May 3, 2024

Dear Rockford Reformed Church family and friends,

Here are a few things to cover as we move into an exciting weekend for us. First, we are glad to be celebrating and dedicating the newly renovated space! There is still some scrambling with getting things ready, and it won’t be 100% (the welcome lobby furniture is scheduled for delivery next week), but we will worship and give thanks for God’s provision for a beautiful space that will serve God’s vision for us for many years to come. Remember to invite family, friends, co-workers, or neighbors to join us for our worship and our lunch time together. If you can bring a dessert to share, please place it in the Family Life Center kitchen as you come in for worship. If you are unable to bring a dessert, don’t let that prevent you from coming.

As the renovation comes to a close, we are grateful for the many people who have invested and sacrificed to make it all possible. Many have sacrificed with financial giving. There was demolition sweat and blisters. Chris Vance, Lucy Layman, Laura Joliffe, Beth Jennings, Mike Fisk, Nick Verburg, Jim Verburg, and many other worship team volunteers have and still are investing many extra hours. Thank you. Even though they would rather remain in the background, two people have deeply given of themselves with the planning, managing schedules and endless details, meetings, hard labor, and so much more. Thank you, to Scott Brownell and Steve Katsma.

A few weeks ago, someone asked me if the renovation was a point of stress for me and I noted that it was not so much because we have been gifted with experienced leaders whom we can trust. The renovation team, with Scott, Steve, Dan Jenema, Chris Orvis, and James Karsten has served well. Thank you to Laura Joliffe, Meg TerVeen, and Emillie Clayton as they assisted with decisions around décor. We are grateful for Jim VanderMolen, the designer/architect, and the quality work of Scott McConnelee, the project manager, and Justin Gould, the field manager, for EV construction, the general contractor. Thank you as well to Kevin Heyboer, with Heyboer Plumbing, for his fine work. While we tend to focus on the appearance and details of the finished space, God would have us honor him in the way we relate to each other along the journey. Through all this project, the countless challenges, delays, and decisions were handled with wisdom and grace. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. And now, we roll up our sleeves together to carry out our vision of welcome and making disciples by using this facility well.

My email update last week mentioned that we will be hosting a women’s Bible Study Fellowship on Thursday mornings beginning in September. This is a global Bible study ministry that is hosted by over 2,000 churches. I encourage you to read about the details and what it will look like as we host it in the note below.

I also strongly encourage you to consider participating in the Ignite! One Day for the Gospel event on Saturday, May 18, 9 am-2 pm. Kevin and Sherry Harney are the founders of Organic Outreach which we embrace as one significant means for us to be transformed into those who naturally share their faith with others. They are excellent communicators and your investment with them will certainly work to inspire and equip you with wisdom and genuine love for those who don’t know Jesus. If you plan to attend, please let the front office know by May 9 so we can send in one registration. We will cover the registration cost and it includes lunch and the Organic Outreach book.

Finally, please see the financial update below from Jerry Swett, our treasurer. We are grateful for your faithfulness in giving toward the vision that God has for us. Our confidence is in him.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Tim

Bible Study Fellowship

As you may have heard, RRC has approved hosting BSF classes for Women, Infants and Children, and Students beginning in September 2024. BSF classes will be meeting on Thursday mornings and utilizing the sanctuary for lecture, classrooms for small group discussions, and nursery for infants. Classes tend to follow the school year schedule.


Please note that our RRC Women’s Bible Study will continue to be held on Tuesday mornings. RRC women will now have two weekday morning opportunities to study God’s Word - and - one where they can bring their children and grandchildren!

Here’s more about BSF:


BSF’s Partnership with Local Churches


Fifty years ago, Dr. Ernest Hastings invited A. Wetherell Johnson to teach a Bible study at a church in Melrose, California.


Today, more than 2,000 churches around the world host BSF classes and groups. The Lord worked through Dr. Hastings, Miss Johnson, and the BSF board, composed of laity and pastors, to develop a lay-led teaching and training ministry of interdenominational Bible classes that would produce a passionate commitment to Christ and His Church. 


About BSF and its Members


Bible Study Fellowship is a global, in-depth Bible study producing passionate commitment to Christ, His Word and His Church.


BSF’s class members and leaders serve the Church around the world. They lead small groups, teach Sunday school classes, serve on church boards and committees, pray for pastors and the work of the Church and serve in missions and other outreach ministries.

BSF’s global headquarters in San Antonio, Texas, serves and supports its class leaders by training area personnel and teaching leaders. They produce and distribute all class materials. BSF students can also download lesson questions online and take advantage of other resources on their website. There is no cost to attend a BSF class.


Register Now for the Study of Revelation beginning in September 2024


For centuries, people have attempted to unlock the mysteries of Revelation. In Revelation: The Hope, we will discover that Jesus Christ is central to every prophecy, promise, and passage. Revelation gives us hope of a world made new by the redemption and restoration that Jesus offers today and for eternity. Click HERE to watch video.


To express your interest and register for fall, contact the BSF Grand Rapids North administrators HERE. (You will note the current class location is Rockford Baptist Church, but website wording will change to Rockford Reformed Church when appropriate.)

Financial Update

Dear Congregation,

March 31, 2024, financial statements have been completed. Thanks to your faithful giving, the first quarter ended with a small deficit with expenses exceeding contributions. Total Ministry and Missions (M & M) contributions were $164,513, which was 88.0% of the budgeted amount. Total M & M expenses were $183,668, which was 95.6% of the budgeted amount. That left us with a $19,155 deficit for the quarter. Thank you for your continued support.

As we near the completion of our Welcome Renovation Project, here is a summary of the project so far. Giving/contributions are $922,966, a transfer from Capital Planning Fund of $100,000, loan proceeds $1,054,219, for a total of $2,077,185. Expenditures as of March 31 were $1,842,474 leaving a balance of cash on hand of $234,711. Additional expenses will be around $190,000. Since we would like to reduce any loan balance going forward to the smallest amount possible, now is the time to fulfill any pledge amounts outstanding or if you would like to contribute towards this, would you please prayerfully consider doing this in the next couple of months. In addition, we will have monthly loan payments going forward, which will be over and above the M & M budgeted amounts. Please consider making a monthly amount to the Welcome Renovation Fund to help cover this expense.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support,

Jerry Swett


Rockford Reformed Church
4890 11 Mile Road, Rockford, MI 49341

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