joined the Girl Empowerment Program with TFC partner Arise Global. 

  • 22 young women have received micro-loans to jumpstart their NEW businesses.

  • 48 women have graduated the girl empowerment program and have received vocational training, providing hope and practical tools for the future.

The Gala is BACK!

Save the Date!

You’re invited! 

Please join us for “Heroic”, TFC's 2022 gala event held

 IN PERSON! August 25th 

Central Church, Collierville  

(also available by livestream).


Contact Lisa Conley


Tickets available soon!

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