grace episcopal church
galena, illinois

Fourteenth Sunday of Pentecost

August 29, 2021
Holy Eucharist, 10:30 am

August 29, 2021

The State of Illinois has officially issued a directive for masking at indoor gatherings for all who are two years old or older regardless of inoculation status. Out of concern
for those who cannot yet be vaccinated or whose
immune systems are compromised,
we respectfully request that you comply and wear a mask indoors that covers your nose and mouth.

Our diocese has requested that each church regularly review the CDC map that has four stages of COVID risk and make decisions accordingly about safety precautions. Jo Daviess County's risk factor (and that of the entire state of Illinois) is now in the highest category. The only other precaution reinstated at this time is to suspend contact during the Peace. Please be cautious and also be prepared for changes at any time.

Social hour is suspended.
Ministers of the Service
Members & Guests, Celebrants
Rev. Dr. Gloria Hopewell, Presider
Rev. Diane Luther, Deacon
Lynn Giles, Lector
Elizabeth Ludescher, Intercessor
Robin French, Music Director
Nancy Cook, Erben Organist
Phil Jackman,Vestry Coord.
Debbie Kallback/Maren Coates,
Altar Guild
Maren Coates, Greeter

On Thursday, September 2nd, at 3:00pm a memorial service will be held outdoors (under a tent) at the Beegle farm, 5490 West Beegle lane in Hanover.
The Rev. Linda Packard will officiate. Please RSVP by August 20 to
Ruth's daughter, Lucretia, at or 512-423-4381.

Dear Gloria and Members of Grace Church,
Thank you for the lovely flowers for my father's Memorial Service and for your generous love and support during this time. My family and I appreciate your condolences.
Nancy Kenney

The Rector is forming a group that will meet weekly in September and October to explore and share insights and experiences that have emerged from our individual reflection on these chapters. In his book, Bp. Charleston reflects on meditations he has included in his blog. It is a journey of hope, courage, and transformation enriched by the wisdom of his experience as a priest and bishop, professor and dean, and elder of the Choctaw nation.

Since the mini survey in last week's e-Blast was very limited, a more complete one is attached here. If you are interested, please complete this 3 question survey that should take less than a minute. Please complete it even if you responded last week.


The 184th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago will be held on Saturday, November 20, 2021 as a virtual gathering on Zoom between 9 am and 3 pm.  Convention is the annual business meeting of the diocese, during which we elect leaders, consider resolutions and hear reports from across the diocese and the wider church.

Grace needs to appoint three delegates and one alternate delegate to represent Grace at the Convention. If you have an interest in serving in this way, please contact Wardens Lynn Giles or Richard Luther. Though it may not be as fun as attending in person, we will likely offer the possibility of gathering at the church together and have some treats.

Convention updates, including registration information and a preliminary schedule, will be posted begf

Episcopal Relief and Development
On Saturday, August 14, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck the southwest portion of Haiti. This devastating earthquake was followed by Tropical Storm Grace on Monday night and much of Tuesday. More than 1 million people, including more than half a million children, have been impacted by the back-to-back disasters, and the death toll is close to 2000. Episcopal Relief & Development and its partners are responding immediately with direct assistance to vulnerable households in the region, as partners plan long-term recovery. Your generous gift can provide assistance to help people in the wake of these disasters. To assist in these efforts, visit

COVID-19 vaccine mandates spread across The Episcopal Church

[Episcopal News Service] COVID-19 vaccination mandates are gaining steam across The Episcopal Church, with two dioceses now requiring vaccination for all clergy and staff, and others issuing similar requirements as the delta variant spreads rapidly among the unvaccinated population. For the full article, see this link:
Thank you for your support of the ARC!

The ARC received many great school supplies and a donation of $721 from Grace Church. Outreach gave $500 and you contributed $221.
Give yourselves a gold star for your help in educating the children of this community.
Thank you for all you do so generously.

Donna Davis
Coffee and conversation has been suspended due to COVID.


The next year of EfM at Grace Church will begin the week of October 17, 2021. There is room for a few more students.
Registration will begin soon. Please let Lynn Giles know if you plan to join the group so she can send you a registration link.
Her email is lynngiles@lynngilesphotography, phone/text is
815-757-2011 or simply talk with her at church.
Compline on Zoom
On Tuesday evenings, at 8:30 pm, Lynn Giles will lead a service of Compline. She has been participating in the service that has previously been offered to the Diocese of Chicago by St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Glen Ellyn. This service of the Daily Office in our Book of Common Prayer is a brief, contemplative service that is ideal for prayerful letting go of the cares of the day and preparing for a restful night. Find the link button above.
An Adult Inquirers Class will be offered sometime this summer (dates will be determined by the
schedules of those interested in attending). We will be talking about our identity as Episcopalians, the Book of Common Prayer, a brief history of the Anglican/Episcopal church, our creeds, prayer, Baptism,
Eucharist, the Trinity (don’t come looking for an explanation!), and the Jesus Movement as described by
Presiding Bishop Curry. Attending qualifies you to being received or confirmed in the Episcopal Church, if you choose.
This is open to anyone in the church or community. Those considering reception will be given priority
(this is an in-person class). The time commitment is about eight hours. If you are interested in this or
would like more information, please contact Rev. Diane Luther at, or
call (815) 281-2301.
MEDITATIVE PRAYER 9:00am on Fridays
Looking for a way to improve your prayer life, to open your heart, mind and soul to the Holy Spirit? Consider joining the Centering Prayer Group Friday mornings for about forty minutes of meditative prayer: twenty minutes of Centering Prayer followed by Lectio Divina.
Contact Greg Serwich ( for a Zoom invitation which includes a description of these types of prayer.
The Study Group is taking a break for the summer and will reconvene in September.

Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9: Moses exhorts the people of Israel to listen to the laws of God, and to follow them, not adding anything to them or subtracting anything from them. These laws give them wisdom and insight, and show Israel to be God’s special people, so the people should make sure they don’t forget them and that they teach them to their children.Psalm Psalm 15: The ones who are able to dwell in God’s presence are those who live blameless lives, speaking truth, refusing to harm or insult others, keeping promises, lending without interest and refusing bribes. Such people do not stumble.
James 1:17-27: God has given us every good and perfect gift. Therefore, we need to live God’s law, remembering it and putting it into practice. We are called to be good listeners who are slow to anger, who have a humble attitude and who care for the marginalised and vulnerable in our world.
Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23: Jesus is questioned by the religious leaders because his disciples don’t wash their hands before they eat. In response Jesus warns against worship that is only lip service, and explains that it is not what comes from outside that defiles us, but what comes from the heart.

It’s all about passion this week! The Lectionary explores what it means to obey God’s law and to live a righteous life, and concludes that, if our faith is simply legalistic, outward observance, it is not authentic. Rather, it is about ensuring that our hearts are devoted to God, that we remain passionate in our commitment to Christ and to God’s Reign.

We’re back in Mark’s Gospel and the Gospel-centred readings for this week all challenge us to live righteously and justly by following God’s law, living with humility and integrity and ensuring that we don’t focus on outward observance, but allow our hearts to be changed so that our service of God and others is a true, heartfelt response. In Deuteronomy, the people are called to value and listen to God’s laws, treasuring them as the source of wisdom. In Psalm 15 those who live blameless lives are able to enter God’s house and are assured that they shall not stumble. In James, those who hear the law but fail to live it out are compared to people who look at themselves in a mirror and then forget what they look like, but followers of Christ are called to put God’s law into practice. Finally, Jesus demonstrates that following the law is not about legalistic, outward observance, but is about being changed by the values and practices of God’s Reign so that our hearts are pure and connected with God.

thumbnails and commentary from
An apprentice to work with Zoom at Grace Church.

This is an important part of our Worship Ministry, and more people are needed to keep our live online services coming! It may seem very complicated, but those of us who have been handling it for nearly a year now all had to start from very basic computer skills and learn "on the job." If we have a small team, the responsibilities can be rotated, making it easier for all of us--and making it possible to explore better ways to assure the best audio and visual experience for those worshiping in person and those online.

Please contact Lynn Giles if interested and for more information.
ZOOM POETRY GROUP 2:00pm on Mondays
A Zoom Poetry meeting from Grace Church has been organized and meets Mondays at 2:00pm. This is not specifically a Grace ministry, but a number of Grace members and friends are part of it If you are interested, write Carol Poston at or call her at 815-777-0220.

A Wednesday Episcopal service of Morning Prayer 8/25/21: The Rev. Deacon Diane Luther, Officiant; Joe Maffit, Lector; Richard Luther, Homilist; Lynn Giles, Zoom Host.
An Episcopal service of Holy Eucharist 8/15/21: The Rev. Dr. Gloria Hopewell, Presider; The Rev. Diane Luther, Deacon; Elizabeth Ludescher, Intercessor; Greg Serwich, Lector; Nancy Cook, Musician; Lynn Giles, Zoom Host.
An Episcopal Service of Holy Eucharist 8/22/21, The Rev. Dr. Gloria Hopewell, Presider; The Rev. Diane Luther, Deacon; Debbie Kallback, Intercessor; Richard Luther, Lector; Robin French, Music Director; Nancy Cook, Erben Organist; Lynn Giles, Zoom Host.
Hybrid worship has resumed for both in-person and Zoom congregations in line with Diocesan guidelines and Phase 5 of the State of Illinois COVID recovery.
For those present in the Church:
Please put your smartphone or other device in airplane mode so that our
internet capacity is reserved for our online streaming. 
Don't forget to wear your mask if you intend to sing!
For those on Zoom:
Please mute yourselves before the Prelude begins and immediately after the Peace. This prevents other participants on Zoom from being distracted by conversation
and background noise.
Those who will join us on Zoom will receive the usual e-mail invitation with a link to the day's bulletin.
Lynn Giles, Senior Warden
Richard Luther, Jr. Warden
Jim Berry, Treasurer
Crystal Mason, Clerk
The Rev. Dr. Gloria Hopewell, Rector
The Rev. Dr. Gloria Hopewell, Rector
The Rev. Linda Packard, Priest Associate
The Rev. Diane Luther, Deacon
Nancy Kenney, Parish Administrator
Robin French, Music Director
Nancy Cook, Erben Organist
Charlotte Stryker: Worship
Elizabeth Ludescher: Communications
Nancy Cook: Outreach
Eric Kallback: Building & Grounds
Crystal Mason: Pastoral Care
Phil Jackman: Fellowship/Parish Life
The Rev Dr. Gloria Hopewell, Rector
Cell Phone: 773-988-3497

Grace Episcopal Church Office:
107 S. Prospect Street
Galena, IL 61036