May is Bike Month...
Alameda CTC is celebrating biking all month long!

--Tess Lengyel, Alameda CTC Executive Director
And Alameda CTC is all about bikes!
This month, we are especially happy to share how the Commission’s 2022 priorities serve cyclists. Our initiatives toward multimodal transportation, safety, active transportation, and zero emission travel are all in line with a bike-forward Alameda County.

The Countywide Bikeways Network is a 400-mile bikeway network with the goal of a connected, safe and comfortable network of bikeway corridors throughout Alameda County. Plans for this countywide network of bikeways were approved by the Commission on May 26, 2022.

Commission Chair John J. Bauters (l.) and Vice Chair Elsa Ortiz (r.) made a video showing how easy it is to take your bike with you onto the bus. This video (also available in Spanish) and the advancement of the Countywide Bikeways Network are just a few of the ways Alameda CTC is putting the Commission's 2022 priorities into practice, and the Commission is committed to building on this work to make Alameda County the most bikeable county in California.

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