Money For Mission
May 2024 (Issue 57)

Monthly E-newsletter from the Finance & Stewardship Teams

In this edition

Thinking About Generosity

NEW: Treasurer Forum 10th June

Treasurer Training Needs Survey

Generosity Week 2024 Resources out now!

Parish Giving Scheme Resources Webinar: 9th May @ 12 noon

Hold a Legacy Moment with Faith Will Guest Speakers

Check VAT on your Energy Bills & Claim Back Overpayments


Top Tips To Increase Church Income:

18th June 1 pm & 6 pm

Green Journey Fact Finder webinar: Recorded

Finance & Parish Share Updates:

APCM Timeline Check

Expense Plus Tour & Training

Grants' News

Unlocking Funding to 'Green' your Church Mission: 4th June

Church Buildings Grant: Deadline end of June

GIve to Go Green 2: Match Funding Grants

Thinking About Generosity

Sunday 12 May 2024. Easter 7. Acts 1:13-17,21-end. Psalm 1.

Abundance Looks Outwards and is Generous with Time, Care and Attention.

Acts 1. It may be relatively easy for us to imagine Jesus moving around with a group of twelve men following along, it’s a bit of a crowd but somehow manageable. However, we know from the Gospels that he was frequently accompanied by far more, for example numerous women or the group of 72 etc. Here we have the names of two who were with Jesus throughout his ministry from his baptism through to his death and resurrection.

To say that Jesus gave generously of Himself is an absurd understatement, but I wonder whether we even consider what that looked like in his daily life. In a society where we value our privacy and personal space, especially since Covid, this might seem very challenging, but how willing are we to share our lives in order to disciple others? Shared meals? Shared knowledge? Shared time and space?

According to Ps 1, those whose roots go deep into the things of God, whose hearts are set on Him, will be fruitful (v. 3). That sense of abundance is not necessarily of material things but of a deeply rooted character that is outward looking and generous to others in time, care and attention. The kind of person we all want to hang out with, in fact, a person a bit like Jesus.

Margaret Wooding Jones is a Licensed Lay Minister. As well as serving in her local parishes, she works with the Spirituality Network in Rochester Diocese and regularly leads Quiet Retreats and training days. She is hoping to publish a book shortly.

News & Updates

New: Treasurer Forum Meeting

10th June at 6pm

Based on feedback from across the Diocese, we are pleased to announce the launch of our new Treasurer Forum in 2024 and invite you to attend. This online forum will feature informative talks from Diocesan staff and our treasurer ambassadors, along with a Q&A session and networking opportunities with fellow treasurers. Join us for our first meeting on Monday, 10th June, at 6pm.

Treasurer Training Needs Survey - Please complete

Ahead of our first Treasurer Forum meeting we also invite you to complete this short survey (link below) which will assist us in the development of key training for treasurers and identify the most appropriate timing of future Treasurer Forum events. The survey should take no longer than 3 minutes to complete. Please submit your completed survey by noon on Thursday 31st May. Click the link below to go to the survey.

Register for Treasurer Forum Meeting 
Complete Treasurer Training Needs Survey

Start Planning Your Generosity Week for 2024 and Book in a 1-to-1 Planning Session

This year’s national Generosity Week will be from Sunday 29 September until Sunday 6 October

It covers two Sundays to give churches double the opportunity to explore generosity 

when they meet on a Sunday morning – one to consider God’s generosity to us, and 

the other to prayerfully work out our response to that generosity.

Get in touch with the Stewardship team at to book in a session to go through the Generosity Week resources. We will discuss the service resources, and help you to plan the two Sundays, as well as any mid-week activities.

This year's resources are now available and there will be follow up mailings at the end of each month until Generosity Week. You can find more information about Generosity Week at the link below.

Generosity Week 2024 Resources

Give To Go Green Round 2

New Match-Funding Grants for Environmental Projects

Following the success of the first round of Give To Go Green in March, the Diocese of Leeds has been invited to take part in round 2. Give To Go Green is a match-funding grant scheme that doubles locally raised donations for carbon-cutting building projects. Churches will run a short, targeted fundraising campaign, and take donations using digital giving, with training and support at each stage.

There are many eligible projects taken from the Practical Path to Net Zero Carbon for churches, reach out to have a chat about your project plans. If you would like to find out more, or ask any questions, do be in touch with Stewardship Officer, Beth, at

Applications will be open in late May.

Read about the Success of Give To Go Green Round 1 here

Webinar - New Resources to Promote the PGS

Join Stewardship Officers Beth and Janet on May 9th at 12 noon to explore the existing, ready-made PGS resources, and some freshly created ones, that will help you promote the benefits of the Parish Giving Scheme to your congregation. Take a look at the PGS promotional resources on our website here.

Whether you are launching the PGS for the first time or preparing a relaunch you will find out how to easily adapt these helpful resources for your parish. Join us even if your PCC hasn't yet registered for the PGS to find out more and have your questions answered.

Click the link below to register for the webinar.

Register for the PGS Resources Webinar 9th May @12pm

Hold a Legacy Moment with Faith Will

Christian Aid has teamed up with the Church of England to encourage and support parishes in legacy giving, through Faith Will. There are many resources available on their website to help churches hold a 'legacy moment' with the congregation.

