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This Saturday!

at Christ Church Cathedral

2919 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans

In Parish Hall, enter on Sixth St. For more information, contact Christ Church Cathedral at (504) 895-6602. 

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Claudia Berault Awarded the 2024 SUMMA Prize

This summer, Claudia Berault, from All Saints Episcopal Church in River Ridge, attended the SUMMA Theological Debate Camp at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. This week-long summer camp brings together high school students from across the country to the college campus for fun, fellowship, and to learn more about rhetoric and debate. The campers explore and broaden their understanding of life’s biggest questions about Christianity through theological debate. They gain experience in the enduring power to speak the truth in love. 


Claudia was awarded the 2024 SUMMA prize. This award is given to the debater who, throughout camp, has best expressed the camp spirit of "speaking truth in love" while debating with skill and intellectual distinction. The award is determined by a vote of all members of the SUMMA Theological Society present at camp. The SUMMA Prize comes with a $1000 scholarship. The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana is truly proud of Claudia and we are blessed to have her among us.


The Rev. Gina Brewster-Jenkins, school chaplain at St. Paul’s Episcopal School in New Orleans has served on staff as the Camp Director for the past several years and would be glad to share information or answer any questions you might have about SUMMA Theological Debate Camp. The camp is for rising 9th graders through rising 12th graders.

Mount Olivet Renovation Complete

Mount Olivet Church in Algiers Point recently completed a $300,000 renovation of its historic building. Dating back to 1854, the structure was in urgent need of new siding and framing, exacerbated by a car crashing into its front in June 2019. It is heartwarming how the community at large has rallied round our efforts and supported the project in many ways. And now that the Church is back in action and the Parish Hall no longer being used as a place of worship, Mount Olivet can revert to its role of being the center of activity within the community and do God's work in a myriad of manners.

To learn more, contact the chaplain

Fr. Drew Rollins:

  • (225) 933-0241

Do You Know a Student at LSU?

Please tell them to visit us at St. Alban’s Episcopal Chapel, centrally located on LSU’s campus. The mission of St. Alban’s Chapel is to share the Good News of God’s grace in Jesus Christ with the LSU community.

Week in and week out, LSU students are encouraged and supported as they grow in faith and navigate the college experience. Sunday and mid-week worship services; Bible studies; free meals; fellowship; spiritual direction; abundant coffee and a cozy place to study or hang out.



Exploring Your Call at The Day on Deacons

(Bishop Shannon Duckworth leads the Holy Eucharist at last year’s Day on Deacons. Also serving at the altar are deacons Cindy Obier, Michael Hackett, and Carol Spence.)

A “Day on Deacons,” will be held on Thursday, September 26, 2024 at the Solomon Episcopal Conference Center from 8:30 am to 3 pm, to answer questions and address topics about deacons, one of three ordained orders of ministry in the Episcopal Church. Bishop Shannon Duckworth will address the conference and will lead a mid-day Holy Eucharist. There is no charge for attending, lunch is included, and all are welcome.

“There’s a renewed interest in deacons, from clergy and lay folks alike,” according to The Ven. Charles deGravelles, Archdeacon of the diocese. “Deacons are called to ‘a special ministry of servanthood directly under the bishop,’” deGravelles said. “Deacons not only serve those in need but help to ‘interpret to the Church the needs, concerns, and hopes of the world.’ Deacons are servant leaders, icons of service.”

Archdeacon deGravelles addresses last year’s Day on Deacons.

“Our ‘Day on Deacons’ has been designed for all people interested in the diaconate,” deGravelles said, “from people who think they may have a call to become a deacon to those who are merely curious and want to learn more.”

“We will have a wide range of excellent speakers and panelists,”, deGravelles added, “who will discuss what a deacon is and does, what it’s like to go through discernment and formation to become a deacon and we will hear seasoned deacons discuss their respective ministries.”

“Many of us have discovered just how much we have to learn from the people we serve. Ministry is always a collaborative project that blesses whoever is engaged at whatever point of engagement.” – Archdeacon Charles deGravelles

DeGravelles pointed to a new feature of this year’s Day on Deacons--a panel of men and women who once were recipients of church ministry and who have themselves become active members and even leaders of those ministries. “An important part of diaconal ministry is engaging the whole person, not just providing for basic needs. Many of us have discovered just how much we have to learn from the people we serve. Ministry is always a collaborative project that blesses whoever is engaged at whatever point of engagement. Every person we serve is a child of God, made in the image of God, and who has the potential not only to receive but to share God’s blessings.” A keynoter at the Day on Deacons will be Dr. Rebecca Kuhn, PhD, a teacher at Episcopal School of Baton Rouge of a high school class in Service Learning and Community Impact. “Dr. Kuhn has studied the psychological and sociological effects of service—on the person and the community, and is training students to learn the benefits of service first-hand,” deGravelles said.

