Stay up to date on what is happening in Baldwin County School District by reading June's edition of the Baldwin Beat!
Baldwin High School Class of 2021 Graduation
On Saturday, May 29th, over 200 Baldwin High School Seniors in the Class of 2021 proudly walked across the field of Braves Stadium to receive their high school diploma and made history. These graduates are the first class to have endured and successfully complete an entire school year from start to finish amidst a global pandemic. No one would have ever predicted that their senior year would start the way that it did. However, these graduates quickly realized that they still had the tools to persevere--they adjusted to the new normal, they adhered to the new safety protocols put in place to keep them safe and healthy, and some of them had to adjust to their home being their permanent classroom for the entire school year. We are so proud of the Class of 2021 because they never let the challenges of the pandemic stop them from succeeding and finishing their education. Congratulations to the Class of 2021! We can't wait to see all the great things you will accomplish in the future.
For those guests who were unable to attend the graduation ceremony in person, the commencement was live-streamed to the public via a Vimeo link. To view photos from graduation click the button below.
Baldwin Winter Sports Awards Banquet (Basketball, Cheerleading & Wrestling)
On Tuesday, May 25th, the Baldwin High School Athletic Department hosted the Basketball, Cheerleading and Wrestling Awards Banquet in the Baldwin High School Fine Arts Auditorium. Region and State Honorees were recognized along with our student athletes who went above and beyond for their team as well as in their academic studies. Malcolm May from T-Shirts To Go presented the Basketball Team with a $2,000 donation. To view a photo gallery from the awards banquet click the button below.
Baldwin Spring Sports Awards Banquet (Baseball, Soccer, Track & Field)
On Wednesday, May 26th, the Baldwin High School Athletic Department ended the school year with the Spring Sports Awards Banquet. Student-athletes from baseball, soccer, and track & field were honored. To view a photo gallery from the awards banquet click the button below.
Georgia College Early College
Georgia College Early College Graduates Earn Associate Degrees from Georgia Military College
One of the advantages students at Georgia College Early College have is the opportunity to earn Associate Degrees during their high school career. During Georgia Military College's graduation ceremony, 16 GCEC students were able to receive their Associate Degrees in addition to their high school diploma.
The Early Learning Center
Students & Staff Celebrate the End of the Year at the ELC
Students and staff of the Early Learning Center shared in the joy of a successful 2020-2021 school year through games and end of the year activities. The celebrations also included a parade to honor our youngest learners entering into the next phase of their educational journeys: kindergarten. To view a complete gallery of ELC End of the Year Activities click the button below.
Baldwin High School Read to Lead Initiative
Baldwin High School's Read to Lead Initiative was a big success in the primary and elementary schools. The Read To Lead Initiative has been an idea BHS Media Specialist Pamela Longino has been trying to implement for quite some time, and finally, it has come to fruition.
"I originally got the idea from the American Library Association READ Campaign that kicked off in 1985. The campaign had posters showing celebrities and athletes reading their favorite books to promote literacy. Last year the Mary Vinson Library received a grant and with that grant, they created READ To LEAD posters of different stakeholders in our community. I saw them hanging in various schools and businesses in the community and wanted to do a spin-off of that initiative," she explained.
When the Braves Basketball team won the State Championship, she decided to start the initiative with them. In the READ to LEAD posters, basketball players are seen reading in different locations to show that reading can take you anywhere. The posters were donated to the elementary schools that the basketball players attended. The basketball players visited the elementary schools to read to the students and donated their framed posters, as well as two books the students read, which were donated to the media center. The books were signed by all the players and coaches.
Posters will also be donated to Oak Hill Middle School, Georgia College Early College, and Baldwin High. Mrs. Longino plans to continue the initiative throughout the coming years. A special thanks go out to Dawson Roberts, Jamey Fields and Jennifer Veazey for helping Mrs. Longino bring the Baldwin HIgh School Read to Lead Initiative into fruition.
Congratulations to the Oak Hill Book Braves! Twenty students became experts on 2 to 3 Georgia Children's Book Award nominees over four months and competed against each other to answer as many questions as possible! What a great way to end the school year!
