Housing Connection
April 2020
Building communities together.

TSAHC believes in the power of education and building capacity for our nonprofit housing partners. Through Housing Connection, we help affordable housing and counseling organizations access trainings, promote themselves, build capacity, as well as provide a network where best practices can be shared. 
Monthly Spotlight:

Housing Connection  Has Been Rescheduled!
For the safety of our attendees, hosts, and instructors Housing Connection has been rescheduled to December 7th-11th, 2020. The courses offered will be the same, and we will give everyone the opportunity to register and apply for scholarships once again. 

The course offerings for TSAHC's 2020 Housing Connection training workshop and scholarship application may be found via the link below:
Mark Your Calendars:

Breaking News
Recent News:

Source: Housing Matters

Disasters, whether climate related or a pandemic, have catastrophic effects on all of us. Although physically or economically vulnerable families bear the most immediate harm, solutions that look at only immediate harms can add new vulnerabilities and risks. With the  mounting  Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and  extended   "social distancing " across the US, hourly workers and small businesses face abrupt disruptions in income. The resulting job insecurity and housing instability have rightly sparked local and state governments to seek eviction moratorium. But a temporary hold on evictions allows rent arrears to add up, which puts renters in deeper crisis in the future while harming rental property owners today. An effective solution to economic risks from COVID-19 would get the rent paid.

Source: Housing Matters

During and following economic recessions, labor market instability leads to housing instability as income shocks and increased volatility in income cause missed rent payments. To avoid the cascade of negative outcomes associated with housing instability, policymakers must understand what kinds of support can help families remain stably housed. In this study, researchers examined the association between the receipt of housing assistance and changes in housing insecurity among renters in the Detroit metropolitan area in the wake of the Great Recession.

Source: GreenPath Financial Wellness- CNBC

Excerpt from CNBC, featuring GreenPath President & CEO, Kristen Holt, on which bills to pay during the Coronavirus outbreak.

April 1 is here. Meeting routine financial obligations, such as rent and student loan bills, will be a challenge for the millions of Americans who find themselves without a paycheck thanks to the Coronavirus outbreak. Overwhelmed? Scared? Begin by making a list of all your bills, experts say. At the top should be the things you most need. "Normally, rent and mortgage are the most important," said Anthony Alexis, a partner in Goodwin's Financial Industry and Consumer Financial Services Litigation. Yet nothing is normal these days. "For rentals, many large states such as California and New York have enacted a moratorium on evictions," Alexis said.That means you may be able to redirect your usual housing costs to other essentials, if you need to.

Thanks to Our Supporters:

Jael Zelada, TSAHC Approved Lender
Southwest Funding

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