Dear Friends,

I have always worked to protect taxpayers in our state. I've supported reforms that have saved more than $13 billion in taxes since 2011. We've dropped nine spots in the overall tax burden since then. Our tax cuts are paying off. Wisconsin continues to see increased revenue. In fact, our tax collections are projected to rise nearly two percent so far this year.

We don't have to look very far to see what would have happened if we had raised taxes as Governor Evers wanted. The state of Illinois is a mess. Our neighbors to the south raised taxes by $665 million in the middle of a pandemic. That's a big reason why people are fleeing Illinois at the fourth-fastest rate in the nation.

Just like Illinois' Governor, Wisconsin's Governor Evers wanted to raise your taxes by $1 billion during a pandemic. Republicans stopped him and delivered the largest tax CUT in state history.

Republicans put working families first. Instead of the governor’s proposed plan with more than $1 billion in tax hikes and massive spending increases during a pandemic, Republicans cut taxes by $3.4 billion – the largest tax cut in state history. Our budget funds our shared priorities like health care, schools, and infrastructure. We restored 2/3rds funding for public education and invested in health care workers, nursing homes, and caregivers. Republicans delivered a budget that is good for taxpayers, workers, and families. 

As always, if you have any concerns or ideas on how to improve our great state, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone at 608-266-5830 or by email at

On, Wisconsin!
Election Protection Update
Senator Duey Stroebel and I introduced ten bills to help restore integrity to our elections. Unfortunately, Governor Evers vetoed six of those common-sense reforms. Four other bills are awaiting action in the State Assembly.

It's important to note that all bills need to have public hearings and to be voted on by both the full State Assembly and the full State Senate before heading to the governor for final approval. However, Governor Evers clearly has no interest in reforming our elections. You can read more about the progress of the bills below.

SB 210 (Darling/Stroebel) Increases protections for election observers and specifically makes it easier for them to participate in the recount process. Vetoed by Governor.

SB 212 (Darling/Stroebel) Clarifies that election officials and clerks may not cure ballots or absentee ballot certificates. Provides a process that allows voters to track their ballot and correct any errors. Requires election officials to report any election fraud that they observe or have knowledge of occurring. Vetoed by Governor.

SB 209 (Darling/Stroebel) Legalizes absentee ballot drop boxes and limits absentee ballot drop boxes to one per municipality or a maximum of four per city of 70,000 or more. Drop boxes must be located on city property, be ADA compliant, be emptied once per day by 2 election officials, must be weather-proof, and must be under 24/7 video surveillance if they are not the only box in the municipality. Passed Senate.

SB 207/AB 173 (Stroebel/Roth/Darling) – Bans out-of-state billionaires from buying access election administration in Wisconsin. Partisan political operatives should not influence how municipal clerks facilitate absentee voting, register voters, and count ballots. Vetoed by Governor.

SB 203 (Stroebel/Darling) Protects the integrity of absentee voting by banning ballot harvesting and requiring in-person absentee ballot collection events to comply with existing early in-person voting provisions. A family member may return a family member’s absentee ballot, or a person may designate in-writing another Wisconsin voter to return their ballot. A person may only return the absentee ballots of two non-family members. Vetoed by Governor.

SB 208 (Stroebel/Darling) Creates more transparency at the Wisconsin Elections Commission by requiring WEC to post copies of their meeting minutes and motions online within 48 hours of a commission meeting. Signed into law.

SB 213 (Stroebel/Darling) Increases election law enforcement by authorizing district attorneys in neighboring counties to investigate election fraud. Additionally authorizes citizens to seek a judicial remedy in court for election law violations by election officials instead of waiting for WEC to slowly conduct an administrative investigation. Passed Senate.

SB 204 (Stroebel/Darling) Requires all absentee voters to show a voter ID when they apply for an absentee ballot, prohibits the automatic mailing of absentee ballot applications by clerks, will include SB 206, which requires indefinitely confined voters to get a witness of their confinement before claiming the status, requires indefinitely confined voters to comply with voter ID. Vetoed by Governor.

SB 205 (Stroebel/Darling) Require long-term care facilities to notify family members of residents of when absentee voting is conducted at the facility and authorizes clerks to train a minimum of 2 long-term care facility workers as election officials. The bill also makes it a Class I felony for a facility employee to coerce a resident into voting or not voting, and establishes an audit of ballots cast from long-term care facilities. Vetoed by Governor.

SB 214 (Stafsholt/Stroebel/Darling) Authorizes municipalities to start counting absentee ballots the Monday before the election. This would prevent late-night ballot dumps and ensure that absentee vote totals, as much as possible, do not come in late on election night. Passed Senate Elections Committee.
Road Construction Update
Help a Student in Need
One in three students in Milwaukee is living in poverty. You can help them have a successful school year. The Milwaukee Rescue Mission is raising funds to get kids the supplies they need. Click on the picture for more information.
The Afghanistan Crisis - How to Help
I am saddened by the disastrous events in Afghanistan. As you may know, many refugees were airlifted to Fort McCoy in Wisconsin. Here are a few ways you can help.

The American Red Cross has more than 50 personnel on the ground at Fort McCoy to provide critical care and help to Afghan refugees. Your financial gifts will help the American Red Cross continue to fund efforts to help the people affected by this crisis.

Team Rubicon partnered with the American Red Cross to coordinate local volunteers and donors throughout the Wisconsin community. More information about Team Rubicon and how to volunteer is available here.

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin, launched a campaign to provide assistance. They are accepting donations at 3710 East Avenue South in La Crosse, and they have a gift registry set up through Amazon Smile. Amazon Smile allows donors to purchase needed items and have them shipped directly.
Please Donate Blood, Plasma
One way you can help is by donating blood. If you have recovered from COVID-19, please especially consider donating your plasma.

You can find out where to donate here and here.
COVID-19 Vaccine, Testing Information
Around the 8th...
Congratulations to the Schlitz Audobon Nature Center on their 50th-anniversary celebration. I was honored to sign a citation with Representative Deb Andraca to honor the event.

I also want to congratulate Helen Boomsma (pictured), the Executive Director of the Schlitz Audubon Nature Center, on her leadership. The Nature Center is committed to environmental education and provides a unique nature-related experience close to home.
The Taste of Mequon is set for Saturday, September 11, 2021, from noon to 9 pm. Click on the picture above for more information.