PPP Update and Future ACEC Events

As you know, we have been hard at work seeking a legislative fix related to the FAR clause within PPP. ACEC's national lobbyists have partnered with us to communicate with senior staff within Senator Inhofe and Senator Lankford's offices respectively. We have been in close communication with Senator Inhofe's team. Most recently, our ACEC OKLAHOMA's board sent a letter to Senator Inhofe which you can read here.

We will keep you apprised of ongoing discussions with our federal delegation as it pertains to PPP.

Additionally, we have several upcoming events and conferences you will want to save on your calendar.

The ACEC OKLAHOMA/ODOT Partnering Conference will be held in Tulsa at the Southern Hills Marriott. Check in will begin on September 22nd with the conference occurring on September 23rd. Registration for the event and hotel will be coming soon. For questions, or to reserve your spot, Please send us a message here.

The ACEC National Fall Conference will be held in Marco Island Florida October 27-30th. You can secure a discounted rate through the early bird period ending on September 24th. Register for the conference here.

-Mike Thompson- President & CEO