Day on Deacons Information

Newly Ordained Deacon Administers Oath for LSU Board of Supervisors Member

L-R: Mark Boniol, Rebecca Boniol, Deacon Les

Newly ordained Reverend Deacon Lester Mut was honored to administer the Oath of Office to his sister-in-law, Rebecca Boniol, as a new member of the LSU Board of Supervisors. Boniol was recently appointed to the Board of Supervisor by Governor Jeff Landry. The ceremony took place on June 28, 2024 on the LSU campus.

L-R: Mark Boniol, Rebecca Boniol, Deacon Les

YL-R: Mark Boniol, Rebecca Boniol, Deacon Les, Joe Boniol



“As we wrestle with our own histories, as we examine our own journeys, as we confront racism and bias, and as we seek to find a voice in these difficult days, what I know is that we cannot do this in insolation…

I found myself balancing two desires. The first was for this to be a time for us to be in prayer and reflection together...

The other desire was for you to leave this time with a few more tools to take back to your congregations about how to navigate through and be a prophetic voice in these difficult times.”

–– Bishop Duckworth

Read Bishop Duckworth's full Clergy Day invitation HERE.


HOMES Back to School Freezer Meal Event

at Church of the Annunciation

4505 S. Claiborne Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70125

Get ready for school night dinners with Easy Freezer Meals, a free hands-on program presented by HOMES (Healthy Outcomes for Mothers), a mission of the Church of the Annunciation. All materials and ingredients are supplied and the event is child-friendly! The event begins after church at noon.

For more information, contact Grace Rose at 504-331-2693 or


Discovering Spiritual Gifts Retreat

This is a retreat for everyone from the wide-eyed beginner to the spiritually mature disciple. For a few hours on Saturday morning, we'll gather to take a look at Scripture, listen to heartfelt music, enjoy a beautiful setting, and eat some great food. The retreat is led by Phyllis A. Mayo.

Retreat Info
Retreat Press Release

At The Episcopal Church of the Nativity in Rosedale, LA.

The program is free and open to the public.


A Day on Deacons at Solomon Center

What is a deacon in the Episcopal Church? How does one become a deacon? Learn about deacons at a day-long conference.

Who should come? Those in personal or formal discernment, postulants, anyone just curious to know more about deacons. Bishop Shannon Duckworth be with us and will lead an 11:30 AM Eucharist.


10/05 - 10/06

co-sponsored by The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana

One of Trinity’s beloved visiting teachers, Sandra Smith, MDiv., will be with us for a weekend of deepening spiritual practice and personal growth using the Enneagram and to celebrate the publishing of her first book, The Enneagram Map to your Deeper Self: Living Beyond Your Type!

  • Workshop 1 - Saturday, October 5, 8:45am - 4:00pm
  • Understanding the 27 Enneagram Types through the lens of the Instinctual Subtypes
  • Workshop 2 - Sunday, October 6, 12:30pm - 4:30pm
  • Exploring Our Reactivity—If You Spot It, You’ve Got It
Register Here


Women's Retreat at Solomon Center

Register Here

Donor Opportunity:

We are two small but vibrant churches with very limited financial resources. We want to grow our communities and reach a more diverse community. So, if you have any gently used Lift Every Voice and Sing hymnals or Wonder Love and Praise Hymnals or have benefactors that love music and would be willing to purchase a copy or two please let us know. We are Mount Olivet and St. Mark's on the West Bank of New Orleans. Our goal is 30 books for each church. For more information or to make a donation please contact The Very Rev. Bill Terry, Vicar at or text 504-473-0073. Your help will be a blessing.

We are thrilled to invite you to share your news and inspirations for our EDOLA News monthly newsletter. Your contributions are truly valued and welcomed with open arms.

Our newsletter will typically go out on the 3rd Thursday of the month. We must receive information no later than one week prior (2nd Thursday of the month).

We encourage you to share an event or a story you’re excited about, especially those that involve more than one church, address the pain and poverty of the world, spread the Gospel, and/or educate or empower our churches.

For guidelines and submission links, you can visit our page, Submit News Events

Walking in Love. Making Jesus Known. Transforming Lives.

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