October 2022
Dean's Outstanding Achievement Awards
  • We recently recognized the 19 faculty, staff and student winners of the Dean's Outstanding Achievement Awards for teaching, research and service! See the AgriLife Today story for a recap.

The Association of Former Students College-Level Teaching Awards
  • Four faculty members won The Association of Former Students College-Level Teaching Awards:
  • Dr. Rodolfo Cardoso, Department of Animal Science.
  • Dr. Kevin Conway, Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology.
  • Dr. Megan Reynolds, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics.
  • Dr. Robert Strong, Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications.

2022 U.S. Senator Phil Gramm Doctoral Fellowship
Faculty Affairs
Dean's Open Office Hours
  • Dr. Jeffrey Savell and Dr. Patricia Klein are hosting Dean's Open Office Hours in November. Sign up for a time and day, and contact Kelsey Agnew if you have any questions.
Academic Affairs
Graduate Programs

  • Tuesday, Nov. 1: Nomination packets due for Council of Southern Graduate Schools, CSGS, Master’s Thesis Awards. For more information, please go to

  • Graduate Recruitment, Enhancement and Travel, GREAT, supplemental funding provides a full funding package for recipients of eligible nationally competitive dissertation and multiyear external fellowships, federal training grants and federal research grant supplements promoting diversity. Email for more information.

  • Graduate Student Well-Being
  • Counseling and Psychological Services, CAPS, is offering graduate and professional students events focused on mental health on the first and third Wednesday of the month during the fall semester. Find the Wellness Wednesday schedule online. 
  • Dr. Esther Wright, a CAPS counselor, is trained in graduate student issues and concerns. Graduate and professional students may make appointments with Dr. Wright via the CAPS appointment portal system.

  • English Language Proficiency workshops are available this fall on topics relevant to teaching assistants. For more information, email

  • Graduate Resources and Development for Aggies, G.R.A.D. Aggies, offers professional development programming. For more information, visit the G.R.A.D. Aggies webpage.
Undergraduate Programs
  • Applications for the 2023 George and Barbara Bush Undergraduate Student Travel Grants are being accepted. Guidelines and an application form are available online.

  • The COVID Student Excuse Tracking form provides documentation that students may share with faculty to secure excused absences after a positive COVID-19 test or for students who are unable or unwilling to wear a mask after being exposed to the virus. 

  • The West Campus Math Learning Center is providing tutoring for MATH 140 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4-8 p.m., at Kleberg 117. See the full schedule online.
Inclusive Excellence
  • Welcome to Dr. Juliana Rangel Posada as an ADVANCE Administrative Fellow in the Dean’s Office! Dr. Rangel will be working to collaborate with faculty on the submission of Hispanic-Serving Institution grants and other opportunities to support underrepresented students. To collaborate, please email her at

  • Know an underrepresented minority undergraduate in a STEM major who is interested in research? The LSAMP Scholar, Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, program is accepting students by application
Student Success and Development
  • Prospective student information sessions occur on Fridays. Students can register for a visit with a recruiter.
  • College virtual sessions are being held 6-7 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month for students to learn how our degrees help them achieve their goals. To join these sessions and represent your department, please contact Ahmir Nichols.
  • A virtual College networking event will be held Nov. 1 for students in AGLS 125, the first-year experience course for the College. If you would like to help our freshmen establish their Aggie network or would like more details, please contact Danielle Harris or Courtney King.
  • Aggieland Hunger Summit is a contest hosted on campus on Nov. 4 for Texas high school students interested in food security, hunger and poverty. If you would like to host an activity or serve as a judge, please contact Danielle Harris or Ahmir Nichols.
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Student Council
  • Recruitment at the State Fair of Texas
  • COALS Council officers traveled to Dallas to serve as ambassadors for the College to aid in recruiting prospective students.
  • Service Projects
  • The COALS Council has created a great relationship with The Gardens at Texas A&M University to help maintain the Leach Teaching Gardens and collaborate on various events. Most recently, our service committee and The Gardens worked together to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month on West Campus.
  • In October, the COALS Council participated in their first COALS Day of Service planned by our service committee, led by Miles Huffhines and Brittley Bowers.
  • Follow us on social media!
  • Facebook:, Texas A&M College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Student Council.
  • Instagram: @coals_tamu.
  • Website:
The Ringer Library Gardening Series: The Gardens is teaching gardening classes on the first Thursday of each month, 6:30-7:30 p.m., at the Larry J. Ringer Library in College Station. New gardening topics every class; free for all ages.
Annual College Tailgate, Saturday, Nov. 5. Join current and former Aggies for food and fun at the annual tailgate at the Shirley and Joe Swinbank ’74 AgriLife Center and The Gardens Event Lawn.
Professional Development
Employee Wellness
Each month, we highlight faculty and staff who have embodied the Aggie Core Values and demonstrated their immense dedication to advancing the mission of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences in teaching, research and service.

Dr. Senarath Dharmasena, instructional associate professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics, is among the most popular and highest-ranked educators in his department. One student review reads, "Difficult class, but he finds the perfect way to help you earn the grade you want while also helping you learn a lot. ... One of the best profs I've ever had."


Dr. Carlos Gonzalez, professor in the Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, and Dr. Jason Gill, associate professor in the Department of Animal Science, both also in the Center for Phage Technology, have ongoing research projects on bacteriophages that can help control multi-drug-resistant bacterial infections in patients across the U.S. Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Gill are a great example of people in two different departments working together to solve globally important problems.


Ally Spears, program coordinator in the Department of Poultry Science, was instrumental in establishing two successful youth programs in her department this summer. She planned the first-ever Poultry Judging Camp, which taught 112 campers from three states over three days. She also worked to form the Texas Youth Poultry Ambassador Short Course, where participants worked with the department's staff and faculty, interacted with poultry industry leaders and received media training.

Have a colleague in mind we should feature?
Email us at to nominate someone.