South Parks Blocks Trees
Above - The magnificent South Park Blocks - Portland, Oregon - Heat Wave 2021!

Artists at work below and at end of email - painting trees in the South Park Blocks - organized by T.E.R.T. - Tree Emergency Response Team - Drink and Draw in the South Park Blocks on July 14th. 6-8pm

I sent this note to those on my We Keep Trees Standing email list. I want you to know about this issue, too. If you live in or ever visit Portland - we're being presented with a plan to guide one of our most beautiful parks. Many people believe that this plan will potentially lead to cutting mature trees - the ones in these photos. There are lots of ways to improve this park, but cutting a single healthy tree is probably unnecessary. A lot of people have put a lot more time into looking into the background of this than I have and I trust their concerned voices - see their articles (and a petition) at the end of this for some insights from tree lovers.

Personally, I think we should be advocating for what we want in this park and others. I created a petition to ask the city to plant 1 million trees in our city parks ASAP. Please sign it :) - In terms of this park - slight changes could be done, but precious parks funding should be spent where it is needed - elsewhere.

OK - now, on with the show!

I hope you're having a great Summer. It's time to weigh in on the Parks Department's Plan for the South Park Blocks on 7.15 @ 2 pm when the City Council hears about this plan. You can testify and share your thoughts about this plan in writing or in person. I love testifying in person (it will be via Zoom). It gives me a chance to practice public speaking and I also get to connect directly with Portland City Council members and their staff. I encourage you to try it out - it's as close as you'll get to influence their decision about this park so give it a try and make a difference. You're welcome to join us if you're someone who visits Portland, too! Wendy Rahm has outlined some talking points below and also how to register to participate in the meeting. You can also just tune in and watch if you like.

Please feel free to use the social share buttons at the top of this email to help us get the word out!

Take care, and have great shaded Summer! Albert - now, from Wendy:

"Hi all,

I think some of you may have written a letter to City Council after watching the zoom presentation. We are now hoping to coax some of you to come to City Council to testify to oppose the South Park Block Master Plan. We need a lot of people!!  
The hearing before City Council is now scheduled for Thursday, July 15 at 2 pm. Testimony is limited to 2 minutes but it can be shorter if you choose. So you could just give a sentence or two to support your opposition and it can be personal or technical. If you live nearby or use the park frequently, say that. What do you like most about it that is under threat?  
Below are instructions on how to register.
A Public Hearing is happening on Thursday, July 15 at 2pm.
Registration to testify in person begins Friday, July 9th at 9 am. Closes Tuesday, July 13 at 4pm.
2. Click on July 15 at 2pm agenda
3. Note item number for SPB Master Plan hearing
4. Click to fill out the registration form.
5. Indicate you will testify on this item (click no for any other items).
1. tree succession plan โ€“ 25% loss + in some blocks all trees are lost. 
Insist on like trees replacing like trees "over time.") There are over 22 varieties of trees today so it is not a monoculture. Prioritize deciduous, not evergreen.
2. character-defining:
ยท      5 rows with up to 9 tall, deciduous trees per row in alignment on all 12 blocks
ยท      Blocks 7-12: 4 separated pedestrian paths (not one wide hardscaped path). 
ยท      Boundary of 200โ€™ x 124โ€™ โ€“ existing curb to curb (plan reduces it)
ยท      open space and long views - avoid cluttering the park, add no additional hardscape (adding water runoff and reducing heat island benefits)
3. No Loss of trees due to "construction"
4. Add a maintenance plan for today with estimated costs. (Elm trees can live 300 years with proper maintenance. Some trees are 150 years old but others around 50 years old)
5. Prioritize pedestrian safety
6. No reduction in the size of the park by protections/barriers from Green Loop (GL).
Put the GL entirely in the existing streets. Consider putting it elsewhere to prioritize east-west pedestrian traffic and PSU student conflicts with east-west campus crossings.
1. Urge Commissioner to vote no on the MP or at least to postpone it for better citizen input. 
2. Separate the Tree Succession Plan and the Green Loop from the SPB Master Plan, allowing each to have their own approval process. Add a tree maintenance plan to prolong the lives of existing trees. 
Thanks so much. 
Wendy Rahm
Sign the Petition

Portland's City Council has developed a "Green Loop" master plan which would destroy 25% of the stately trees of South Park Blocks in your name. We are all in agreement that bicycle road safety should be encouraged and developed.

Read more
Our Facebook group continues to provide a ton of interesting articles and information. Please come join us over there and see what your fellow activists are doing (saving our precious road-side trees - stopping post-fire excessive logging! Please feel free to invite your friends who love trees to join, too.