Thursday, October 20, 2022
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"In a Broken and Fearful World"

Rev. Jill Tolbert, Guest Speaker

Annie Lavin, Service Leader

Michael Casey, Meredith Hadaway,
and Rebekah Hock, Musicians

In Person & Zoom

Sunday, October 23, 2022

This Sunday we welcome Rev. Jill Tolbert, a minister at our neighboring Presbyterian Church on Gateway Drive. She and her husband, Rev. Joel, came to the Eastern Shore and PCC in late 2020 - a few months before Covid! This morning she continues the special tradition we have enjoyed over the years when PCC clergy cross Gateway Drive on a Sunday morning to join in our service and deliver a sermon. In the month of October our UU Services have centered around the theme of Courage. Rev. Jill will continue this in her sermon, “In a Broken and Fearful World…”

"In a broken and fearful world the Spirit gives us courage to pray without ceasing, …to unmask idolatries in Church and culture, to hear the voices of peoples long silenced, and to work with others for justice, freedom, and peace.” This service will explore the brokenness in our world that pushes us toward fear, and consider various stories of courage that might pull us from fear to faithful action.” Come join us!

So we can begin the discussion promptly at 10 am, please sign into Zoom (click here) or arrive by no later than 9:50 am.

Welcoming Families and Children on Sunday Mornings
Each Sunday, UUCR offers childcare and simple age-appropriate activities for children of all ages. If you have any questions about UUCR's programming for families and children, please be in touch with Rev. Sue. 
Upcoming Worship Services
Sunday, October 30 — ZOOM ONLY, Joint with UUFE

"A Godless Spirituality" 

"Spirituality" is a slippery, subjective term meaning different things to different people. Rather than regarding it as supernatural, our guest Rev. Dr. Neal Jones sees it as being quite natural; instead of being divinely inspired, he sees it as an innate human capacity. At this service Rev. Jones (who describes himself as a recovering Southern Baptist, humanist, UU minister) will share his definition of spirituality.

Bio — Rev. Dr. Neal Jones is a psychologist at the Pisgah Institute in Asheville. Born and raised in North Carolina, he earned his B.A. from Wake Forest University, his M.Div. from Southeastern Seminary, and his Psy.D. from Baylor University. He has served as the minister of five congregations in North and South Carolina, Texas, and Pennsylvania, most recently at Main Line Unitarian Church near Philly. He also serves as the chair of the national Board of Trustees of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Rev. Dr. Jones teaches and practices a spirituality of personal wholeness, relational respect, and social justice.

  • Rev. Dr. Neal Jones, Guest Speaker

Sunday, November 6 — In Person & ZOOM

"Well Yes, I Changed"

Many have strong personal convictions about right, wrong, and what needs to change in the world. Such clarity can be useful as we advocate for what we believe in. The lead up to an election is filled with this rhetoric of certainty. How do we also stay curious? As we head into this year's election week, are we ready to be changed by what is to come? At this service with Rev. Sue Browning we'll reflect on how we might prepare ourselves to see in fresh ways as the dust from the election settles.

  • Rev. Sue Browning, Minister
  • Marilee Taussig or Catherine Brooks, Service Leader
  • Kate Bennett, Musician
Newsletter Index
So You Don't Miss Anything!
  • This Week's Worship Service Information
  • Upcoming Worship Services Information
  • Newsletter Index
  • Helpful Links, Office Hours, Upcoming Events Calendar
  • Sad News
  • Annual Memorial Garden UUCR's "Saints" Day
  • New UUCR Tech Team Member
  • Bulb Planting at UUCR — November 5
  • Community Plan for Children, Youth, and Families
  • "Orientation to UUCR" Session — November 20
  • "Soup Sampler Fundraiser" Dinner — Providers Needed
  • Rebuilding Together Special Collection — Deadline 10/31
  • Pastoral Care and Connection Committee
  • Birthdays
  • UUCR Contact Information
  • End of Reflections Notice at the VERY END
If you don't see "VERY END of REFLECTIONS for October 20, 2022"
at the VERY END of this email, you're not seeing the entire email.
To view it to the end please Click here
Helpful Links
Upcoming Events
This Week's
Worship Service


UUCR Office Hours:
W, Sa, Su — 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
M, Tu, Th, F — CLOSED
OCT 23 | Worship Service
In Person & ZOOM
Rev. Jill Tolbert, guest

OCT 30 | Worship Service
ZOOM ONLY, joint with UUFE
Rev. Dr. Neal Jones, guest speaker

OCT 30 | Annual Memorial
Garden UUCR's "Saints" Day
(see details below)

OCT 31 | Deadline for
Rebuilding Together
Special Collection

NOV 05 | Bulb Planting at
UUCR (see details below)

NOV 06 | Worship Service
In Person & ZOOM
Rev. Sue Brown, minister

NOV 06 | Community Plan for Children, Youth, and Families Presentation (see details below)
If you know of another link or event that should be added, please contact
the UUCR office by email or phone 410-778-3440. Thanks!
Sad News
Dear UUCR Members and Friends,

We wanted to share the sad news that UUCR member Nancy Hart died yesterday. Nancy has struggled with many health issues over the years, and for the last several years has been on dialysis.  

We hold Nancy's husband Harry in our hearts at this difficult time. Nancy and Harry had been married for over 60 years, an amazing partnership. Harry shares that the evening before she died they played dominos and Nancy won. We also send our care to their son David, who attends UUCR, and to their other children and many family members.  

We'll miss Nancy's calm presence and regular participation in congregational life. Whether in a wheelchair, or on Zoom, she rarely missed a service.

For those wanting to send a card, Harry's address is 201 Cedar St., Chestertown, MD 21620. The family does plan to hold a service in November and we'll share the details about the service when available. 

