A Message from the President
Thank you to all 2020-2021 Moraga Education Foundation donors and volunteers! Without you, this foundation would not exist. I’ve had the unique opportunity to have been MEF President for the last two years. This was definitely a strange year and extremely challenging at times for all of us in the midst of the pandemic. But the community has shown its commitment to come together to support excellent public education by already contributing almost $2.3 million which will go towards grants for the 2021-2022 academic year. I’m grateful that so many families, businesses, and community members continue to come together year after year and donate to support our students. It is impressive!  

Great schools do not just happen. Besides fantastic teachers, staff, and leadership, what truly outstanding schools around the country have in common is a high level of community support. This support comes in many forms -- from volunteers inside and outside the classroom, educational encouragement and support from a student’s family/guardian or mentor, and of course here in California, financial support to supplement low school funding. 

As you know, MEF depends on private donations each year to fund grants that help make up the difference between inadequate state funding and the actual cost of educating our students. These grants allow our schools to continue to provide educational opportunities, both academic and social-emotional, that would not exist without your support, and consequently, Moraga schools stand out as some of the best in California. 

MEF is a volunteer-run organization and would not be as productive without the MANY (typically over 100) volunteers who contribute their time and energy to supporting our fundraising efforts. The foundation's driving force and our volunteers' mutual goal is to make a difference for the kids - which is why we say “every student, every day.”  

Thank you for making a difference for Moraga and Campolindo students!

With Appreciation,

Lisa Brown
MEF President
Congratulations to all of the families that are celebrating graduations!

Whether your child is graduating from 5th grade, 8th grade, or high school, this transition to the next step in life is one to be celebrated.

The Moraga Education Foundation is proud to have been a part of creating the opportunities your child has had at Moraga public schools, and we wish them the very best as they move onto their next adventure!
Your donations total almost $2.3M for the current Annual Giving Campaign. Thank you!

As of now, MEF grants to the Moraga School District and Campolindo for the 2021-2022 academic year will total $2.1M (13% less than the year before). But as donations continue to come in before the end of the campaign on June 30, the MEF Board of Directors can vote in August to increase those grants. The MEF Board would like to maximize its grants for next year so that opportunities for all students are preserved. Please donate today!