
The world has changed dramatically ever since the pandemic happened. You have changed, too, as you've developed some new patterns and habits. But instead of resuming the way you used to live, God is giving you an opportunity to build a better life.

Because Jesus is the same YESTERDAY TODAY FOREVER
I will praise Him with all of my soul. His unfailing love gives me strength, today & every day. Because He is who He says He is.

In this series, Pastor Jack will show you how God can take a difficult season and use it to help you build a better future. You’ll discover how to reset your life and establish new healthy habits.

Join us each week in person or online.

Saturday, 7 p.m. & Sunday, 10 a.m.

Click SECURE GIVE Thank you for your summer tithes and offerings. This helps us pay the bills when you are gone. Get started with secure give today. You can cancel anytime.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

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