May 27, 2021
Weekly Update
A Message from Principal Simpson
Dear Parents,

We did it! We have conquered this crazy year. 

I chose the word conquered because everyone has overcome something difficult this year--whether it was managing quarantines, teaching and learning online, or going through a collective trauma. The students conquered isolation, wearing masks and not seeing all of their friends. They worked so hard this year, and it shows! The teachers and the staff have worked hard as well—they have done a tremendous job addressing any learning gaps and preventing major holes from developing. We are already excited as we look forward to next year. 

The administration will be communicating during the summer about many things; however, we will be taking a break for the first couple of weeks of summer. Be on the lookout mid-June for communications to start coming at least every other week. I also am encouraging teachers to take a break since everyone needs to recharge from this exhausting year. All staff will be checking email throughout the summer, but our response times may be delayed.

Tonight is our eighth grade graduation. I am so excited that we can celebrate these students with their friends and family in an outdoor ceremony that promises to be a fun event. These students have shown resilience and grit, and I am so proud of them! Way to go 8th graders!

I encourage everyone to unplug this summer, travel, visit friends and family, spend time outdoors and soak up some quality time before we all hit the ground running in August.

Thank you all for everything!!

Mrs. Simpson
2021 eighth grade
Getting Ready for the 2021-22 School Year
Key Dates and Important Information
If you did not get a chance to read the email sent out on Monday with important dates and information about getting ready for next school year, here is a link to the information shared in that email.

Also, there is a webpage with information we believe new families will find especially helpful. Click here to see the page, or look under the 'parents' tab on the website.
BFA News
Last Day of School!
Tomorrow, May 28, is the last day of school and a Dress of Choice day for all students. The middle school dodgeball tournament continues for sixth graders! No lunch will be served and our school day will end at noon.

Carpool will begin at noon so please be in the carpool line by 12:15 p.m. at the latest. If your student has medication in the health room, please plan to pick it up between 9 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

There is no BASE tomorrow.

Have a wonderful summer!
Middle School Virtue Awards
Each month, we feature some of the students who were recognized for displaying one or more of the 13 Virtues. Due to various quarantines, we're a bit behind in sharing the April winners/pictures with you--but we want to be sure and highlight these great students! The virtues for April were Industry and Temperance. The virtue for May is Moderation.

Industry - Keep on task. There is a time for work and a time for play - do both with a good attitude.
Temperance - Control is the key to improvement. Keep your words, actions, and temper in control. 

Moderation - Keep yourself in balance. Focus both on accomplishing things in which you excel and those you do not. Try new things. 

Congratulations to all the students who were recognized for the virtues of Industry and Temperance in April and Moderation in May, and to our featured students (below).
Evan Lang, 8th - Industry
Colby Borchert, 8th - Temperance
Emma Tenhundfeld, 5th - Industry
Jacob Farmer, 7th - Moderation
Trevor Spykerman, 5th - Moderation

Congratulations again to all the students recognized this year for their outstanding character!

We're very proud of you.
Summer Camp
Please Make Remaining Weekly Selections by June 4
Activity Calendar Available
There is still Summer Camp availability in June and throughout the summer, so please sign up today through MySchoolBucks! If you would like a copy of the activity calendar to see all the FUN things we have planned this summer, please email summer camp.

We'll determine if we can host camp in July/August based on weekly sign ups we receive by end-of-day on June 4. Therefore, please plan to make your weekly selections for July and August by June 4, as without enough campers signed up for each week, we won’t be able to offer the program in July/August. If that's the case, we’ll let you know by close of business on June 8.
Elementary Room Parents Needed
The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is looking for elementary (grades K-5) Room Parents for next school year! Being a Room Parent is a great way to meet your volunteer hour requirement, develop a positive relationship with your child's teacher and become more involved at school. If you are interested, please send an email to Amanda Trenck and Lauren Flint, co-room parent coordinators, K-5. 
Thank You Volunteers
Enjoy a BFA-Only Night at Pirates Cove
Thank you to all the families who have volunteered this year. We sincerely appreciate all that you do for BFA! To show our thanks, the PTO is hosting a volunteer appreciation event - an evening at Pirates Cove – from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 27. All BFA families who have met and recorded their family's volunteer quota (30 hours per family or 15 per single household) will be rewarded with FREE admission for their immediate family to Pirate's Cove. The PTO has rented out the park for the evening of our event, so it will be a private BFA-only event. 

