Greetings Community-Based Public Health Caucus members.
I cordially invite you to meet me at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA) in Atlanta GA, November 5-8, 2017. The Community Based Public Health Caucus is planning a variety of scientific sessions, and a special Pre-APHA event in partnership with the Morehouse School of Medicine-Prevention Research Center and the Community Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH). This pre-APHA event, held on Saturday, November 4th is a
Writing & Dissemination Institute (WDI) designed to build the capacity of community and academics to engage in equitable writing, publication and social media practices.
We just received news that our R13 grant application was funded by National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities of the National Institutes of Health to fund community partners to attend our WDI and APHA. See below for more information and application details.
If you plan to come to Atlanta, GA this year, please mark your calendars for our WDI on Saturday, November 4 at a community partner organization and later that day the
National Community-Based Organization Network(NCBON) annual "Community Reception happening on the Morehouse campus. More details to follow.
As always, we are looking for new members for the CBPHC. Please be sure to renew your
membership to the CBPHC if you have not already.
Membership dues help us plan events at APHA and allow us to sustain our caucus status within APHA.
We are excited to announce that the new administrative home of the Caucus will be the Michigan State University, College of Human Medicine, Division of Public Health, in the Office of Community Scholars and Partnerships. It has been my pleasure to serve you as 2017 Chair, and I look forward to serving you as the new Caucus Administrator.