Week of May 23, 2021 With St. Martin's

Please sign up for in person worship using this link:

Facebook Live Link:

Wednesday's Healing Service at Noon is live-streamed on Facebook. Use the link above.
Outside Service for
Trinity Sunday
This Sunday you are invited to join us for worship outdoors on the lawn in front of the bell tower. Please go to the website and click the "Make a Reservation" banner in order to reserve a spot for you and your family, in order to help with contact tracing.

When you come:
  • Please bring your own chair or picnic blanket. An usher will help you find a place to sit. There are several shaded areas
  • Remember to maintain 6 feet between you and others not in your immunological bubble
  • Dress comfortably for outdoors
  • Bring water so you can stay hydrated
  • Don't forget your sunscreen, and you will want to bring OFF or some similar product to repel insects
  • Please download the bulletin on your device, or print your own copy of the bulletin and bring it with you
  • Vaccinated people do not need to wear a face mask outdoors, even when singing
  • Join us for Coffee Hour on the patio following the Mass
Coffee Hour
Are you interested in becoming a Coffee Hour host? This is one of the most important volunteer activities at St. Martin's; especially now. It is the time where we can catch up with each other, and get to know what is happening in our lives. If you would like to become a coffee hour host, we are asking you to provide a baked good (does not have to be homemade), iced tea and lemonade. Please click this link to find out more:
Keeper of the Light
There is a light at St. Martin's that never goes out. We call it the "Sanctuary Light". It reminds us of the presence of Christ who is with us always. If you would like to be the "Keeper of the Light" for a week, email Philip with the subject "Candle" at
A Word about Vivid restrictions
Many are excited to see that the level of transmissions of Covid 19 have reduced enough to allow the Governor to lift most of the pandemic restrictions. We are grateful for this step in our road to recovery. However, as a parish we are called to be obedient to both the State and the Diocese. As of the time of the publication of this newsletter, the diocese continues to require face masks indoors and social distancing of 6 feet. I will keep you apprised of changes.
Pentecost Epistle
Sunday was the feast of Pentecost. We were able to experience a little of what the Upper Room must have sounded like as the Apostles began to proclaim the Gospel in different languages during the Mass as the Epistle reading was read simultaneously in various languages. Many thanks to all of our readers:

Kathy Picazio- English, Carl Picazio- French, Zac Laws Japanese, Kathy Shanklin- Kinyarwanda and German, Father Rob- Português, Br. Philip Muniz and Fausto Beleno- Spanish.

Many thanks to Kathy Shanklin for editing the audio.
Women's Group
We will be having a Women's Group meeting on June 13th after the 10:30 service and coffee hour. Let's reconnect, as well as start planning events where we can get together this summer. We will also be discussing fellowship and fundraising ideas. Please email Alison with questions.
Prayer Concerns and Blessings
If you would like your prayers/blessing request included in the Prayers of the People, please email your prayer request to Philip at by Friday afternoon of each week. 

  • Linda Virtue
  •     - continued prayers
  •     - her husband Mike
  • From Juanita
  •     - Gloria (cancer)
  •     - Gloria's daughter
  • Mary Irwin
  • Peggy Irwin
  • Elsie Francis
  • Tim - mother

St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road,
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Call Us: 908-526-1350
Contact information for Fr. Rob or