Christ Episcopal Church Weekly Bulletin
April 22, 2022
From the Interim

Father Perkins has submitted "Looking Out My Window"

The Rev. Dr. David Perkins audio sermon from Easter Sunday - April 17, 2022, Good Friday - April 15, 2022, Maundy Thursday - April 14, 2022 can be found at the links.

Dear Christ Church Family,

Attached you will find the financials for the first quarter of 2022. You will notice a -$3.00 difference in the Expenses vs. Income; this is because the software divides the pledge total by 12, and the full pledge amount doesn't divide evenly. Our budget IS balanced. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Amy or me!

Stefani Carroll
Vestry Member of the Week - Joel Williams

I have been a member of Christ Episcopal Church for 20 years. Prior to that I had not attended a particular church on a regular basis. I'm a native of Valdosta and a graduate of GSU (Sociology; business) and VSU (MPA). I am employed with South GA Medical Center as a social worker in the case management dept.
 I am fortunate to have my family living close by, with my mother here and my brother and three nephews in Orlando FL.  Three of the most important things to me are family, faith and fitness. I live a healthy lifestyle and benefit from the time invested in all these aspects. I love to travel and am fortunate to have a family who does as well. I have been to many fun and exciting places coast to coast and in Canada.
    Throughout my working life I have received several customer service awards for which I am most grateful. I believe in treating people well, with dignity and respect from all walks of life. I love diversity and feel that a true Christian does not put parameters on who they interact with when someone comes to our church to seek a relationship with Christ. The definition of Christian after all means "Christ like."
  Outside of church and work you will find me enjoying coffee, going to the gym, hanging with friends, reading or going to a good restaurant. I am a sports enthusiast as well.
  I have been involved in Christ Church in several ways over the years. I've volunteered to work with the youth at Honey Creek events including Happening, Fall Rally and Winter Blast. Since '06 I've served as an acolyte. I participated in the '11 Dominican Republic mission trip. In continual support of the missions project, I've also been "up for bid" as an entertainer during silent auctions with my juggling act over the past years. I've also been a reader when scheduled. I'm an active pledge giver as well.
  Thank you for the opportunity to serve on the vestry to further fulfill my growth in the church. I consider it an important process to support our leaders who spearhead carrying out the mission of the church. It is my goal to represent our church in a way, so that others want to be there. This opportunity will give me a new way to contribute.

Search Committee Report

           As you all know, the Vestry has appointed a Search Committee to work with everyone to find our new Rector. The Committee is committed to understand your needs and concerns regarding Christ Church and how we should proceed forward.
           You should have received an email earlier on Friday that will provide you with additional information regarding an upcoming survey. (See below if you missed it). This survey will be your opportunity to provide input and direction on what is important to you.
           Additionally, we have scheduled two meeting times in the event anyone would like to meet with members of the committee to share any additional thoughts, concerns or share what you want in a Rector. The meetings will be held May 1st right after the 10:00 Sunday service and on Thursday May 5th, at noon. Both meetings will be held in the conference room in the Office building.
On April 25th, you will receive a link to an online simple survey that will assist us to gauge the strength, vitality, needs and trends of Christ Episcopal Church. The information obtained in this assessment will be extremely valuable in helping us all make the best decision regarding the future of our Church.
Please go online and by clicking on the link provided tell us about your experiences and your priorities for Christ Church. Please do not discuss the survey or your answers with anyone as this may influence their responses. Hard copies of the survey will be available in the narthex each Sunday for the next three weeks.
All answers are strictly anonymous. We have no way of matching any assessment to a particular person, so feel free to candidly share your perspective, opinions and experiences. Our future together is dependent on your participation and honest feedback. Working together we can continue to move our church forward and find the right Rector for Christ Church.
Noon Folk Mass - Please consider joining us on Sunday, April 24th for our 12:00 p.m. Folk Mass. The Folk Mass will be held Sundays at 12:00 p.m. (Noon) and use the music from the Caritas. All are welcome to attend this service.

We will not have a Noon service on May 15th. We will only have a 10:00 Rogation Service on May 15th. Please join us at 10:00 a.m. service on May 15th.
Senior Adult Gathering, April 30

Senior adults will gather at the home of Steve and Sallie Honeycutt, Saturday April 30 at 6 pm. That roughly means adults above 60. Obviously, if one of a couple is under 60, that’s no big deal. And, if you can’t attend your particular age group gathering in May/June, come to this one. Age is not a huge deal.

We want to keep regathering from COVID and find ways to worship, serve and play together. I am curious about what we might come up with for the summer in terms of activities and events. Creating third spaces off Sunday gives newcomers a safer space to move toward us and for inactive parishioners to regather.

The Honeycutts will provide the main courese. You can help by bringing munchies, drinks, salad, and bread. Consider this way of doing that – salad (last names A-F), bread (last names G-L), drinks (last names M-S), and dessert last names T-Z).

Steve and Sallie live at 1005 Charleston Place, Valdosta, GA 31602.

Please call or text the Honeycutts about what you're bringing. 417-294-7796
Live-stream Services
Sunday, April 24, 2022

Live-Streaming the 10:00 service on April 24, 2022.