One of the ways the Faith Will team can support parishes is by speaking at a service, or event. They have a number of trained Faith Will speakers available. They would be delighted to inspire your congregation about the power of gifts in Wills. To enquire about booking a speaker you can contact Christian Aid at, or call the team on: 020 7523 2493.

Find Out More About Faith Will Here 

Check VAT Charges on Energy Bills.

Churches are advised to check their energy bills to make sure they are being charged at 5% VAT, a reduced rate compared to the usual 20%. In particular check your winter energy bill as your summer bills may be correct.

This is a recurring problem caused because Places of Worship are uniquely dealt with by Energy Companies as businesses that pay the reduced rate of VAT. Many companies appear to use a computer check box to tell the computer what to do and for various reasons the checkbox loses its tick! Problems are particularly prevalent at the start of a new contract even when it is with the same company.

If you believe you are paying too much VAT, you can submit a VAT declaration certificate which you can get from your energy supplier. You should be able to use this declaration to rectify the VAT rate and even claim back up to 4 years worth of overcharging.

 VAT on Church Energy Bills - Find out More

Webinars - Top Tips to Increase Church Income.

Join the Stewardship team as they explore different opportunities to increase income for your church. Find out how to make the most of what you already have, through communication and promotion, as well as exploring new ideas for income generation.

Click the link below to register for the webinars: Tuesday 18th June, 1pm. and repeated at 6pm

Register for Top Tips to Increase Church Income Webinar 18th June   @1 pm
Register for Top Tips to Increase Church Income Webinar 18th June     @ 6 pm

The Green Journey - Energy Saving Services

Deciding which energy supplier to go with for your church can be a challenge for any PCC and Church Treasurer. The energy crisis of recent years has made this harder. Of course you want to keep costs down and do the right thing for the planet too.

The Green Journey is a package of energy saving services for churches provided by Green Energy Consulting. The Diocese of Leeds have worked in partnership with Green Energy Consulting since 2015. Watch a recording of the recent Fact Finder webinar by the Green Journey to learn what the scheme can offer your church.

Watch Green Journey Fact Finder Webinar Recording 

Finance & Parish Share Updates

APCM Timeline Check for Treasurers

PCC treasurers may find the updated Annual Parish Meetings Overview and Checklist helpful when preparing financial statements for their APCMs.

The aim of the checklist is to simplify legal terminology into accessible language with useful cross references to the relevant text in The Church Representation Rules also being provided. Refresh your knowledge of the timeline for the preparation and signing of financial reports by clicking the link below.

Annual Parochial Church Meetings Checklist

Parish Share Reports

April receipts of £980k were £141k/17% above the same month last year and so YTD receipts are now £22k/0.7% ahead 2023.

You can find the latest Parish Share report on the website here.

ExpensePlus Tour & Training

ExpensePlus Lunch & Learn training sessions are designed to streamline your financial processes and explore the key concepts of Fund Accounting. These are designed for finance teams and treasurers. You can find out more here.

The ExpensePlus Live Tour provides a detailed overview of the ExpensePlus system, and offers churches interested in using the system, or those already signed up, the chance to ask questions and find out how to make the most of the software. You can find out more here.

Grants' News

Webinar - Unlocking Funding to 'Green' your Church Mission

This webinar will explore the different types of funding available for sustainability projects and reducing your environmental impact and look at how to create a campaign around green activity and communicate your story to donors.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How to explore linking the desire to care for planet earth to your mission
  • Potential approaches and sources for funding to improve your church’s environmental friendliness and sustainability.

Join on Teams on Tuesday 4th June at 10:30am.

Register for the Webinar, Tuesday 4th June @ 10:30am

Diocesan Church Buildings Grants

The next application deadline for the Diocesan Church Buildings Grants is Sunday 30th June. The application form was revised at the beginning of 2024 to reflect additional funding into the scheme from the Church of England.

Click the link below to find more details, and to access the application form. If you have any queries do email, or telephone Janet Edmond (Senior Stewardship Officer) on 07376 525684 or Alena-Rose Douglas (Church Buildings Support Officer) on 07933 509860

Church Buildings Grants and Loans Scheme Information

npower Business Solutions Foundation

The npower Business Solutions Foundation is a new fund to help create stronger, greener and more sustainable local communities. They aim to fund projects that have a positive impact on local communities by improving spaces, and will award a grant of up to £100,000 depending on the size of organisation.

Any not-for-profit institution, that is at least 2 years old and within a 50-mile radius of Leeds is eligible. Use the link below to find out more, and watch the quick videos explaining how to apply and which organisations are eligible.

More Information on the npower Business Solutions Grants
Meet the Team

A reminder of our email addresses so you get the right support and advice:

Geoff Park

Chief Financial Officer

0113 353 0298 or 07538 873392

Jane Adams

Finance Manager

0113 353 0220 or 07395 880094

Hayley Drury

Finance Supervisor

0113 3530 223

Janet Edmond

Senior Stewardship Officer

0113 353 0214 or 07376 525684

Beth Vickers

Stewardship Officer

07512 712292

Jenni Robinson

Parish Support Accountant (Financial Services)

0113 353 0231

For stewardship, income generation, parish finance, Parish Share and grant enquiries: or you can email Janet, Beth or Jenni directly.

For general finance queries including invoices, clergy fees and payroll: or you can email Jane, Hayley or Jenni directly.

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