
Monkeypox Vaccine Registration

Dear Karen,

Please find important information regarding Monkeypox from the CDC.


Northwell Health will be hosting a Monkeypox vaccine site at Whyte Hall in the Pines and at the Northwell Doctor's House in Cherry Grove this coming weekend. See below for details:


The hours of your appointment will be confirmed upon completion of registration. There are a limited number of vaccines available, so if you are interested, I strongly suggest your register immediately. 


Please view the press conference yesterday by Steve Bellone, Suffolk County Executive, regarding this important announcement and details. See press conference here.


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Henry Robin, President

Allan Baum, Vice President

Gary Clinton, Secretary

Eric Sawyer, Treasurer

Alan Brodherson, Greg Henniger, Chris Mai, Charles Montorio-Archer, Jay Pagano, Nate Pinsley, Leland Rechis, Russell Saray, Ed Schulhafer, Matt Tague

and Jim Vandernoth