ISBNPA XChange 2021
June 7-11, 2021
We are excited to tell you about the XChange 2021 keynotes:

  • Shifalika Goenke will present on Physical Activity Insecurity
  • Emily Mendenhall presentation is focused on Syndemics
  • and Meera Shekar on Nutrition and Food System Transformation

Stay tuned for more details on these innovative topics.
One month to submit your best research
Share your research in the ISBNPA XChange 2021 by submitting your best research until February 12th, 2021.
Experience different time zones, without the jet-lag 😊.
We all crave for strange things during the pandemic.

ISBNPA XChange 2021 will try a novel conference format that may help you feel like you are in a distant country...

The conference's first day will run from about 9-to-5 Sydney time (that is June 8 in Australia, but June 7 in some other countries). The second day goes from 9-to-5 Amsterdam (June 9 in Europe), and the third again from 9-to-5 Minneapolis (June 10). 
There will be "catch-up" periods of about 20 hours between these conference days, allowing for networking, #dare2share sessions, and other learning opportunities.

These "catch-up" days are designed to make you well... catch-up with the recordings and happenings of the symposia and oral sessions that took place at your sleeping time.  

Some of the sessions (i.e., symposia or oral), if the pandemic permits, will be face-to-face and broadcasted to everyone else. We will work intensively with the presenters to make this possible.

Join us in this new learning format, register today in the link below.
ISBNPA 2021 Membership comes included with the ISBNPA XChange 2021 registration
Following the XChange Initiative in 2020, we will have another virtual meeting at XChange Initiative 2021, and we want to continue with the tradition of offering it for free to our members.

Make sure you join ISBNPA's innovative and creative community in 2021. In addition to the XChange meeting, you will have access to:

  • The ISBNPA App, a place to re-entangle behavior nutrition and physical activity researchers
  • #Dare2Share, webinars, job positions, and exclusive content about "everything ISBNPA"
  • Discounted Article Publishing Charges in IJBNPA (20% off the APC)
  • Networks of students, early career, mid-career researchers, and mentors
  • And many more initiatives, emerging from our Strategic Plan 2021-2023, soon to be released
The NESI team is organizing an inspiring webinar next January 20th, 2021, 21-22PM GMT.

Physical activity data processing and visualization.

Dr. Kelly Mackintosh* | Dr. Tom Stewart**

Affiliation: *Associate professor, Applied sport, Technology, Exercise and Medicine (A-STEM), Swansea University (UK) | ** Senior research fellow, Human Potential Centre, Auckland University of Technology

Learn more and register HERE.

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