Church Pandemic Response Guidelines

The following guidelines are practiced inside our building.

  1. If you are experiencing cold symptoms, or been with someone who has, please consider joining us online.
  2. All soloists indoors are vaccinated.
  3. At this time, masks are not required, but feel free to wear one if you like.

Weekly 10AM Services


  • CHILDREN'S CHURCH is both in-person and online. Thank you Miss Jackie for offering hybrid church for our children.
  • 10AM SERVICES are also on Facebook -Watch live or recorded. All are saved and available to watch at your convenience. Facebook link is below.


Thank you for supporting U of LO's message

PRAYER REQUEST - Join with a million + in a prayer of peace at 9PM every night by visualizing a safe dome of peace over Ukraine.

Spiritual Center
Happenings for this weekend

Sunday 10AM


Charles Laird


Inspirational music

1PM Service this Sunday
(Very much like our 10AM service, just later in case it works into your schedule better.)

More Unity

Wednesday Chat Session with Linda La Croix 7PM

Friday Chat Session
Jack Ferguson 9AM
"Virtuous Living"

Zoom link
(Currently not available on Sunday's)

Meeting ID: 776 3804 7560
Password: 1234
Dial by your location
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
    +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
    +1 253 215 8782 US
    +1 301 715 8592 US
 Meeting ID: 776 3804 7560
Password: 1234

Unity of LO Happenings -

Join Jack's Horticulture Committee - Is making great progress in the flower beds. Join us 248-391-9211

Next Unity Class will be bi-weekly for four classes and starts on July 12th book - The Prospering Power of Love by Catherine Ponder. Join us - we meet by Zoom link. Call to find out more. 248-391-9211

Wednesday Evening Unity Zoom Chat and Prayer with Linda 7PM

Friday Morning Unity Zoom Chat with Jack 9AM- A one hour chat session that begins with the message in the Daily Word.

Next Revealing Word Chat 11:45am Sunday 08/07/2022
Chat with Linda La Croix and friends about life and the metaphysical work of Charles Fillmore.

Second Service 1PM on 07/10/2022 (Second Sunday of the month.)
Prayer & Healing Service - a deeper metaphysical appreciation of life.(New Age)

A prayer chaplain is available to support you in prayer - call 248-391-9211
Unity of LO Lesson

The Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind and Power
By Joseph Murphy

The Great Law of Love

The words God and good are synonymous. When you mentally and emotionally unite with honesty, integrity, justice, good will, and happiness, you are loving God, because you are loving that which is good. You are loving God when you are fascinated, absorbed, and captivated by the great truth that God is One and Indivisible and there are no divisions or quarrels in It. To love God is to give your allegiance, loyalty, and devotion to the One Power, refusing to recognize any other power in the world. When you definitely recognize and completely accept in your mind that God really is omnipotent, in the most practical literal, and matter-of-fact manner, you are loving God, because you are loyal to the One Power. Sit down quietly at times and think over this vital, interesting, fascinating, and greatest of all truths that God is the only Power and that everything we can be aware of is part of His self-expression.

How Imagination Makes the Past Alive

Archaeologists and paleontologists studying the tombs of ancient Egypt, through their imaginative perception, reconstruct ancient scenes. The dead past becomes alive and audible once more.
Looking at the ancient ruins and the hieroglyphics thereon, the scientist's imagination enables him to clothe the ancient temple with roofs and to surround them with gardens, pools, and fountains. The fossil remains are clothed with eyes, sinews, and muscles, and they again walk and talk.
The past becomes the living present, and we find that in imagination there is no time or space. Through your imaginative faculty, you can be a companion of the most inspired writers of all time.

Your Belief About God Really Is Your Belief About Yourself

If you think that God is cruel, vindictive, and an inscrutable, tyrannical, cannibalistic Moloch in the skies, a sort of oriental sultan or despot punishing you, of course, you will experience the result of this habitual thinking, and your life will be lazy, confused, and full of fear and limitations of all kinds. In other words, you will experience the results of the nature of your belief about God. You actually will have negative experiences because of your belief.
God becomes to you whatever you consider Him to be. Above all things, get the right concept of God. It makes no difference what you call God. You may call Him Allah, Brahma, Vishnu, Reality, Infinite Intelligence, The healing Presence, The Oversoul, Divine Mind, The architect of the Universe, The Supreme Being, The Life Principle, The Living Spirit, or The Creative Power. The point is, your belief or conviction about God governs and gives direction to your whole life.

Believe in a God of Love

Millions of people believe in a God that sends sickness, pain, and suffering; they believe in a cruel and vindictive Deity. They do not have a good God, and, to them, God is not a loving God. Having such weird, ignorant concepts of God, they experience the results of their beliefs in the form of all kinds of difficulties and troubles. Your subconscious mind manifests your beliefs and projects them as experiences, conditions, and events.
Your nominal belief about God is meaningless. The thing that matters is your real, subconscious belief-the belief of your heart. You always will demonstrate your belief; that is why Dr. Quimby said one hundred years ago, "Man is belief expressed." Millions of people conceive of a God of caprice, afar-off in the skies, who possesses all the whims of a human being. With such a concept, they are like the businessman who once said to this writer, "I would be all right if God would leave me alone." Believe that God is love, that He watches over you and cares for you, and that He guides, prospers, and loves you, and wonders will happen in your life which transcend your fondest dreams!

(Any book can be ordered for you - call our main number at 248-391-9211)

Weekly Quote

"I believe that the mind is the last planet that's left unexplored. Achieving the universal or cosmic consciousness is the highest goal to mankind."
By: Mwanandeke Kindembo