In care,
Lynn and Rev. Sue

Lynn Geisert, Board President 

Rev. Sue Browning, Minister
Annual Memorial Garden UUCR's "Saints" Day
the past,
Reflecting on
the present,
the future.
— photo credit, David Biehler
Please join us as we celebrate UUCR's past, present, and future on Sunday, October 30th at 3 pm. On this day, two days before "All Saints Day," we will gather at our Memorial Garden to remember our beloved members who have passed away and are memorialized in the garden, our very own "Saints." This will be an opportunity to look back, to enjoy our present blessings, and to foresee how we can best support our community.

We are looking for volunteers to provide light finger food. We will be providing liquid refreshments.

If possible, please bring a lawn chair for yourself and a few extras for those who may need them.

Contact John Ramsey ( or Jane Hardy (
New UUCR Tech Team Member
You may have noticed a new face sitting at the computer and camera that sits at the door to the sanctuary. Her name is Helen Sanders, and she has joined the UUCR Tech Team to help its aging members. Given her credentials, we expect her to continue, and possibly improve on how the magic happens.
She has worked for Temple University for over 24 years, as a developer in its IT department. She has been working remotely since the pandemic, and is now 100% remote, working full-time from her condo at Rigbie Bluff in Betterton.
Most importantly, she is good friends with our own Waverly and Tim Ford. So, say hi to her next time you are trying to work your way into the sanctuary past the recording set up.
Bulb Planting on November 5
The UUCR Building and Grounds Committee has ordered and received daffodil and crocus bulbs to plant in order to enhance our grounds. The Committee met on Friday, October 14 and would like to schedule a "work day" to plant these flowering bulbs on Saturday, November 5.

We have several people that have volunteered their augers and cordless drills which will make the bulb planting much easier.

The plan is to have a first crew to set out the bulbs where they should go, starting about 9:00 am, followed by a crew to drill holes, insert soil amendments, and then plant the bulbs. This second crew should arrive at about 10:30 am.

Please let us know if you can help, and at which time.


Diane Shields ( for the B&G Committee
Community Plan for Children, Youth, and Families
We are very fortunate to have Rosemary Ramsey Granillo, Director of the Kent County Local Management Board and a great friend of our church, join us for a presentation and discussion after the service on Sunday, November 6. According to Rosie, "The political landscape for children and youth is on the cusp of an exciting moment in Maryland. The Blueprint for MD’s future, a new Governor, and expansions in federal programs point to a policy landscape that may bolster children and families for the first time in 40 years. How will we take advantage of this locally?" Rosie will go over Kent County’s Community Plan for Children Youth and Families. The plan aligns local efforts to build equitable access, shared assets, and full opportunity among our families. 

If you care about family services in Kent County, don't miss this one!  
"Orientation to UUCR" Session November 20
The UUCR Membership Committee has scheduled an "Orientation to UUCR" session for Sunday, November 20, following the service. If you are interested in learning more about UUCR, and possibly becoming an official member, please let Diane Shields know that you will attend:
 or 410-490-0492. Light refreshments will be served, and there will be opportunities for questions!
"Soup Sampler Dinner" Fundraiser at UUCR on Friday, December 9!
Get your fill sampling 10 soups and 5 breads
on Dec 9; order more to enjoy later!
Ten different soup makers will each bring a crockpot full of their favorite/best soup, five different bread makers will each bring homemade loaves, and all in attendance will dig into a luscious warming meal. (Providers of the soup and bread will eat free at the dinner.) Attendees will also be able to order quarts (@$10) of their choice of soups and loaves (@$6) of their favorite breads for pick-up and payment at UUCR on Sunday, December 18.

Soup makers (bisques, chowders and chilis are also most welcome) and bread makers, we need YOU.  Send Jane Hardy,, a couple of varieties you’d be willing to make, so that we won’t have duplications. 

Cost of the dinner will be $20 per person. BYOB; light dessert provided. Sign up to attend the dinner on Sunday mornings after services, starting on November 6. 

From your Fundraising Task Force: Lynn Dolinger, Linda Dutton, Jane Hardy, and Mary Pritchard
UUCR Social Justice Work for October 2022
Will Focus on Local Low Income Housing.
We have identified Rebuilding Together Kent County ( as the local non profit we will collect funds for throughout October. Rebuilding Together Kent County (RTKC) is part of a national organization. They work in local partnership with community volunteers and local contractors to provide free home repairs, safety modifications, and links to community resources to keep homeowners with limited resources living independently in homes that are safe, warm, and dry.

You can contribute by writing a check made out to UUCR specifying “Rebuilding Together” in the memo line and either placing it in the offering basket on Sundays or sending it to the church office. You can also donate online at the UUCR website using the “Donate” button (click here) and “Custom Amount,” specifying “Rebuilding Together” in the comment section.
Please make your donation before October 31.
Pastoral Care and Connection
You are encouraged to share your joys and sorrows with the UUCR Pastoral Associates (see below). This team is a mixed group — but all have had previous life experiences and a variety of professional training in counseling and philosophy. Please contact one, or several of us, if you “want to talk.”
Pastoral Care Associates: Kevin Brien,
Gayle Folger, Nancy Holland, and Vida Morley


11 - Cynthia Ramsey
17 - Catherine Brooks
We want to help celebrate your birthday! If we didn't include your birthday, please contact the UUCR office by email (click here).
Unitarian Universalists of the Chester River 914 Gateway Drive | Chestertown, MD | 21620
Phone: 410-778-3440
Office hours: W, Sa, Su — 8:30 am-12:30 pm
Closed — M, Tu, Th, F
VERY END of REFLECTIONS for October 20, 2022