Fall 2017

Pre-APHA 2017 
Special Edition
Kent D. Key, PhD, MPH

Greetings Community-Based Public Health Caucus members. 

I cordially invite you to meet me at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA) in Atlanta GA, November 5-8, 2017. The Community Based Public Health Caucus is planning a variety of scientific sessions, and a special Pre-APHA event in partnership with the Morehouse School of Medicine-Prevention Research Center and the Community Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH). This pre-APHA event, held on Saturday, November 4th is a Writing & Dissemination Institute (WDI) designed to build the capacity of community and academics to engage in equitable writing, publication and social media practices.

We just received news that our R13 grant application was funded by National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities of the National Institutes of Health to fund community partners to attend our WDI and APHA. See below for more information and application details.

If you plan to come to Atlanta, GA this year, please mark your calendars for our WDI on Saturday, November 4 at a community partner organization and later that day the National Community-Based Organization Network(NCBON) annual "Community Reception happening on the Morehouse campus. More details to follow.

As always, we are looking for new members for the CBPHC. Please be sure to renew your membership to the CBPHC if you have not already. Membership dues help us plan events at APHA and allow us to sustain our caucus status within APHA.
We are excited to announce that the new administrative home of the Caucus will be the Michigan State University, College of Human Medicine, Division of Public Health, in the Office of Community Scholars and Partnerships. It has been my pleasure to serve you as 2017 Chair, and I look forward to serving you as the new Caucus Administrator.

Every year, the CBPHC, in partnership with the National Community Based Organization Network (NCBON), honors community and academic partners every year with three awards: 
Please send your nominations to by Friday, October 20, 2017 midnight EST. For more information on awards, please visit:

CBPH Morning Business Meeting & Other APHA Happenings

We have two events happening before APHA even starts. More details are shared below.

Please join us for our  NCBON business meeting  on  Sunday,   November 5.   On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, we have a full schedule of sessions highlighting community-academic partnerships in action. For a full list of sessions, visit the APHA website .

Join us for the CBPH Caucus Annual Business Meeting! Whether your a Caucus member or not, we hope you can join us early on Tuesday,  November 7  at 6:30 a.m. Similar to last year, t his year's meeting format is to engage in dialogue over complimentary coffee, tea, and juice around the work of the caucus and ways to augment our work in APHA and beyond. We'll also celebrate our annual Tom Bruce, E. Hill De Loney, and Lucille Webb awards! We look forward to seeing you there. 


Scholarship Opportunity funded by NIMHD R13

The Community Based Public Health (CBPH) Caucus leaders, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) and the Morehouse School of Medicine-Prevention Research Center have collaborated to apply for grant funding for scholarships through the National Institutes of Health this year to attend American Public Health Association ( APHA ) Annual meeting in Atlanta, GA November 5-8, 2017. With funding from the National Institutes of Health, scholarship funding is available for individuals to attend a special Writing & Dissemination Institute as a pre-conference to the APHA Annual Meeting, on November 4, 2017 in Atlanta, GA. Funding will also support full or partial costs associated with attending the APHA Annual Meeting. Applications from individuals nominated by community-based organizations will be considered. Individuals who are employed by a higher educational institution or government-based agency are not eligible to apply for funds. All financial processes for this event will be coordinated by CCPH.
The purpose of these travel scholarships is to bring people to the Writing & Dissemination Institute and to the APHA Annual Meeting to build community partners' capacity to equitably engage in the writing and dissemination processes of research. Through this experience, community partners will build knowledge and skills and have the opportunity to network with others engaged in reducing health disparities and improving community health.
**Please note this process is time sensitive**
The deadline to apply for a scholarship is Monday, October 9, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. PST. NOTE: You will need to include a nomination from your community-based organization in order to apply. Applicants will be notified of a decision by Monday, October 16, 2017 by 5:00 p.m. EST.

Please read full application. Applicants may apply using pdf or online version. Completed nomination forms can be sent as pdf or text can be copied and sent in email 

Questions?  Contact CBPH Caucus Chair, Dr. Kent Key at or Past CBPH Caucus Chair, Tricia Piechowski at
Pre-APHA Event: Writing Dissemination Institute (WDI)

A newly joint partnership of the CBPHC, Community Campus Partnership for Health (CCPH) and the Morehouse School of Medicine-Prevention Research Center will sponsor a Writing & Dissemination Institute (WDI). This Pre-APHA event is designed to share knowledge and insights into various modes of dissemination (traditional and non-traditional) CBPH research from community, academic and youth perspectives. The WDI sessions will increase the abilities of community partners to effectively contribute to writing manuscripts for peer-reviewed publication. In addition, youth from the CBPHC and the Morehouse School of Medicine-PRC will share best practices using social media and technology to communicate effectively to a broader audience. Participants will be exposed to various collaborative writing protocols and practices that wil
l be presented by teams consisting of both community and academic partners.
The WDI will be held on Saturday, November 4, 2017 at a local community partner organization in Atlanta, GA. Stay tuned for registration details.
CBPHC Program for APHA 2017
This ye ar, the CBPHC received 182 abstract submissions for the APHA Annual Meeting. Of those, 82 were accepted, including 3 full sessions spanning topics such as anti-racism and cance r care, capacity building, and promising practices for enhancing community-based participatory  research. The American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian and CBPH Caucuses are also organizing a special joint sessio n that will highlight diverse partnerships to reduce chronic diseases in Native communities. You can view these and other sessions in the final CBPHC program online We are deeply grateful for all those who took time to write and submit abstracts and those who volunteered to review - your collective efforts are what make it possible to create and share this incredible work that is keeping community at the heart of public health.
We hope to see you at this year's annual meeting in Atlanta.
Join the CBPH Caucus 
Want to help support the vision of the CBPH Caucus--and enjoy some practical benefits at the same time? If so, then please consider joining the Caucus or renewing your membership if it has expired. A regular membership is $25; a student membership is $5; and organizations can sign up three people for $66.  Caucus membership benefits are as follows: 
  • Informative group emails; 
  • Invitations to participate in the CBPH Caucus Annual Business Meeting at APHA;
  • Can serve as volunteers and as active members of committees and networks;
  • Eligible to be nominated for leadership positions; 
  • Can apply for travel scholarship funding, if available.
Learn more about the CBPH Caucus by visiting our website: