Wednesday, July 20th, 2022

After a huge dry spell the last few weeks, we FINALLY saw some rain across the county. Unfortunately, in some areas, it was much more than we needed at once. We are thinking of those who were affected by the storm.

Soybeans are well into their R2-R3 stage and are progressing well, especially given the heat. The recent rains will be very, very welcome. August is the main yield determining month for soybeans, so hopefully we see some consistent showers as we go forward into the next few weeks.
The past week or so was HUGE for harvest activity in Lambton and Middlesex counties. Many fields came off at optimum moisture and quality. Some of our Staff noted that they had not seen test weights so high before! (404 g/0.5 L was one of the highest!). Yields have varied from field to field, especially depending on fall planting date and fertilizer programs. Overall, the bulk of the harvested acres seemed to have come in around the 80-100bu/acre range.

Moving forward, there is still wheat to be harvested, but the timing of that will overall be dictated by mother nature.

Looking forward, once the wheat is off, it is time to think about a cover crop plan, or soil sampling needs. Call your agronomist for booking product, sampling, or planning.

  • Bradey: 519-312-7767
  • Jason: 519-330-9746
  • Darrin: 519-330-9812

Additionally, if you have not yet signed a grain declaration form for your 2022 wheat, please get in touch with Floyd or Megan.

Floyd: 519-328-8481
Megan: 519-328-2623
The corn crop will also be very appreciative of the rains. Driving around the county, you can easily see that some tassels are starting to pop on the corn. This means that fungicide timing is right around the corner. We will be ready with our lift kit! Keep in touch with your agronomist about fungicide timing and getting on our custom application list.

Last year's season brought in a lot of late season tar-spot, and we are proactively keeping our eyes open when scouting fields. Early signs of tar spot can already be identified in the corn and provide even more reason to protect your crop.
In other News
If you have not already seen, Wanstead Co-op has set a date for our annual golf tournament: August 5th.

Registration is $60 and involves 18 holes of golf, a boxed lunch delivered to the course, a steak dinner, and the chance to win one of our many prizes!

To register, please call or visit either of our branches, or fill out the registration form. We look forward to seeing you on the links!
Have you Registered for the Golf Tournament yet?
You bet! Super excited!
Sadly I am busy that day
I am planning on it, but I haven't registered yet