Please be on the lookout for a Pirate's Cove SignUpGenius coming soon! Families who have met their volunteer quota will be able to sign up first (and will be contacted via email). Haven't met your volunteer quota? Have no fear, after June 10, should there be space available, you may be able to sign up for a $5/person fee. This will still only be for BFA students and their immediate families. No outside guests please, as they will be turned away at the door. We have a 300-person limit, so we are hoping to accommodate as many families as possible!

Be sure to log your volunteer hours as soon as possible! The deadline for logging hours is May 28. We love to recognize our volunteers so please don’t let your hours go unaccounted. Volunteer hours recorded by May 28 will not only go towards your Pirates Cove admission but a special volunteer appreciation thank you. These will be distributed at Pirates Cove and/or annual family check-in in August. If your family is leaving BFA entirely, and you have reached the 50-hour milestone, please email Denise Battista, PTO Vice President. Happy logging!
Complete PTO Survey by Tomorrow Evening
The PTO is evaluating fundraising options at BFA and would appreciate your feedback. Please complete the following survey by end of day tomorrow, May 28, to share your preferences concerning the BENefit Bash versus a pledge-based fundraiser (ie. Fun Run, Color Run, DanceFit).
Vaccine Information from DCSD
This information is being provided as a courtesy so that our families who are interested in accessing the COVID vaccination are aware of opportunities in our community.

VACCINATION CLINICS FOR STUDENTS AND ADULTS (AGES 12 AND UP) Earlier this month the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized the emergency use of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 12 to 15. The following providers are now offering immunizations to students and adults ages 12 and over:

Pfizer COVID Vaccine Availability (ages 12+). Plenty of availability to accommodate families both during the week and on the weekend. New appointments are added each week.
Scheduling Link: 
Location: Former Safeway #1967 (closed retail location repurposed for COVID-19 vaccinations), 560 Castle Pines Pkwy
Castle Pines, CO 80108

Drive-up vaccination clinics - Pfizer
The clinic is made possible through a partnership with Douglas County, the Tri-County Health Department, and the State of Colorado’s Vaccines for All program.
Dates: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays
Times: Noon - 7:00 p.m.
Location: Douglas County Fairgrounds, Castle Rock
No appointment needed. Click here for more information.

Pfizer COVID Vaccine Availability 
Dates: Thursday, May 26, Friday, May 27
Times: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: PediaClinic, 9555 S University Blvd #102, Highlands Ranch, CO 80126

Pfizer COVID Vaccine Availability
Schedule via phone: 303-841-2905. New appointments added weekly.
Location: Parker Pediatrics & Adolescents, 10371 Parkglenn Way, Suite 100, Parker, CO 80138

Drive Through Vaccine Clinic - Pfizer (ages 12 and up)
Offered via Sky Ridge Medical Center
Dates: See availability at scheduling link below.
Location: Charles Schwab, 9800 Schwab Way, Lone Tree

UCHealth is now offering vaccinations to Colorado residents 12 or older. There are two options to get the COVID-19 vaccine at UCHealth clinics. People can schedule an appointment through My Health Connection, or they can walk into any of UCHealth's vaccine clinics. For a list of clinic locations, or to schedule an appointment, people can visit
Parental consent is required for anyone 12-17 years old. For their first dose at a UCHealth vaccine clinic, adolescents should be accompanied by a parent or guardian or have a parent or guardian sign UCHealth’s Vaccine Consent Form for Minors and bring it with them.