Let's Chalk it Up to a Crazy Year
Midway Hills Academy staff celebrated one unique school year on the last day of school by wearing their "Let's Chalk it Up to a Crazy Year" t-shirts and engaging in quality time with their students one more time before wrapping up the 2020-2021 school year. Click the button below to view more photos from MHA's last day of school activities.
A new club has been planted at Lakeview Academy and the school hopes that interest in joining it will continue to grow. The first Young Farmers Club was formed at LVA in May and 6 elementary students were the first inductees into the group. The group is similar to FFA and the members learn about agriculture. It is run by Lakeview Academy Nurse Laise Townsend. Thus far, the club has taken virtual field trips to dairy farms across the nation and learned about plants and seeds. Mrs. Townsend hopes that in the 2021-2022 school year, the club will be able to do more hands on activities, such as starting a egg grading program, raising chickens for chicken judging, and creating a compost bin.
Lakeview Primary Time Capsule Unveiling
A group of seniors from different area high schools came together at Lakeview Primary to unearth a time capsule they buried when they were all together in 5th grade. The school was then named Creekside, and these group of young men and women were part of Mrs. Cindy English's class in 2014 when they decided the create the time capsule. Mrs. English, who is now retired, brought her former students together one more time to unearth their elementary school class project. After nearly 2 hours of digging, the students struck gold when they found the time capsule and got a chance to see the treasures from their youth that were buried. Some of the items in the time capsule included a class photo, letters they had written to their future selves, and a copy of the Creekside newsletter.
Governor's School Leadership Academy Induction Program
Congratulations to Mrs. Chasity Hatcher and Mrs. Crystal Lewis for completing the Governor's School Leadership Academy Induction Teacher Support Program. The Governor’s School Leadership Academy (GSLA) provides high-quality, selective, statewide leadership preparation and support designed to develop high-capacity school leaders across Georgia. The GSLA Teacher Leader Support Program provides participating teachers with the opportunity to explore their role as a leader from the classroom to develop specific teacher leader skills and competencies which support building capacity at their schools.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration for the 2021-2022 school year officially began February 1, 2021. This year, the registration process is available online. Parents of children who will be 5 years of age by September 1, 2021, are able to register their upcoming Kindergarten student online one of two ways. To access the online registration portal, either scan the QR code located in the image above or enter the URL: into your internet browser. You will need to upload specific documents to your application as part of the registration process. For a list of all documents needed for the application, please refer to the Kindergarten Registration Flyer above.
If there are parents/guardians who are interested in having their child participate in our Kindergarten Montessori program, please make sure to fill out the Montessori Interest Form section when completing the online registration. Completion of the interest form does not guarantee acceptance into the Montessori Program. For additional questions regarding Online Kindergarten Registration, please call 478-453-4176.
Infinite Campus is the Baldwin County School District's new student information system and gaining access is easier than ever before. Simply follow the link to two videos that provide step-by-step instructions on how to create an account and login. You can also find this information by clicking the "Infinite Campus" link under the parents tab on
Download the MyStop App Today!
Never worry about where your child's bus is ever again! Thanks to the new and innovative technology that the Baldwin County School District has invested in. As a result, parents of our students can now get real-time updates of their child's bus location through the MyStop app, which is available for download in the iTunes or Android marketplaces.
MyStop provides parents, and parents only, a live look at their child's bus while in transit using GPS technology. Parents can see the exact location of the bus as it's moving along its route and can even provide an estimated time of arrival.
Click on the following links to access district and school websites as well as all of the social media networks for our respective schools in the district. Our Facebook and Twitter accounts are the best ways to stay up to date with the latest news and happenings in all of our schools. Give us a like or a follow and help share all the good news that is happening in the district every day!
Click the links below to access our district's strategic plan, Baldwin County Board of Education Board Meetings, Blog, School Web Pages, and About Us.
110 North ABC St.
Milledgeville, GA 31061
Phone: 478-453-4176
Fax: 478-457-3327