The second award is The Fresno Bee's BEST Of Central Califonia Peoples Choice Award! We are overjoyed to share this victory with the staff and students of both our Tower district location and our fabulous new North Fresno location! It's almost too good to believe that we have such a caring group of supporters. Thank you so much for believing in our collective dream of sharing the healing powers of music with the people of Fresno!
Two Awards For FMAA!
And it's all thanks to you and the support of our great community! The first award we have received this past month is The Central Califonia Parent Readers' Choice 'Best For Music Lessons', which we have won FIVE times now and has done wonders to let the people of the central valley know who we are and what we do.
Nate Butler At The Silent Movies!
Join Debi Ruud and pianist Nate Butler as he describes this silent movie phenomenon at FMAA! Come to The ViSTA Theater at Fresno Music Academy & Arts (Tower) on the first Saturday of every month to see what all the buzz is about! There is a snack bar, cartoons before the show, and admission is "pay what you can"!
Doors open at 6:30
Cartoons from 7:00-8:00, show starts after that
We'd like to introduce you to our newest member of the FMAA admin team, Kittie Hernandez! Kittie was born in Fresno, moved to Colorado for 5 years, and moved back home 2 years ago. She's the daughter of our beloved drum instructor Dave Hernandez, who passed away earlier this year, and the sister of piano student Alex Hernandez.
She's really passionate about art, music, LGBTQIA+ activism, video games, comic books, and animals. Her favorite bands are Queens of the Stone Age, Incubus, Mr. Bungle, Tool, Garbage, and anything involving Mike Patton. Her favorite games are Bioshock, Pokemon Moon and Sword, Halo 2, Overwatch, and Perfect Dark.
Her previous jobs include managing a tattoo shop, being a professional hairstylist, and a comic book grader and seller. Kittie is usually seen with her best friend and sidekick, her dog Kevin.
Kevin was thrown out onto the mean streets and was rescued a year and a half ago. He's a Gorgi, which is a golden Corgi, but also called a Gorgeous Corgi because just look at him! Kevin is currently very shy and a little skittish, but he's come a very long way from where he was when adopted and he's getting better every day. Kevin enjoys playing with toys, eating, having his tummy scratched, and having philosophical conversations about the meaning of life.
Please introduce yourself to Kittie. You will find her mostly working at our new north location, although many of you may have met her in the Tower Academy on Saturday. Kittie is so very sweet and smart. She has been referred to as “a walking work of art”. We are so happy to have her here at Fresno Music Academy & Arts!
How To Create A Healthy Learning Environment At Home!
Dedicate a specific space.
One of the best ways to efficiently practice at home is to have a specific space that you study in. You'll want a nice amount of space. as well as a spot where you feel comfortable enough to sit in for a couple of hours at a time.
Remove distractions.
You probably won't be able to get work done if you're spread out in the living room with the TV on. You might also want to get away from rooms that will be heavily used while you're working, such as the kitchen.
Try to schedule a set study time.
Your days and weeks might vary, but having a set study time can help you dedicate yourself to what you need to get done each week. If your weekdays are busy, schedule a practice session every Saturday morning before you get out and enjoy the day. Then you have the rest of the day to relax or explore!
*Educational article sourced from on CCU Online
That's right, for the months of July and August we are opening an art class! For now, there are only a few slots available, so make sure you call and claim your spot soon!
559-222-SING (7464)
The adults were getting jealous that the kids get art lessons this summer, so we decided to add something else to the calendar! Get ready for SUMMER ART WEEK for grown-up "kids"!
Just $40 per class! Snacks, "adult beverages" (and other drinks), and materials will be provided, just bring yourself and your creativity! Debi Ruud and Jen Travis will be guiding you through simple mosaics, collaging, and basic Batik design!
WHEN: 5:30-8:30 PM
Monday, July 18th,
Tuesday, July 19th,
& Thursday, July 21st!
WHERE: The ViSTA Theater at Fresno Music Academy & Arts, Tower!
Music Stand Give-Away
This month's winner is Jenny Yanez! We hope you enjoy that music stand and put it to good use! Remember, practice makes perfect!
Each month we are giving away one music stand valued at $35 to a lucky student here at FMAA! Each time you show up to your lesson in person, write your name on the slip of paper provided and enter to win! You may enter each week that you come in!
Refer a new student! If you refer us to a student that signs up to take lessons with us, you and that student get a $25 gift card, and YOUR name is entered into a contest to win a $250 gift card. Please help us spread the word!
People who refer and get someone to sign up will be put into a December drawing! The prize is two tickets to Roger Rocka’s Dinner & Show!
Do you know anyone who would benefit from music lessons? This is the most rewarding way to help Fresno Music Academy & Arts! All you have to do is fill out a short form...
For the benefit of new and existing students, we've created a VIRTUAL TOUR of Fresno Music Academy & Arts.
🎶 Music Facts 🎶
"Au Claire De La Lune" Is First Recorded Song Ever!
In 1860, an anonymous vocalist sings "Au Claire De La Lune" to Parisian inventor Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville, who makes the first known and oldest surviving recording of the human voice.
In 1857, a Parisian typesetter named Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville patented the phonautograph, a barrel-shaped, hand-cranked device used to transcribe sound in wave lines on soot-blackened paper!
Welcome, new students!
We appreciate your commitment to helping Fresno Music Academy & Arts grow! Music should be shared with everyone. Thank you!
Music is the Universal Language. We at Fresno Music Academy & Arts believe deeply that music is a way to spread love and peace into this world. We help do that everyday, by teaching music to children and adults from all backgrounds and walks of life.
Monday - Friday, 10AM-7PM and Saturday, 9AM-3PM
Opening Sundays SOON!
We offer lessons in: Voice, piano, guitar, bass, ukulele, drums, violin, flute, clarinet, and a recognized early childhood music program MUSIC FUNTIME.
559-222-SING (7464) & (559) 207-3833
1298 N. Wishon Ave.
Fresno, CA 93728
8068 N Cedar Ave.
Fresno, CA 93728