See what is happening at Grace Lutheran!
July 6, 2022
This is a quick weekly reminder of what is happening at Grace
in worship and in ways to connect and serve.

If you missed worship this weekend join us on
Wednesday Night at 7pm in the sanctuary!
Bible study at 6pm in room 105/107.
Pastor's Message
Lord In Your Mercy, Hear Our Prayer.

On a day when we celebrated freedom for all, innocent people were shot at a parade in a suburb in Chicago and a two year old was orphaned. On a weekend where we celebrated with friends and family, a young man had a firework blow up in his face and killed him. At times like this - what words can we offer? What words might bring solace to our weary souls? What words might erase the sadness and vulnerability of our lives and our world. What words might bring us together in our grief and in our outrage for the violence experienced close to home and around the world.

I am tempted to look away, to ignore, to keeps it all at a distance. Unfortunately, the tragedy and the pain is not out there, or someone else's, it is close. and God invites us to see, to be disturbed to not shout out "peace, peace when there is no peace." But instead to grieve, to pray, to lament, to unite, to be people of hope, light and life. So I lift up my voice in prayer, allowing the spirit to intercede with sighs too deep for words.

All I can voice are laments: Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer. I turn to the prophet Jeremiah and his truth:
I drown in grief.
    I’m heartsick.
Oh, listen! Please listen! It’s the cry of my dear people
    reverberating through the country.
Is God no longer in Zion?
    Has the King gone away?
Can you tell me why they flaunt their plaything-gods,
    their silly, imported no-gods before me?
The crops are in, the summer is over,
    but for us nothing’s changed.
    We’re still waiting to be rescued.
For my dear broken people, I’m heartbroken.
    I weep, seized by grief.
Are there no healing ointments in Gilead?
    Isn’t there a doctor in the house?
So why can’t something be done
    to heal and save my dear, dear people?

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer. And so I wonder, how might we be the balm, the healing ointment in Gilead in our grieving world? How might we offer more than words, but actions, faith and life?

Pastor Joanna Mitchell
Summer Worship

-Sundays at 8:30am Traditional
-Sundays at 10am Contemporary
-Wednesdays at 7pm Contemporary

Fellowship is after Worship on Sundays. Coffee, water and treats will be available in the Narthex after worship. (We were informed that last weekend July 3rd, there was someone who tested positive for COVID participated in Fellowship Time.)
Ministries News
Ruth Circle Date Change for July!

The July Ruth Circle Meeting will be on July 11th at 12pm. It is being changed due to the July 4th holiday.

Ruth Circle is a group of mostly retired women who usually following quilters (12 PM) Bring your lunch and join one of the Pastors and others as we engage the Gather magazine monthly Bible Study.
Children's Ministry Movie Night
Friday, July 15th
6-8pm in the Fellowship Hall

Children’s Ministry Movie Night for ages 3 years old through 5th grade is back! Please join us for this free and fun night at the movies! All children must be accompanied by a parent or other adult.
Family Table "Take-Out" Meal
Sunday, July 17th

Grace will be serving another Family Table “take-out” meal on Sunday, July 17th. Family Table is held on the 3rd Sunday of each month and the sign-up sheet is available well in advance. If you are looking for a fun opportunity to serve with other Grace members while sharing food with our neighbors, please contact Lynda Wilde or 612-418-6444. Or simply click on the link below.

We are always looking for 4 or 5 people to help in the kitchen by assembling the pre-cooked take-out meals (11:45 – 2:15PM). Food donations for side dishes will be listed on the sign-up sheet and vary each month depending on the meal we serve. We also need 3 energetic folks to run the meals to the cars as they pull up at the drive thru (12:15 – 1:30PM). Why not make it a family project! And remember, if you know of a family, who would appreciate a meal, whether they are members of Grace or not, please let us know!
Kindergarten-5th Grade
Outdoor Adventures
July 26, 2022 from 10am-2pm

Kindergarten - 5th Grade Outdoor Adventures. Come and join us for a day of fun and outdoor adventure! All participants must bring their own bag lunch. There are only 20 spots available for this event.
Grace's Opportunities for Giving
Food Shelf Needs

The food shelf is need of the following items. Please drop them off at the food shelf door or the office.
Cream of Mushroom Soup
Cream of Chicken Soup
Spaghetti Noodles
Kidney Beans
Spaghetti Sauce
Noisy Offering
Noisy Offerings from July 1st to July 15th will be going to Shriners Children's Twin Cities.
Give Electronically through GraceRealm
Consider electronic giving on GraceRealm. It’s a convenient way to give consistently throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Frances or Marie in the Church Office or Click on the GraceRealm link below.

If you are wondering where your giving is for the year, please log in to GraceRealm. Find Giving on the tool bar. Then select My Giving History.  
Grace's Resources
Gaging Needs:

Do you need a ride to worship? Contact us and let us know if you are struggling with transportation. Vision Board is considering transportation needs to worship and church events.  
Prayers of the Church

Please pray for: Diane Grabowski, Mike Finley, Sean Daugherty, Skylar Schultz, Gary Spielman, Chris Stang, Lois Vadner, Bruce Phelps, Conrad Cordova III, Pastor Maria Markman, Phil Knutson, Diane Rosky, Harland & Anne Marie Johnson, Julie Caldwell, Shirley Fystrom, Kathy Beckman, Jason Beckman, Lu Henning, Alison Husak, Juleen Klawiter, Carroll Potter, Clint Trousil, John Malecha, Stephanie and Samantha Fernandez, Christopher Sluis, Julie Swedberg, LaDonna Lilyquist, Charlotte Montei, Linda Christiansen, Judi Wold, and Colleen Wernimont.
GraceNotes Fall Preview

We will be sending out the Annual GraceNotes Fall Preview edition on July 27th. If you would like your ministry or group to have an article in the Fall Preview edition, please have your articles in Word format to Marie Kolar by July 17th at 5pm.