Dear LNC Families,

Happy first day of July! We hope everyone is having a well-deserved, relaxing and safe summer.

For just a few moments, we ask you to please turn your attention to the following important school items.

All LNC K-12 Families:

We must have this form returned from every LNC family before school begins and we thank you in advance for taking care of this before school is in session. Please note, if your child’s parents reside in two separate households, each household will need to complete the form (both parents).

  • IF APPLICABLE - State law requires us to collect information on military-connected students to help provide them with support and consistency when their parents are deployed, during transitions between schools and at other pivotal times during their academic career. If an immediate family member is currently a member of our armed service, please complete this form. There is NO ACTION REQUIRED if no one in your family is currently serving in the armed forces.

  • IF APPLICABLE - Has any of your contact information changed this past year? Is so, please complete this form.

LNC 5th to 12th Grade Families ONLY:

We are proud to begin the 9th year of our 1:World technology program at the high school and middle school and we thank our parents for their support.

  • REQUIRED - Please pay the tech co-pay for each of your LNC high school and middle school students, taking care to select the correct PayPal link below.



Please note, laptop/iPad distribution will occur on different days depending on your student’s grade level – no technology will be distributed until the tech co-pay is satisfied. See the PayPal links below for specific co-pay deadlines.

Thank you for your help and attention to these items. We continue to wish you a safe and enjoyable summer and look forward to kicking off our 25th year of school service next month with your students! 

We Are LNC!

Who to Contact @ LNC

LNC Master Calendar

2022-2023 School Year Calendar

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Lake Norman Charter School - 704-948-8600