February 2021
This newsletter contains news and information of interest about
Montana Rural Teacher Project. Thanks for staying informed.
A-B-C, it's as easy as 1-2-3 or is it?
Not to be left to chance, the building blocks of literacy require intentional placement. It's why the Master of Arts in Teaching for elementary education begins with a pre-requisite course in language acquisition. Guided by Dr. Ann Ellsworth, the course introduces foundational linguistic knowledge as part of a three-course literacy sequence, designed to equip future teachers with a comprehensive understanding of the complexity of the dual aspects of literacy—reading and writing. 

MAT students marvel at the English language and what goes into it. One student shared, "I’m a better teacher for having worked closely with the instructor to truly understand the underpinnings of English. For starters, morphemes: I had no knowledge that this word even existed or what it meant."

Another student added, "To really dive into digraphs, blends, hard/soft g's & c's, phonemic awareness, morphemic awareness, etc. I knew what I was learning in that class was important, but now these are things I encounter and teach every day. It’s great foundational class for the concepts that I am now using in student teaching.”

Students in the 2020 inaugural class of MAT elementary education are bringing this knowledge to classrooms all over Montana this semester as they prepare to be recommended for licensure in May 2021.

It's Admissions Time!

Building on the tremendous students who are currently in the MAT program, we are excited to review applications from the amazing people in your community who are interested in becoming teachers.

We have extended the application window for the secondary stream (English, math, social studies broadfield, and science broadfield) through March 1, 2021 with a May 2021 start date.

We are also offering 50% off the application fee for all secondary MAT applicants from Feb 1 through March 1, 2021.

To date, we have received 9 applications for the MAT
  • 4 in English
  • 2 in science broadfield
  • 2 in social studies broadfield
  • 1 in math.

Like you, we know the value in having students learn together. We aim to have at least 5 MAT students in each secondary content area. Please help recruit YOUR next math, science, English, or social studies teacher by referring applicants to the MAT.

Please note: all MAT students take the Praxis before applying to the program. It's important to plan ahead as Praxis exam dates may be limited.

More information about the program is available on the website .

Are you hosting a meeting where the MAT Team could recruit?
Please contact Tricia Seifert with the date and time for a presentation.
Do you see your town pinned on the map?
These red pins represent the communities in which 11 Montana Rural Teaching Project (MRTP) elementary education teacher residents began in January 2021.

They represent the following communities: Alder, Big Sky, Columbia Falls, Hamilton, Havre, Lewistown, Miles City, Missoula, Plentywood, and West Glacier.

Would you like to see your community on the map? Read below for more information on how your school can host a MRTP teacher resident.

15 elementary & 15 secondary students -- that's the number of spaces available in the MRTP, the Montana Rural Teacher Project, a competitive grant program funded by the US Department of Education. 

MRTP teacher residents are paid a “living wage stipend” (varies from $25K-$30K) for the time the teacher resident is earning MSU’s MAT to qualify for licensure. This stipend may be used to pay for tuition, fees, and living expenses. Teacher residents then commit to three years of teaching in a rural school (possibly yours!) and receive two years of mentoring during induction. Note that eligible MRTP candidates must not be currently teaching on a provisional license.

MRTP schools that hire MRTP teachers also receive direct benefits. In addition to highly qualified teachers who receive mentoring during induction, school leaders and trustees are supported in executing best practices in teacher retention. 

The MRTP collaboration provides two years of professional development school leaders (principals and superintendents) through participation in 
School Administrators of Montana’s Leaders Professional Learning Program. Montana School Boards Association provides trustees and board members with professional development.

We know potential candidates are in our rural communities, 
but we need your help finding them. 

Please connect us to the candidates in your community! 
If you know of prospective students, please contact Jamie O’Callaghan
Please share this opportunity with other school leaders in your area.