We own - 3,384 acres
We manage or have helped protect - 8,902 acres
Conservation easements - 2,155 acres
(There are no handshake agreements - we are more formal now)
This is all thanks to people like you. Truly. People who renew their membership every year, call to make a donation, volunteer their time. People who know that protecting our precious Earth is the solution to so many problems.
And that photo at the top of this section? That's the next property we are working to protect within the Corridors Campaign. You're likely well versed on this Campaign as our proactive way to be ready when land protection opportunities arise. We'll share more soon, but if you are ready to renew your commitment to this work, give me a call to make a gift or donate online here.
I wonder what the "DID YOU KNOW?" box will say in another 30 years...