The Tri-County Health Department (TCHD) Aurora and Castle Rock clinics can vaccinate people who are ages 16-17. Anyone under 18 years old wanting to be vaccinated will need a parent or guardian to provide consent, either in-person or over the phone. Vaccine clinics are open for walk-ins. Click here for more information.
Kindergarten Boot Camp
Mrs. DePasse is excited to get Kindergarten Boot Camps underway! Please see the SignUpGenius links below for all the details. Also, please print and bring the information sheet along with your payment when you bring your child to the first day of the boot camp session.
Below are the links for the sessions:
Summer Learning
Mr. Knudsen and Ms. Poleschook are partnering up to offer some extra focused support to students who might need or want a little extra practice in math and English. The small group setting is the most beneficial way to target each student's needs. The class is open to students going into Course 2 (or entering seventh grade math) and Course 3 (or entering eighth grade math). If you are interested in opportunities for tutoring or small groups in just English then please email Ms. Poleschook and if you are interested in opportunities for tutoring or small groups for only math then please reach out to Mr. Knudsen. To sign up for the summer boot camp, please use this link.
Incoming 6-8th Grade Boys - Basketball Camp
SESSION: JULY 26-29 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Monday-Thursday
This session is for incoming 6th-8th grade players who have played a basketball season either with BFA or outside of BFA. This camp will review the fundamentals of the game, but will mainly focus on increased individual skill level and level of team play, as well as playing specific positions. We will end the week with a Thursday tournament. There will be prizes throughout the week of the camp!

HOW TO REGISTER: Please Venmo or send check for $150 by July 19 so Mr. Macias can confirm number of players. Please complete Google Form or email Mr. Macias with the name and grade of your player attending. If for any reason camp needs to be cancelled due to COVID, payment will be refunded.
Venmo $150 to @Craig-Macias
Check made out to Craig Macias

QUESTIONS? Email Coach Macias.
Summer Girls Basketball Camp, Grades 5-8
Who: incoming 2021 BFA fifth through eighth grade girls 
What: Summer girls basketball camp
Where: BFA - Thunder Gym
When: Monday, July 12 - Thursday, July 15, from 9 - 11 a.m.
Girls of all abilities are encouraged to come while we work on furthering the development of dribbling, shooting, offensive, and defensive skills through drills, game situations, and fun activities! Please click on this link to register.

Camp registration will cost a flat fee of $100 ($25 per camper, per day) with no prorated options. Coach Knudsen and Coach Mares will be monitoring and following all current district and health guidelines. 
Contact Coach Mares or Coach Knudsen with any questions.
BFA Boys and Girls Soccer Camps
Attention Middle School Boys: Anyone looking to play some soccer this summer, boys soccer camp will be from 8:30-11:30 a.m. July 12-15. Come join us for some fun on the turf! We will have Varsity soccer players from the surrounding high schools to help run a week of drills, games, and fun. Camp is limited to the first 25 players, so don't miss out! See the link for more information and to register.
Attention Middle School Girls: Anyone looking to play some soccer this summer, girls soccer camp will be from 12:20-3:30 p.m. July 12-15. Come join us for some fun! Camp will rotate between the turf and the large gym each day. We will have Varsity soccer players from the surrounding high schools to help run a week of drills, games, and fun. Camp is limited to the first 25 players to register, so don't miss out! See the link for more information and to register.
Extreme Fitness Summer Camp
Grab your friends and get signed up for this summer's fun, yet intense workouts. Focus will include speed, endurance, as well as total body strength and conditioning. Trainings will be from 9-10:30 a.m. every Tuesday and Thursday, June 8-July 8. Whether you are trying to stay in shape during off-season, or you're looking for a fun activity to do with your friends, Extreme Fitness will be a great physical activity to get outside and have fun with others. The camp is open to both current and next year's middle school students (grades 6th-9th). Early bird pricing is $125 per student, so sign up soon. Contact Mr. Macias or Ms. Svensen if you have any questions, or register using this link.
Volleyball Camp Registration
Attention incoming 2021 fifth through eighth grade boys and girls...the BFA Summer Co-Ed Volleyball Camp which will take place July 19 - 23 in the Thunder Gym. See the flier for additional details and get registered today!

Please complete the Google Form, which includes payment information. If for any reason camp needs to be cancelled due to COVID, money will be refunded.

Parents, if you are interested in volunteering and earning 2021-22 volunteer hours, please SIGN UP here

Coach Haufschild loves having high school players (boys and girls) come as volunteer coaches! Players do not have to be BFA alumni. It looks great on college applications and can help you earn any volunteer requirements for high school. Please forward to any high school players (boys and girls) that you think may be interested. Please read this flier for information, then SIGN UP here.

The camp is for enrolled BFA students only.
Please contact Kristen Haufschild with questions.
Upcoming Events
BFA's Guiding Principles
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.

Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.

13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.