Please join us during our live-stream 10:00 Holy Eucharist Service via Facebook live, or YouTube. We can now live-stream to these two platforms simultaneously complete with Liturgy, and Music. We will send out a link via email once the livestream begins recording. If we have technical difficulties with one of the platforms, once the service has ended we will upload a recording of that service as soon as we can.
For those who do not have Facebook, you can click this link at 10:00 a.m. and watch live via Facebook (no account needed).  You can click here to watch on YouTube.
Live-streaming Update

The picture above shows the current work table and some of the equipment needed to get the 10 a.m. Sunday service streamed online each week. This table and equipment are currently tucked into an alcove at the front of the transept, and your livestream ministry volunteers are aware that this location and the equipment configuration are only temporary. Soon we will be ordering new, more professional equipment, and will be planning to move the livestreaming operation to another location to control this new equipment. All of this will be coordinated with Fr. Perkins and with the Vestry as we move forward. Comments on this process are always welcome, and can be sent to the church office to be relayed to the livestream team.

If you missed the service from April 17th it can be found here.
Pub Theology Night - Thursday, April 28th

We get to have a relaxed conversation about matters of faith in a third space. We will gather on Thursday, April 28, at 7 pm at Georgia Beer Company, 109 S. Briggs Street. We will be in the brick building to the left with the garage door, unless something changes at the last minute.
We decided as a group to discuss St. Paul, and we will pick the next topic together.
This is a great format for people without a faith community or people who have lapsed in the practice of their faith, so invite a friend to join you.
Tuesday Night Bible study, led by Dr. Willa Valencia, will meet on Tuesday, April 26th at the home of Ron & Tammy Borders, 1718 Williams Street. All adults vaccinated against the Covid virus are welcome (Some of our participants have compromised immune systems). The meeting last an hour: 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. Bring your bible, any version.
The Sunday after Easter April 24th has been know as under attendance Sunday due to much smaller numbers in attendance. This year we will make it a real Under Sunday - UNDIE Sunday, with a collection of new children's and woman's underwear to be donated to the woman's shelter.
When woman and their children come to the shelter they have very little to bring and underwear is usually something that is not brought. Please consider purchasing new children underwear and socks or woman's underwear and socks. We will have a collection container at all 3 services. Question please contact John McRae, 229-220-5619.
Stuffed Animals for the CAC

CAC Project Update: Keep those stuffed animals coming. The Children's Advocacy Center appreciates our donations of stuffed animals to comfort the children who come to the center for appointments. They schedule over 125 appointments each month, so we can always use more. Thanks for your help.
Use Our NEW ways to donate
We are utilizing VANCO Payment Solutions to safely and securely make your offering.

Christ Church now uses a free mobile app that makes it simple for you to make an online gift.
Download the free “Vanco Mobile” app and search for Christ Episcopal Church and then Valdosta, GA.

Or you can donate on our Vanco Online site, or by scanning the QR code above or our website donate page located here.

We now also have a mobile text to give number simply text your gift amount to 844-928-4938 and then follow the instructions on your phone to complete your donation.

Thank you for your continued support of Christ Church.
Sunday Evening Vespers - a group of Christ Church members meet on Zoom at 6:30 p.m. to read the Compline Service, pages 127-135 in the Book of Common Prayer and for friendly conversation afterwards. To join the group and receive the link to the weekly gathering, contact Phyllis Hiers or call 229-563-2464.
April 23 - April 29, 2022

23 Allan Dear
24 Patricia Gatchell, Tristan Guice,
Bobby Yarbrough
25 Jake Turner
April 23 - April 29, 2022
None this week

Contact the church office to update our records if we missed your Birthday or Anniversary
Remember in Your Prayers

Kathy Armstrong, Caty Carter, Robert Church, Wayne Cook, Bev Cowart, S.J. Denmark, Janet Dickman, Asher Geddings, Sam Greneker, Karen Gunter, Marge Fitzsimons, Iris Hall, Cheryl Hatcher, Tommy Hatcher, Buddy House, Amy Hudson, Doug Mayer, Rusty McCall, Marcia McRae, Terry McDonald, Monty Miller, Keri Mock, Laura Paine, David Perkins, Debbie Richardson, Pat Richardson, Jane Rigby, Leigh Roberts, Blair Schneider, Nancy Patterson Stone, Mary Thieme, Jim Tranthem, Jude Tillman, Katie Mae Warren, Jimmy Whaley, Nancy & Ron Zaccari

Family of Jon Cato
Family of Dave Clark
Family of David Ronn
Clergy and Staff of 
Christ Episcopal Church

Church Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Father David Perkins, Interim Priest
church office (229) 242-5115
mobile (434) 956-9054

Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator
church office (229) 242-5115
Amy Creasy, Bookkeeper
bookkeeper's office (229) 242-0616 

Charles Whiting, Director of College Ministry
church office (229) 242-5115
Molly Stevenson, Directory of Youth Ministry
church office (229) 242-5115

Keri Wilkin, Directory of Children Ministry
church office (229) 242-5115
Sue Ellen Rumstay, Director of Music
church office (229) 242-5115

Issa Young, Choir Master
church office (229) 242-5115
Christ Church uses Vanco Payment Solutions for online giving. Download the Vanco Mobile app, text to give 844-928-4938, or scan the QR code below. Thank you for your support.
email us at
229.242.5115 or bookkeeper at 229-242-0616
Christ Episcopal Church is part of the 
Diocese of Georgia.